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Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

It looks like 20 sadists against 4 sikhs,3 of them look like senior citizens.

20 against 4! Wow how brave!

What is happening in India? Why there is a sudden surge of mobs in India? What happened to the police department?
Modi told them again "let the hindus vent their anger"
What caused such savagery to beat up senior citizens? As far as I know, sikhs dont eat cow! or do they?
Hindutva first, everything else rest.
How do you know that the mob is hindu and not muslim or christian.... (or just guessing as it suits your agenda)
How do you know that those being beaten are being beaten because of their religion...
Dont you know most riots in India happen because of rumours and half baked propaganda like this...
Please don't be so weak and vulnerable to fall into traps of propagandists.
How do you know that the mob is hindu and not muslim or christian.... (or just guessing as it suits your agenda)
How do you know that those being beaten are being beaten because of their religion...
Dont you know most riots in India happen because of rumours and half baked propaganda like this...
Please don't be so weak and vulnerable to fall into traps of propagandists.
This can be just personal rivalry, or maybe shot in pakistan by pakistani with pakistani actors for spreading propaganda? If anything of this sort had happened in India our media would have definitely picked this up, that's why facebook videos should not be allowed to be a basis of discussion.

and why the hell are these people allowing the man to record the video, so that the police can identify and jail them :lol: ? This is nothing but actors trying to spread propaganda
This can be just personal rivalry, or maybe shot in pakistan by pakistani with pakistani actors for spreading propaganda? If anything of this sort had happened in India our media would have definitely picked this up, that's why facebook videos should not be allowed to be a basis of discussion.

And the Indian drama begins.
Your Republic of Khalistan also includes Pakistan Punjab?
No, But we would have brotherly borders.

Cut the Cr@p please, I have read your posts, you talk like a mullah and pretend to be a Sikh.

For your kind info there are certain sects in Sikhism like Radha Soami who are pure Veg, they don't even eat eggs, Sikhs do not consider cow to be holy but they frown upon anyone who eats beef, they are culturally Hindus twin sister, we have common festivals, common deities, religious events, and food habits ...and sikhs don't care about Pakistani interests, nor do they have hate against Jews unlike you...you have exposed yourself time and again

@waz @The Eagle @WAJsal please change this false flagger's flags, you can read his posts and you would figure out he is a Pakistani pretending to be Indian

And a thread based on a facebook video? That's as legit as it can get.

India is the largest youtube population so you can understand what kind of videos about pakistan we can find there, but we on PDF refrain from starting threads based on youtube/facebook videos, tweets, and memes, but this site is now full of false flaggers who are starting threads based on blogs, videos, tweets, memes, and @The Eagle promotes upholding the quality of this forum, hope false flaggers could listen to him


Your neighbor's Kid call me many time a false flag, Kindly discipline him.
For how many years will you bear mistreatment by these Hindu Zionist? At least resistance from Kashmiri Muslims is observed but what happened to the brave Sikhs.
Self respect has been vanished i think. :(
For how many years will you bear mistreatment by these Hindu Zionist? At least these is still some resistance from Kashmiri Muslims but what happened to the brave Sikhs.
Self respect has been vanished among Sikh nation. :(
After Mrs. Bhutto's betrayal 1000s of Sikh fighter mercilessly slaughtered by Indian forces rest left India to save their lives, after that our supporter stopped helping us altogether further Indian forces used most inhuman ways to torture fighters and their families, they abducted female members of the family and release them only when they became heavily pregnant because of rape by forces and you know Punjabi people can kill themselves for honor they are forced to leave their villages. Even Sikhs in armed forces subject to force leaves, beating and suspicion and many court martialled because they refuse to kill fellow Sikh citizens to prove their Desh-Bakhti and I am one of them.

We are ready for final round but we need support from you people help us and we help you to liberate Kashmir.
Looks like a personal vendetta in Rural India, and not a religious clash.
Misleading title followed by the same old vultures posting the same old "Tamil/Khalistan/Maoist freedoms".
No report on the perpetrators being "hindu vigilantes", just the same old.
Hope justice is served by the local police- we don't need the Pakistani missiles to be dropped on them as some genius suggested above.

Also having owned land in Rajasthan- it's very likely this is a "Muslim Village" based on probability, and the lawless nature of these Muslim majority villages in general- thus- it's very likely that the perps may be Muslims.
After Mrs. Bhutto's betrayal 1000s of Sikh fighter mercilessly slaughtered by Indian forces rest left India to save their lives, after that our supporter stopped helping us altogether further Indian forces used most inhuman ways to torture fighters and their families, they abducted female members of the family and release them only when they became heavily pregnant because of rape by forces and you know Punjabi people can kill themselves for honor they are forced to leave their villages. Even Sikhs in armed forces subject to force leaves, beating and suspicion and many court martialled because they refuse to kill fellow Sikh citizens to prove their Desh-Bakhti and I am one of them.

We are ready for final round but we need support from you people help us and we help you to liberate Kashmir.

Years has been passed i never heard about single militant activity done by Sikh militant groups.

Sikhs are always welcome to join Kashmiri resistance groups. Invitation also shared by local Commander.
Years has been passed i never heard about single militant activity done by Sikh militant groups.

Sikhs are always welcome to join Kashmiri resistance groups. Invitation also shared by local Commander.
India knows this that the struggle for freedom of Khalistan never die down and operation still continues but no media is reporting.
Brother for you kind information we are helping our Kashmiri brother by facilitating some important goodies, Recent attacks by Kashmiri fighter (last year) I can guarantee you Sikh brother help Kashmiri fighter to carry out attacks against Indian forces, can't give you further details here but we are helping them since we know to revenge our blood we need to bleed India.
Years has been passed i never heard about single militant activity done by Sikh militant groups.

Sikhs are always welcome to join Kashmiri resistance groups. Invitation also shared by local Commander.

Irony is: the number of Sikhs (true Sikhis) hunting this fellow and like minded individuals right now. The only Sikh group that he is likely to meet will be the one that leaves his corpse riddled with bullets.

Him and all those who think that the Lions of India will betray their motherland are naive and foolish.
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