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Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

I never claimed that i was the one from who opposed western invaders. There is no Punjabi, Sindhi etc in Pakistan we are all brothers and there is no concept of ethnic violence in our region. Keep dying by the hands of Hindus may your generations will face it. Who cares.
Same here, no Hindu, Sikh or Muslim only Indian brothers!!! You keep dying and used as cannon fodder by Punjabis!!!!!
This is not a drama, its disbelief, because we deny to believe that Hindus and Sikhs can fight BECAUSE of their religions, but you won't understand because brotherly relation with other religion is an alien concept for you guys.
India is and has always been in a state of denial. yes you Hindus show real brotherly relations to Sikh, Christians Muslims and other minorities. that's why there are so many insurgencies in your love thy neighbour country.
How come I gave been seeing many threads on here about Hindus extremists(saffron terror) beating and killing people for eating beef or transporting them for slaughter and so on.
Didn't know India had its own fair share of such extremists. Interesting.

100 countries in the International Democratic Institution aka UNO summoned and blamed India on minorities rights. That is half of world's population, because there are 200 UNO member states.

Just imagine what happened there, where India pleaded its case:

Italy, Israel, and Japan asked India to abolish death penalty and ratify the international convention against torture that New Delhi had signed nearly 19 years ago

Israel & Japan?
Lol at Modi friendly nations poking modi's nose in the UN.
lol barbarians being barbarians.

Thank God our nuclearized military has caged hindu barbarians within useless indic lands while blocking all strategic passes and routes---thereby completely stopping these savages from expanding even an inch outside their hell hole.

Capable of delivering 3 to 4 300kt warheads anywhere in hinduland.


hindu barbarians permanently caged in their god forsaken sh!thole forever--with no chance of ever challening our powerful military forces armed to teeth!
Lol! Has this got anything to do with this thread.
Same here, no Hindu, Sikh or Muslim only Indian brothers!!! You keep dying and used as cannon fodder by Punjabis!!!!!

Do you condemn the Hindutva extremism in your Hindustan? Or are you in support of the lynch mob who assaulted those innocent Sikhs?
Horrific !!!! Sikhs dragged and beaten up by the mob in Rajasthan , in the same manner as Muslims/Dalits/Tamils

Viewer discretion is advised
Love to expose low life trolls like you.

Here is the guy who uploaded the video - https://www.facebook.com/gurpreetsbhooi/videos_by

He runs the Akaal channel.
Check the original post. Local Muslims beat up the Sikhs saying they were 'baccha chor'.


Sad but the Sikhs want to be with mother India so reap the reward. I feel bad for them but have no sympathy as the Sikhs were barbaric during independence.
Check the original page. Those beating up the Sikhs were not Hindus but people from another community in Ajmer.
Do you condemn the Hindutva extremism in your Hindustan? Or are you in support of the lynch mob who assaulted those innocent Sikhs?

I condemn every type of criminal activity and extremism in India & abroad, be it Islamic or Hindu or Christian or Sikh or Bodh extremism!!!

Do you condemn forced conversions & forced marriages of Sikh or Hindu girls in Pakistan and support anti forced conversion bill in Pakistan openly!
Hindutva is going crazy in India, it is unsafe for any minority
Hindutva is going crazy in India, it is unsafe for any minority
these are muslim.

so i edit your post
islamism is going crazy in India, it is unsafe for any other religion.

so tell me what to do with them? kill them stop them from practicing or just beat them all.
Keep mentioning let us decide the intensity of oppression in both countries.

Then we will also decide and that wont be good for anyone.

Hindutva is going crazy in India, it is unsafe for any minority

Are you kidding?
They were Muslims in muslim villages .Not Hindus

We know how to deal with our old friends and after defeat of one super power in Afghanistan we are masters in proxy warfare. No compromise for Kashmir cause again i say there will be no place in Kashmir where you will not face resistance some times in the from of slogans later turned to stone etc.

Should have a rhino skin to claim like this.
How many of Pakistanis died until now ?
Still you dont have enough .
We defeat SuperPower .Weird kind of BS.

Your imperfect representation of BIMARU got Uttarakhand, Jharkhand & Chatisgarh humiliated for nothing. They are not part & parcel of BIMARU term.

Still couldnt ignore poverty stricken states.
After Mrs. Bhutto's betrayal 1000s of Sikh fighter mercilessly slaughtered by Indian forces rest left India to save their lives, after that our supporter stopped helping us altogether further Indian forces used most inhuman ways to torture fighters and their families, they abducted female members of the family and release them only when they became heavily pregnant because of rape by forces and you know Punjabi people can kill themselves for honor they are forced to leave their villages. Even Sikhs in armed forces subject to force leaves, beating and suspicion and many court martialled because they refuse to kill fellow Sikh citizens to prove their Desh-Bakhti and I am one of them.

We are ready for final round but we need support from you people help us and we help you to liberate Kashmir.

Benazir Bhutto revealing names is myth propagated by anti-Bibi elements in Pakistan. ISI was not behind Khalistan insurgency.
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