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Do Afghans truly hate Pakistanis?

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I think Afghans and Pakistanis are brother in generals, but there are some misunderstandings. I think Afghans are victim of terrorism and US, so it has more complaints.
Afghan opnion differs depending on where they hail from but 80% of them hate Pakistan. Over here in KSA, Afghan labor will not live in the same camp as Pakistani labour and will not eat in the same mess. Fights between Afghani and Pakistani labors are very common and the hatred is usually extreme on the Afghan side.

You have always defended Afghanistan because you were delusional under the ummah syndrome due to the indoctrination done by your parents. However, now you are waking up to reality. Afghanistan is a country which should be invaded and parts of it annexed by Pakistan to ensure our stable survival. Pakistan should strike a treaty with Russia and both should divide Afghanistan among themselves.
MOst Afghans I know (in India) blame Pakistan for Talibanization of Afghanistan and the resulting rot in the Afghan society. If i remember the last PEW survey done in Afghanistan, Pakistan came out to be the most hated country

Well and most Pakistani's blame Afghanistan for trying to play big brother and bringing enemy to its gates. Afghans started it, Pakistani paid back in kind.
@Fatima_ welcome to forum.
Yes, most afgans on pdf hate pakistan, nobody knows about those in afganistan but recently there was a big protest against PA.
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However, now you are waking up to reality. Afghanistan is a country which should be invaded and parts of it annexed by Pakistan to ensure our stable survival. Pakistan should strike a treaty with Russia and both should divide Afghanistan among themselves.

What will Afghan do to Pakistan if Pakistan ever tries that? :cheesy:
Afghan opnion differs depending on where they hail from but 80% of them hate Pakistan. Over here in KSA, Afghan labor will not live in the same camp as Pakistani labour and will not eat in the same mess. Fights between Afghani and Pakistani labors are very common and the hatred is usually extreme on the Afghan side.

You have always defended Afghanistan because you were delusional under the ummah syndrome due to the indoctrination done by your parents. However, now you are waking up to reality. Afghanistan is a country which should be invaded and parts of it annexed by Pakistan to ensure our stable survival. Pakistan should strike a treaty with Russia and both should divide Afghanistan among themselves.

well bro are u realli a Muhib Ul Watan Pakistani ....never mind

to me the biggest blunder pakistan did in its history was over looking the ground realities ...UK , USA and west were thousnads of miles far but USSR was next door had pakistani leadership had some vision they should have befriended the USSR much before they went to USA as USSR alawys helped its allies with industrial , infra development and educational help (like setting up colleges) but USA always gave help in dollars and wepons thus making the ally dependent on it

had pakistan worked for a peace full and stable afghanistan and used USSR leavrage to build infrastrure and doing trade with central asia with afghan help this area would have been the richest regeon in asia as afgahnistan had easy acsess to central asia and pakistan to warm waters instead of denieng USSR with warm waters had pakistan did the opposite things would have been much much different and afghans would have been the biggest asset of pakistan

but pakistan chose the easy path and played into the games of UK & USA & saudia whose oil interests and economy was dependent on the gulf oil & suez canall and an alternate oil source would have had killed the midlle eastern oils domination well before it even started ....look even today iraq , iran are paying the price for the same USA Saudi game but pakistanies are still to reluctant to look at the real picture

SO many Hindus that are regular false flag Afghans came to show their grievances towards me when I exposed them.

Afghans don't hate Pakistan. Hindus do.

Well they're not the only ones, you know.

If you make problem for anyone, that person or group will hate you.

Be good and anybody will respect you.
Afghan opnion differs depending on where they hail from but 80% of them hate Pakistan. Over here in KSA, Afghan labor will not live in the same camp as Pakistani labour and will not eat in the same mess. Fights between Afghani and Pakistani labors are very common and the hatred is usually extreme on the Afghan side.

Come on man. It can't be that one sided. Now naturally Afghans will resent Pakistanis because of their involvement in the 80s against them with Taliban. They were a developing emerging, liberal and modern state with balanced understanding of culture, religion and modernness before your Taliban destroyed them and took them back to the deserts of Arabia.

You have always defended Afghanistan because you were delusional under the ummah syndrome due to the indoctrination done by your parents. However, now you are waking up to reality. Afghanistan is a country which should be invaded and parts of it annexed by Pakistan to ensure our stable survival.

That's interesting. One costly involvement with them still seems to have not taught you anything. They did not want you in any way in their country from day one. You were fooled by NATO once into doing their bid by attacking a Soviet supporter despite having no enmity with them. And today you still want to invade and annex their territory. Why? What edge or strategic depth will it give you?

Do you really think that Afghans will let you take over easily after the estimates of Afghan mineral wealth that they have (copper, iron, zinc in almost amounting to $1.5 trillion worth)? Plus it will make your domestic issues even worse than ever.

Buddy stop thinking of them as a threat and help them develop and ally with them commercially rather than militarily. They don't want to be pulled into another combat.

Pakistan should strike a treaty with Russia and both should divide Afghanistan among themselves.

How? Russia doesn't share border with Afghanistan today and it does so only through client states.

Secondly, Russians are interested in stability of Afghanistan, and don't want Taliban while you only want Taliban to stay in power.

Thirdly, what can you offer the Russians who will jump into Afghanistan with you lot even if you can offer htem something? The last time you created so much problem for them.

Fourth, getting your hands in hot water will again take you back to the 90s. At least then you had a stronger economy with smaller population. Today it is not the case.
Hi Everyone,
I'm Fatima and I'm new on this forum :)

I am an Australian Pakistani and for as long I could remember, I've always considered Afghanistan as a country I always defended. My family have always been concerned for Afghanistan as much as we have for Pakistan. I am definitely not of Afghani heritage but when I hear what is hapenning there, it kills me inside.

And then it was only recently when I read on this forum that in fact, Afghanis hate us. I know I'm being a bit overdramatic but I was so hurt by it.
All I truly want is some clarification, is this truly how the country of Afghanistan perceives us, or is it just a few people on here?
And if this is actually true, then why? I thought Afghans and Pakistanis were brothers! Or am I living in a perfect world inside my head?

Thankyou for your time! :)

As far as I am concerned it is all in your head. Your question is difficult to answer without making a speech. So best is; you ask members like @Zarvan why he thinks the Taliban is good for Afghanistan. If he manages to convince you that the taliban is good for Afghanistan then it is best you stay in the dream world in your head and enjoy your desi life in Aus.

If it appals you that any sane human can even wish(let alone support) the Taliban (or any such bunch of crazies) upon their enemies, let alone their neighbours then you will have your answer.

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Well and most Pakistani's blame Afghanistan for trying to play big brother and bringing enemy to its gates. Afghans started it, Pakistani paid back in kind.

Not saying who is right or wrong.. Just sharing the perception of Afghans as asked by the OP

Aww c'mon Webbie. Whilst you are in confession mode, why don't you also confess about the vast number of Pakistanis posting on Chinese flags in your forum :D

Chinese and Bangladeshi too ;)
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