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Do Afghans truly hate Pakistanis?

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There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

It's the 21'st century dude. No Brahmin gives a rat's *** about descent, be it from Aryans or Aliens. But I see plenty of your people desperate to prove/claim descent from Arabs/Persians/Turks etc etc when genetic studies say otherwise ;)
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There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

Aeronaut the resident expert on Hindus. Remember the incredible knowledge that you imparted on us? Hindus don't drink milk :rofl:, drink cow urine blah blah....

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yes the northern alliance uzbeks and tajiks do....not the pashtuns.....
There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

I really dont know where you get your information about Hindus and the social fabric of India.

India is FAR less obsessed with Aryan and tribe system than Pakistan and even the caste system is recieving death blows in the cities(not villages - though its weakening there as well). No one knows or more importantly cares whether Brahmins are Aryans or who is Aryan and who is not!
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A dog aways secretly hates its master... :chilli: :omghaha:

Problem is if the dog has enugh guts to attack the master without being wiped out with the back of a hand :lol:
Some of them do. Having met a lot of them in London, some of them despise Pakistan and condone killing of Pakistanis, and I kid you not, most of those haters held Pakistani passports or had lounged in Pakistan before.

Some of the Pashtun don't hate us, but even so, I've seen enough to form an opinion on what some Afghans think.
This is a no brainer.

Just ask yourself several questions?

1) why does Pakistani establishment still wants to see Taliban in power in post-2014 Afghania?

2) who do Afghans think are responsible for the mess that Afghanistan is in today?

3) where do Afghan Talibans find safe havens? Hint: (Good taliban)

4) why doesn't Afghanistan accept the existence of Pakistan and its' borders?
This is a no brainer.

Just ask yourself several questions?

1) why does Pakistani establishment still wants to see Taliban in power in post-2014 Afghania?

2) who do Afghans think are responsible for the mess that Afghanistan is in today?

3) where do Afghan Talibans find safe havens? Hint: (Good taliban)

4) why doesn't Afghanistan accept the existence of Pakistan and its' borders?

1) Pakistan has its own national agenda... Not that im supporting it

2) Afghans are confused people.
North side (Tajik, Uzbek) says Pashtun Taliban and Pakistan...
South side (Pashtun) says Tajik ANA & Taliban and Pakistan.

3) Lol are you kidding me. The whole of Afghanistan is literally a **** breeding hole for Talibans... no need to come to pakistan... fail

4)Afghanistan as I said is a confused nation. They still dont know their identity thats why their country is in a literal (coming) civil war....
If they dont recognize international border thats fine... Just allow them to cross border to invade and Pakistan Army will make mincemeat out of the hipfiring, opium junkies army...
1) Pakistan has its own national agenda... Not that im supporting it

2) Afghans are confused people.
North side (Tajik, Uzbek) says Pashtun Taliban and Pakistan...
South side (Pashtun) says Tajik ANA & Taliban and Pakistan.

3) Lol are you kidding me. The whole of Afghanistan is literally a **** breeding hole for Talibans... no need to come to pakistan... fail

4)Afghanistan as I said is a confused nation. They still dont know their identity thats why their country is in a literal (coming) civil war....
If they dont recognize international border thats fine... Just allow them to cross border to invade and Pakistan Army will make mincemeat out of the hipfiring, opium junkies army...

1) Exactly! Pakistani national agenda = destabilising Afghanistan = strategic depth

2) So basically all the Afghans have mutual hatred for Pakistan and Taliban?

3) Are you telling me Pakistan is not providing safe havens to Afghan Talibans?

4) Afghanistan may be down right now, so you can kick him as much as you want. But, is Afghanistan the one facing identity crisis? loool Okay then Kachchi/Gujarati. :D
1) Exactly! Pakistani national agenda = destabilising Afghanistan = strategic depth

2) So basically all the Afghans have mutual hatred for Pakistan and Taliban?

3) Are you telling me Pakistan is not providing safe havens to Afghan Talibans?

4) Afghanistan may be down right now, so you can kick him as much as you want. But, is Afghanistan the one facing identity crisis? loool Okay then Kachchi/Gujarati. :D

Fine fine, evil us blah blah, bharati understanding of this topic is size of a pea, why would they immigrate to a country that they happen to hate so much?
As an Indian my perception of afghan grievances towards pakistan would be:

Assistance provided towards TALIBAN cadre of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (not the mujhideen),

facilitating Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin and Haqqani coalition with mullah omar and aiding thier assault on najibullah govt when they were moving away from soviet backing,

actively supporting mullah omar taliban even after knowing thier designs against minorities like tajiks, uzbeks and hazaras.

Active military reinforcement and logistic support to taliban even after thier heinous human and civil rights violation in afghanistan.

Active political and diplomatic backing to worst human right offenders in modern history.

plotting to assassinate Ahmed shah massoud, because of his visionary progressive thinking and non-acceptance of pakistani hegemony over afghan sovereignty.

Pakistan's reiterating stance to treat Afghanistan as it's geo-political and military backyard, and explicitly ignoring the sovereignty of Afghanistan.

Air lift of top AT/Taliban leadership and ISI operatives from Konduz.

Actively aiding top AQ taliban, hekmatyaar, and haqqani leadership in pakistan after US invasion.

Driving divides into afghan conflict sphere by engaging pashtun groups to deliberately alienate the the afghan government.
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