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Dismantling Global White Privilege

Typical woke bullshit bingo tooic not worth to read.

There is no white privilege. What privilige does a polish, ukrainian or eastern german have? The privilege to work more for less money? What privilege does the poor british working class have? Where is the privilege that we Greeks supposedly have for being white?

All this is some woke bullshit written together from morons who did not work a single day in their life. I advise to put the author one week in a polish coal mine to enjoy the same privilege that the polish coal miners enjoy.

Wokeism must be destroyed.

The author just throws out all the usual generic soundbites like "whites run all the companies in the world" to just make excuses. Meanwhile if you actually look at the CEO of some of the biggest companies they are from his own backyard. Look at this

Nobody is putting a gun to people's heads saying they have to like a certain sport. These team things are in it for the money and if they could make money on selling tickets to 100,000 people just watching two people kick a little rock back and forth in a 1 meter sq box they would.
Whites think asians want their skin,white skin,meanwhile asian in far east general prefer "pale skin" not European version of skin which are often reddish and have different hue and skin texture .

No, I think the bottom line definition of "white privilege" is "white people not giving a sh*t about other people's issues and perceptions...and they have been able to get away with it". That's really the definition of "white privilege".
Just wondering do people include Muslim Turks, Muslim Bosnians etc in this definition of 'white'?

There's a big difference between what the US says is white and what the Europeans say is white.

The Europeans tend to be really strict and say that is just people in Europe. While the US includes North Africa and the Middle East. We don't really have this strong continent definition.
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There's a big difference between what the US says is white and what the Europeans say is white.

The Europeans tend to be really strict and say that is just people in Europe. While the US includes North Africa and the Middle East.
Many North Africans have significant European ancestry. For instances Algerians often coflate more it Italians etc then with other Arabs leave alone Sub Saharan Africa. The reason is simple. North Africa actually historically was part of the 'western world' more so then say Latvia and it was ntehral part of the Roman or Greek sphere of influence.

Even as late as 1700s pirates based in Tunisia or Tangiers would raid the Cornish coast of Britan and run off with slaves that were sold in Kasbahs of Tangiers or Fez.

Barbary Pirates and English Slaves

by Ben Johnson

For over 300 years, the coastlines of the south west of England were at the mercy of Barbary pirates (corsairs) from the coast of North Africa, based mainly in the ports of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Their number included not only North Africans but also English and Dutch privateers. Their aim was to capture slaves for the Arab slave markets in North Africa.
The Barbary pirates attacked and plundered not only those countries bordering the Mediterranean but as far north as the English Channel, Ireland, Scotland and Iceland, with the western coast of England almost being raided at will.

With regards to Turks most have overwhelming European ancestry. Conquered Greeks, slave Serbs, Bulgars, Croats, Macedonians, Georgians with a thin layer [probably less than 5%] Asiatic Central Asian blood make modern Turks. Politically, militarily, economically and increasingly socially Turkey is just another European country.

Membership of NATO merely underlines the fact that Turkey is integral part of the 'White Boys Gang'. This is probably touch hard for many Pakistan;s to digest since they have this idea of turks being brown Muslim desi brothers - which simply is not true.

The point here is large part of the Muslim world that is lauded by PDF mob are actually dangerously 'white;. Turkey, Syrians, Lebanese, Algerians etc often are as white as Greeks or Italians.

@Sainthood 101
We are the foundation of Europe. The pinnacle of Evolution

Irrelevant rants.

How any of your utterances make your nation, white?

As I said, my skin is more fair then majority of your people, and I have seen your kind, I was actually shocked to see how many dark skinned, short height people were there.

Let me educate you as to what the issue is. It's not about skin, but mentality. You might call it anglo Saxon mentality. And it has nothing to do with you. You really have no dog in this fight, you can chill.
We are the foundation of Europe. The pinnacle of Evolution
I could with even more force state that Ancient Egypt and Western Asia was the foundatio of Greece. read Sumer, Babylonia, Byblos and find out where you got your script etc. Greece was the first bridsgehead of civilization that spread from West Asia.

Your conspicious because you were first in Europe to recieve civilization from West Asia.

lol at the word choice
I could with even more force state that Ancient Egypt and Western Asia was the foundatio of Greece. read Sumer, Babylonia, Byblos and find out where you got your script etc. Greece was the first bridsgehead of civilization that spread from West Asia.

Your conspicious because you were first in Europe to recieve civilization from West Asia.


You do know that we started 3600 bc over 2000 years before babylonia?
You do know that we started 3600 bc over 2000 years before babylonia?
Tell me, which is the location generally accepted as the birthplace of human civilization? List below. Choose one.

  • Greece/Crete
  • Mesopotamia
  • Indus Valley
  • Egypt
Note I said generally. Can we exclude crackpot or fringe claims like Sub-Saharan Negroes claming they were first with Zimbabwe stones blah blah. What do most historicans agree as birthplace of human civilization?
Tell me, which is the location generally accepted as the birthplace of human civilization? List below. Choose one.

  • Greece/Crete
  • Mesopotamia
  • Indus Valley
  • Egypt
Note I said generally. Can we exclude crackpot or fringe claims like Sub-Saharan Negroes claming they were first with Zimbabwe stones blah blah. What do most historicans agree as birthplace of human civilization?

You claim now mayan civilisation started in indus valley? Laughable.

That said our first culture was the Minoan one which started 3600 bc, 400 years before Narmer founded the egyptian kingdom.

What you dont get is, that human civilisation started evrywhere. Its not one point and then spreading. There were many individual societies.

Known greek civilisation is as old as Egypt.
No, I think the bottom line definition of "white privilege" is "white people not giving a sh*t about other people's issues and perceptions...and they have been able to get away with it". That's really the definition of "white privilege".
I just mentioned an example of how they think whole world revolves around them.The inherent ignorance toward foreign culture that eminates from such psyche.

Some one that have a tendency to think they are the main hero ,an Asian friend would even pemper to make her feel that way ,only later does she realize with introspect that she might not have been the star of the show all along ,she was being just self aggrandizing.
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I just mentioned an example of how they think whole world revolves around them.The inherent ignorance toward foreign culture that eminates from such psyche.

What's wrong with having ignorance of foreign cultures?
There's hundreds of them.

Are some supposedly more special than others and easily offended that the facts about them are not on the tips of everybody's tongues?

Should we rejoice because we know the background of China better compared to "lowly" Guatemala or Gabon? Or don't know the difference between the culture of Paraguay and Uruguay?

One of the main reasons I became a member here on PDF was to straighten out misconceptions. Do I feel offended because people don't know every detail of the US...no.

Was it aggravating stumbling into a 10 page thread discussing some picture supposedly taken in the US when it obviously wasn't because the electrical connectors were European...sure.

Most people get their impression of the US from TV shows or movies. They think most people live in highrises like the tv show "Friends" or live in some inner city like East LA. This is the complete opposite of reality. The vast majority of the US population does not live in big cities. Just like China is having a mass migration from old villages to new cities the US has had a migration from old cities to new suburbs.
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Typical woke bullshit bingo tooic not worth to read.

There is no white privilege. What privilige does a polish, ukrainian or eastern german have? The privilege to work more for less money? What privilege does the poor british working class have? Where is the privilege that we Greeks supposedly have for being white?

All this is some woke bullshit written together from morons who did not work a single day in their life. I advise to put the author one week in a polish coal mine to enjoy the same privilege that the polish coal miners enjoy.

Wokeism must be destroyed.
You have the privilege of being 10 times less likely to be shot by police after being pulled over in the US.
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