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Disturbing Video - Sikhs beaten up by 'Hindu' vigilantes

India knows this that the struggle for freedom of Khalistan never die down and operation still continues but no media is reporting.
Brother for you kind information we are helping our Kashmiri brother by facilitating some important goodies, Recent attacks by Kashmiri fighter (last year) I can guarantee you Sikh brother help Kashmiri fighter to carry out attacks against Indian forces, can't give you further details here but we are helping them since we know to revenge our blood we need to bleed India.
Best of luck for your revenge. I know Guru Da Babbar Sher Khalsa.
Increase span and intensity of your attacks so that your voice can be heard all over the world. Otherwise as per current conditions Hindus will violate your religious practice.
Irony is: the number of Sikhs (true Sikhis) hunting this fellow and like minded individuals right now. The only Sikh group that he is likely to meet will be the one that leaves his corpse riddled with bullets.

Him and all those who think that the Lions of India will betray their motherland are naive and foolish.

Best of luck for your revenge. I know Guru Da Babbar Sher Khalsa.
Increase span and intensity of your attacks so that your voice can be heard all over the world. Otherwise as per current conditions Hindus will violate your religious practice.
As I said days are numbered India going to loose Kashmir very soon following by Republic of Khalistan.
Irony is: the number of Sikhs (true Sikhis) hunting this fellow and like minded individuals right now. The only Sikh group that he is likely to meet will be the one that leaves his corpse riddled with bullets.

Him and all those who think that the Lions of India will betray their motherland are naive and foolish.
They are paid for their jobs. The day you will stop giving them salaries no one will be spotted across the valley.
We are not targeting any religious community we only attack military personnel, security agencies and their allies.
These vegetarian lions will meet their fate by the hands of those whose fathers and fore fathers had believe in Tauheed.
R U sure they were beaten because they are Sikhs ?
R u sure Mob was only Hindu people ?
If a Hindus was being beaten by the same mob above then what should have been the reason according to you ?
Dont play in hands of Pakistanis, Its really bad what was shown in Video but you are also bringing shame similar way that mob

I do not extend the luxury to old wines in new bottles to indulge with me.
Your frivolous post & yourself ignored!

Many banned IDs are coming up in new Avatars.
After Mrs. Bhutto's betrayal 1000s of Sikh fighter mercilessly slaughtered by Indian forces rest left India to save their lives, after that our supporter stopped helping us altogether further Indian forces used most inhuman ways to torture fighters and their families, they abducted female members of the family and release them only when they became heavily pregnant because of rape by forces and you know Punjabi people can kill themselves for honor they are forced to leave their villages. Even Sikhs in armed forces subject to force leaves, beating and suspicion and many court martialled because they refuse to kill fellow Sikh citizens to prove their Desh-Bakhti and I am one of them.

We are ready for final round but we need support from you people help us and we help you to liberate Kashmir.

And we believes you :sarcastic:
Last I time I checked we had majority Sikh as our Four Star Generals.Tommorrow if there is an ops in South India and when a Keralite Officer faces a Malayali terrorist he must also kill that terrorist.
That is their duty othrrwise you would face CoI .

On topic:Rajasthan .Does anyone knows the reason or circumstances?
Noone knows anything about situation and people are jumping.
Mob Rule shold condemned .People dont have any right to take laws in their hand .
Years has been passed i never heard about single militant activity done by Sikh militant groups.

Sikhs are always welcome to join Kashmiri resistance groups. Invitation also shared by local Commander.

There is no wonder in your pathetic situation .Encouraging some others for militancy then they cried TTP did this ,TTP did that ,India is funding them ,NDS is funding them lol .
There is no wonder in your pathetic situation .Encouraging some others for militancy then they cried TTP did this ,TTP did that ,India is funding them ,NDS is funding them lol .
I think you are not able to understand urdu. In video Commander Zakir Rashid Bhat says that many Sikh youngsters wants to join Hizbul Mujahideen to keep up the Kashmiri cause and Khalistan together.
We encourage all oppressed communities across the world to take strong stand against their enemy.
Cut the crap!!!!! Which area/city/village of Punjab do you belong??? You are 100% Pakistani and 'Jayali' Sikh!!! In your signature, you used word 'Saalan' and Nowhere in Indian Punjab 'Saalan' word is used except Pakistani Punjab!!!

About the video, it tell nothing that why the person is being beaten!!! Most probably a localized dispute!!!

We knows the mob rule in BIMARU state.
This was one BIMARU ,Rajasthan.
3 poor guys in there at wrong time and illiterate ,ignorant villagers ,all of them beaten this three guys .
Police cant take action against villagers .Forget action they cant even step in to villages like that ,they will also beat police
We knows noone in that mob dares to look our Sikh brothers for one on one.
Rest of India and Centre is heavily funding for them but no use .Pathetic.

I think you are not able to understand urdu. In video Commander Zakir Rashid Bhat says that many Sikh youngsters wants to join Hizbul Mujahideen to keep up the Kashmiri cause and Khalistan together.
We encourage all oppressed communities across the world to take strong stand against their enemy.

I dont care what he said in Urdu .I was talking about your post.

Of Course .Go and encourage them but you shouldnt cry when others encourage the oppressed communities in your land to take strong stand
Wish you a nice dream .About IWT the only change we are going to do that we will utilise the maximum offered by the treaty
Best of luck for your plan. I suggest you to keep watchful eye on LOS especially military installations. The day US leave Afghanistan there will be no need for rain. Your tears will be used to fill our dams. :)
For how many years will you bear mistreatment by these Hindu Zionist? At least resistance from Kashmiri Muslims is observed but what happened to the brave Sikhs.
Self respect has been vanished i think. :(

Sikhs did not accept any form of mistreatment from anyone??? Tremendously outnumbered, but still managed to kicked the ***** of invaders from our west from last three centuries continuously!!! We can be emotional some time, but can't be fooled again and again!!! Most importantly Sikhs can't be anti-national, so cut this jihadi crap somewhere else!!!

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