Indians who are catching at the straw by bringing up casualities of war on terror....are you kidding me?!
Which great nation did not suffer internal conflicts and wars in human history? The United States lost
hundreds of thousands people (which is equal to today's millions, considering the small populations in 1700's, 1800's) in their civil war--while Chinese
lost tens of millions due to their internal struggles and wars.
Yes, Pakistan was pushed into a bloody internal conflict due to Soviet Union/American invasions of Afghanistan--but that's a small price compared to what we achieved for our vision. Just like I
broke it down for my poor Indian members in my
previous post, let me break it down for you guys again..
The roots of our current internal struggles go back to 1979 when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Now, Pakistan was created as an Islamic state---and post 1960's identified itself as part of the global Islamic Civilization rather than being "indian by culture"...So did we live up to our own vision? Here's the quick recap of history..
Any other nation would have 'surrendered' to the mighty Soviet Union at the time, entered the 'Soviet bloc', and would have enjoyed the benefits in terms of economic development. Afghanistan got run over by soviets? who cares? Each nation protect its own interests, isn't it?
Pakistan's involvement in Afghan war brought millions of refugees, Islamic extremism, and drug wars to Pakistani cities and we haven't recovered since. Consequentially, we lost thousands of our citizens in last three decades (a fact indians love to bring up).
But here's another way of looking at it.
Pakistan, being an Islamic State, took the initiative and confronted the Soviet might in the mountainous rigid lands of Afghanistan (later U.S and Arabs joined in with their help, funding, weapons etc). The war proved a critical nail in Soviet's coffin, especially its rule across Central Asia---and eventually communism fell...Guess what happen as a result?
After fall of Soviet...Islam further gain
4,000,000 sq km territory and
whole Central Asia also became decisively "Muslim-Majority" (Mashallah to that!).
Tens of millions of Muslims were free from communist persecution. Thousands of mosques were opened inside Russian mainland, let alone in wider Central Asia. Global Islamic Civilisation extended even further globally and established itself in all corners of planet Earth. So much so that today, Islamic Civilisation has established itself in the heartlands of West..with tens of millions Islamic people establishing thousands of thriving communities all across West with their own unique culture, religion, and identity.
In this regard, Pakistan played its role of being an "Islamic state" under which vision it was created. It overlooked it's short-term gains for the more permanent interest of the wider, global Islamic World and Islamic peoples. Pakistan took punches for sure...we brought devastation in some parts of our own land (FATA region)
but the "gain" was way larger, way more global and permanent in nature. What we did and what followed was of
historical value. Yeah, the 'benefits' weren't for Pakistanis specifically..but then again, Pakistan sees itself not as a secular, tribal state but a part of the wider, global civilization linked-together by Islam's civilizational principles and cultural aspects common to Islamic peoples worldwide.
So Pakistan, being an ideological state as our founding documents stated, played completely rational role which served our interests geopolitically as well as ideologically. Pakistan played an important role for something far bigger than itself. It's funny, Pakistan has already played a greater role in the construction of history than India ever has in its entire existence going back thousands of years

Hindus have been dominated, butchered, humiliated, conquered, and ruled over by Islamic powers for centuries and centuries--and then, Muslims divided India into three parts and are ruling two out of those three parts. Even in remaining part, Muslims are growing faster than Hindus and will constitute about 20% of entire country in coming decades. Hindus, even if wanted to, can not "cleanse" Muslims from amongst themselves because if they tried something like that, Pakistan, it's military, and its intelligence agencies will make sure the internal strife consume entire India in its totality and India is burnt to ground.
But hey, Muslims in India are better off because our hindu brothers tell us so?

As I have
laid it out---the comparison is absolutely ridiculous. Muslims in Pakistan are in much, much better condition. And losing couple of thousand of our citizens is a price worth paying for the survival of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, what it stands for, and what it has
already achieved!
Can't wait to visit my homeland and celebrate Eid ul Bakr without any fear of repercussions for slaughtering cows