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Do Afghans truly hate Pakistanis?

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What about them? The Pakistani ones are peaceful, the Indian ones are violent

You mean the Pakistani Hindus are violently suppressed by Pakistani Muslims into being peaceful :D ?

Hi Everyone,
I'm Fatima and I'm new on this forum :)

I am an Australian Pakistani and for as long I could remember, I've always considered Afghanistan as a country I always defended. My family have always been concerned for Afghanistan as much as we have for Pakistan. I am definitely not of Afghani heritage but when I hear what is hapenning there, it kills me inside.

And then it was only recently when I read on this forum that in fact, Afghanis hate us. I know I'm being a bit overdramatic but I was so hurt by it.
All I truly want is some clarification, is this truly how the country of Afghanistan perceives us, or is it just a few people on here?
And if this is actually true, then why? I thought Afghans and Pakistanis were brothers! Or am I living in a perfect world inside my head?

Thankyou for your time! :)

u may want to go thru this

Problem from Afghanistan:

1. Voted against Pakistan's inclusion in UNO.
2. Never accepted border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
3. Tried its best to support secessionists in the name of Pashtoonistan.
4. Had an understanding with India to divide Pakistan in two, ie. East and West of Indus. But this died with Soviet invasion and defeat.

Problems with Pakistan:

1. Tit for tat answer to Afghanistan, when a more nuanced approach would have been better. We were senior partners in the equation and should have been more accomodating.

2. Viewing Afghanistan from a security perspective instead of cultural and religious angle.

3. Helping Mujahideen. But that was our compulsion, we could not have done anything else any other way.

4. Supporting Taliban. That was a mistake, but everyone was taking sides; Iran, Russia, even India.


1. Waste of 66 years, that could have been spent in mutual benefit and improvement of our respective countries. Despite both being 3rd world countries, Pakistan was in a position to help Afghanistan with transfer of technology and faster industrialization.

2. Destabilization of both countries.

3. Terrorism flourished over the decades. I blame Afghanistan more in this regard.

4. Headache for the whole world.

Good leaders improve, build, and bring stability. Bad leaders talk, disrupt, perpetuate enmity, and bring destruction. Both these countries show the type of leaders we have had. I hope Afghans realize what stubborn and inflexible attitude has cost them over the decades. Pakistan was not the enemy that they eventually made. Quest for Western bank of Indus cost them dearly.
So what i understand from this thread and my friends here is that the perception of Afghanistan population anger towards pakistan is false.... all created by some indians (read evil Yindoos)..... Ok good... Now lets move on friends.....
Another Conspiracy Theory from :pdf: :omghaha: :smart: :ashamed:

SO many Hindus that are regular false flag Afghans came to show their grievances towards me when I exposed them.

Afghans don't hate Pakistan. Hindus do.

Typical RazPak.. :P

SO many Hindus that are regular false flag Afghans came to show their grievances towards me when I exposed them.

Afghans don't hate Pakistan. Hindus do.

I have even seen Pakistanis cursing Afghans that how their Afghan ancestors invaded and destroyed their beautiful Punjab. :cheesy::rofl:
There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

Brahmins never claim to be Aryans.. Indian culture (Hinduism) don't talk about purity of blood. Thats why we don't do "inbreeding" . Indians have married Yunani, persian, Jews, Sythinn, Hun etc... We are mixed race, hybrid culture..
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@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

Pakistani version too consider modern Pakistanis as a decendents of the people of Indus valley. I once read on a Pakistani government website that the ancestors of modern Pakistan were building the great cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro while the Indians were living in the jungle. :D
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Pakistani version too consider modern Pakistanis as a decendents of the people of Indus valley. I once read on a Pakistani government website that the ancestors of modern Pakistan were building the great cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro while the Indians were living in the jungle. :D

Seriously ROFL:omghaha:
Brahmins never claim to be Aryans.. Indian culture (Hinduism) don't talk about purity of blood. Thats why we don't do "inbreeding" . Indians have married Yunani, persian, Jews, Sythinn, Hun etc... We are mixed race, hybrid culture..

:omghaha: :omghaha:
Seriously ROFL:omghaha:

It was written by some lady. Whole motive of the article was to show India and Pakistan as separate civilizations since the time of Indus valley civilization. It was full of badmouthing every Hindu empire while claiming all ancient Pakistanis were purely Buddhists. The Gupta Empire was also badmouthed as an oppressive Hindu empire.

The article claimed how can Indians claim Indus valley civilization and Buddhist heritage of Pakistani ancestors like Taxila, it argued can Indians claim Buddhist heritage of China. But at the very next paragraph the article starting claiming the language, culture and cuisine developed in Indian cities(like Delhi, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Agra or Lucknow) during Delhi Sultanate or Mughal Empire as purely Pakistani.

It was written by some lady. Whole motive of the article was to show India and Pakistan as separate civilizations since the time of Indus valley civilization. It was full of badmouthing every Hindu empire while claiming all ancient Pakistanis were purely Buddhists. The Gupta Empire was also badmouthed as an oppressive Hindu empire.

The article claimed how can Indians claim Indus valley civilization and Buddhist heritage of Pakistani ancestors like Taxila, it argued can Indians claim Buddhist heritage of China. But at the very next paragraph the article starting claiming the language, culture and cuisine developed in Indian cities(like Delhi, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Agra or Lucknow) during Delhi Sultanate or Mughal Empire as purely Pakistani.


I have listened some where in there history book it was written that Pakistan was created 2000 years ago. :omghaha:
@nair - for some reason I can't reply to posts on this threat so I will try it this way.

You may be right.... But does that mean they are not from afghanistan????

As per the International Telecommunication Union as of 2011 about 10% of the Indian population had access to the internet with only 3% of the total population having home internet access

According to the UNHCR there are about 8,500 Afghan refugees in India (i.e. they represent .0009% of the total population)

Your own census bureau has the number of Afghans listed at around 11,000

If .00009% or less of users with Indian IP's on this site are claiming themselves to be "Afghans" then statistically it makes sense but if the average is a lot higher (I suspect you'll probably have it at something ridiculous like a 1000% increase) then it's obvious there are a lot of Indians going around passing themselves off as "Afghans".
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There are different type of Hindus. The ones with delusional beliefs spanning thousands of years and them having to claim everything in the name of Dharma are the problem.

@RazPaK Recently the theory of Aryan invasion received a blow, now scientists say it never happened. I wonder what Brahmins, the self proclaimed descendents of Aryans for thousands of years without a proof have to say about it.... :D

Dear mod, It is the BRAHMINS, who have been saying every time that theory of Aryan invasion is bogus. they are inhabitants of northern old india, and migrated from there to every where. infact, it is Brits. and some other scholars, who have been trying to plant this theory with all their might.
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