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Do Afghans truly hate Pakistanis?

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I've to be honest here, and most Afghans I spoke with hate Pakistan and Pakistani people. I don't know really why, but the only thing a Afghan unites is the hatred for Pakistan.

You should visit tajik and pashtun forums and see how much they love eachother...:lol:
loving or hating any nation doesnt mean anything it just shows the narrow mindedness of afghans themselves, we pakistanis dont hate any nation and we have big hearts now thats one thing which only counts

When did you stop hating America, India, Israel? :omghaha::omghaha:
Wrong..many Pakistani's fondly hate Joos and Israel for nothing.
And India as well.

we pakistanis dont specifically hate jews, infact i admire jews for being the most professional nation and they have produced many nobel leauretes, if you actually read their history they were the only ones besides the muslims in muslim spain who were professionals inspite of the fact that jews were a very minority and christians were the majority

what i dont like about israel is that they terrorism and extremism, i think what they did/do with palestinians is unjustified and they should together live peacefully

about india i also admire indians for being professionals, educated people but what i dont like about india is their treatment in kashmir and their own hate towards pakistanis is more than pakistani hate towards indians

pakistan always try to be forgiving but indian doesnt

When did you stop hating America, India, Israel? :omghaha::omghaha:

the hate which afghanis have is more racial then say nationalistic, i dont look down upon americans or indians and i admire every each one of them for specific reasons


you can see here we are the most open minded people in the region easily
But when did you stop hating America, India and Israel. :lol:

take the IQ test and please tell me your IQ, im very much intereted to know it

I heard even @Hyperion was called a Daal Khor Pathan when he visited Kabul the other day but to be fair to the Afghans you don't sit in PC Kabul & order Daaal Chawal & Raita for breakfast, lunch & dinner ! :unsure:
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There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

That means indigenous Indians are the real Aryans and not Caucasians. Either you believe the Nazi version or the real version, don't use the force of one to further your argument.
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