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Dismantling Global White Privilege

Africa was invaded by invaders who were not native to West Africa, Central Africa and South Africa.

What do you mean? The Bantu are not native to West Africa?

You are way off the mark here. Africa has roughly 5 native genetic clusters, and they are the West Africans (including Bantus), the Central African HGs (pygmies), the Khoisan Bushmen, the Nilo-Saharan groups (e.g. Dinka) and the Horners (Ethiopians, Somalis).

Horners are genetically closest to us non-Africans. The Bushmen are the farthest. So it's counterintuitive to assume our ancestors who left Africa were more similar to Bushmen than Bantus. Having said that, our African ancestors perhaps do not closely resemble any population living inside or outside Africa today.
What do you mean? The Bantu are not native to West Africa?

You are way off the mark here. Africa has roughly 5 native genetic clusters, and they are the West Africans (including Bantus), the Central African HGs (pygmies), the Khoisan Bushmen, the Nilo-Saharan groups (e.g. Dinka) and the Horners (Ethiopians, Somalis).

Horners are genetically closest to us non-Africans. The Bushmen are the farthest. So it's counterintuitive to assume our ancestors who left Africa were more similar to Bushmen than Bantus. Having said that, our African ancestors perhaps do not closely resemble any population living inside or outside Africa today.

This is as dumb as calling the British celts a native genetic cluster of Europe.

Three bronze age celts sired the majority of Europeans. Before then Europe was Neolithic Anatolian and Mesolithic Nordic Europeans. These two groups were genocided nearly out of existence by FAKE NATIVE genetic cluster of celts.

The celts genocided the natives of Europe. As did the Bantu displaced the bushmen into the desert and the pygmies into the dense jungle.

Bantu are fake natives of South and Central Africa. The British celts are from Siberia, not Caucasians.
This is as dumb as calling the British celts a native genetic cluster of Europe.

Three bronze age celts sired the majority of Europeans. Before then Europe was Neolithic Anatolian and Mesolithic Nordic Europeans. These two groups were genocided nearly out of existence by FAKE NATIVE genetic cluster of celts.

The celts genocided the natives of Europe. As did the Bantu displaced the bushmen into the desert and the pygmies into the dense jungle.

Bantu are fake natives of South and Central Africa. The British celts are from Siberia, not Caucasians.
Where in your quoted article the word "celt" is mentioned?
I would say, on the ground level Indians are more proud of their religion, culture, civilisation and language than the average Chinese. So it would be a good thing for Chinese to be more humble on this.
Just for example, Indians in the West whether floor moppers Or CEOs of mega companies invariably keep their Indian names. Chinese rush to give themselves Western names. For that matter even Chinese in their own land will trade their culture for financial considerations eg Sabrina Wangzhou, Jack Ma, Jet Li, Jacky Chan. You won't find a single Indian in India renaming themselves this way even though they be mired in poverty.
Indians who settled as coolies abroad in the past, in South America, Caribbean, SEA, still maintain their own names, religion and language. Chinese coolies who settled abroad have forsaken everything and today are barely recognisable .
You see the profile pic of member @ hamartia antidote which he deliberately put to spite you? You will never find a website or any organization within ( or without) India that openly solicits whites to dally, and hopefully marry, Indian girls.( such shameful ads are seen in Thailand and Philippines also).
Similarly re dress, culture, tradition Chinese have copied the Whites way more than the Indian.
This is not meant to say Indians doesn't have this weakness. Just that pots shouldn't call the kettle black.
Its just not name, its facial features as well

Plastic surgery so drastic they can't get past airport security! How Chinese women are flying to South Korea for a more 'Western' face

Chinese women who are entering South Korea seeking skilled plastic surgeons are undergoing such transformative procedures that they are struggling to get past airport security on their way home.

The extensive surgeries, which can include reducing excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and more 'Western', are transforming some Chinese women's entire faces, rendering them almost unrecognizable.

Plastic surgery boom as Asians seek 'western' look
By Kyung Lah, CNN
May 23, 2011 9:00 p.m. EDT

"We can see potential huge growth, with the number of patients from China. The Chinese people want to have the westernized face. They don't like their faces. They have big cheekbones, big mandible angle without double fold, and a low profile nose. They are seeking to have westernized face, high profile nose, slender nice cheekbone, and mandible bone."

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Where in your quoted article the word "celt" is mentioned?

Point out Y chromosome in one article: speaking of R1b celts.

And in the other article, a direct quote: The latest results, presented by David Reich of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, concern the arrival of a group in Europe known as the Yamnaya.

Yamnaya were celts and slavs. These were celts that invaded Spain, Western Europe Central Europe and Italy, who genocided the entire male, and not the female population of spain, meaning these celts kept many of the females to rape and killed the males:

Celts genocided and displaced the NATIVE EUROPEANS. Some Europeans had been there for nearly 30000 years, were genocided. Others were those who brought farming to Europe, they were severely genocided by the celts.

The British celts are rapefugees to Europe and call Muslim expats in Europe - rapefugees. British celts are barbarians invaders, not native to the British Isles. Killed off the natives to acquire Britain.
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Point out Y chromosome in one article: speaking of R1b celts.

And in the other article, a direct quote: The latest results, presented by David Reich of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, concern the arrival of a group in Europe known as the Yamnaya.

Yamnaya were celts and slavs. These were celts that invaded Spain, Western Europe Central Europe and Italy, who genocided the entire male, and not the female population of spain, meaning these celts kept many of the females to rape and killed the males:

Celts genocided and displaced the NATIVE EUROPEANS. Some Europeans had been there for nearly 30000 years, were genocided. Others were those who brought farming to Europe, they were severely genocided by the celts.

The British celts are rapefugees to Europe and call Muslim expats in Europe - rapefugees. British celts are barbarians invaders, not native to the British Isles. Killed off the natives to acquire Britain.
What a nonsense. Yamnaya was before celts. You just flip the event sequence. And there is no such a thing as R1b celts. You just made it up.
What a nonsense. Yamnaya was before celts. You just flip the event sequence. And there is no such a thing as R1b celts. You just made it up.

i seriously believe you are a troll. Most Chinese members believe this too.

Yamnaya broke into two groups: celts and slavs.

These are the most murderous of all time: these three maps are the identity and places of genocide.


The Atlantic Celtic branch (L21)​

Distribution of haplogroup R1b-L21 (S145) in Europe

The Gallic & Iberian branch (DF27/S250)​

The first Proto-Celtic R1b lineages to reach France and the Iberian peninsula from Central Europe were probably L21 and DF27.

Distribution of haplogroup R1b-DF27 in Europe

The Italo-Celtic branch (S28/U152/PF6570)​

Distribution of haplogroup R1b-S28 (U152) in Europe

In the VERY articles, the proto-celts are referred to as yamanya. So please don't waste my time. yamanya ->proto-celts/celts
There are J2 Greeks. This does not mean that J2 are exclusively Greeks.

There are R1b Chadites. Different than R1b Celts. And yes that is who these articles are mentioning (besides one other main group), as about 60% of Europeans are of yamanya descent.

The R1b expert on eupedia says the first Proto-Celtic R1b lineages to reach France and the Iberian peninsula.

Eupedia refers to the first yamanya in Spain as proto-celts

The articles online refers the first proto-celts in Spain as yamanya.

So when the yamanya arrived in Spain, they were proto-celts (celts), according to eupedia, a site which has moderators who work with scientists. Which means DNA scientists in the links I provided can use proto-celts and yamanya interchangeably.

The article on three bronze age warriors is slightly incorrect. The sole forefathers were at the end of the neolithic. So there were more than three proto-proto- R1b celts on the Steppe. More than dozens. As you can listen here, for the moment of getting killing weapons to pillage, the yamanya were wiping out the Old Europe Anatolian Neolithic from the what I believe is the Copper Age onward.

So the article is off by a few generations, making it the forefathers of Europe, 60% of Europe is descended from two small tribes of Bronze Age Warriors. The article even rounds up to 2/3. I1s are irreverent to the article, being a reactionary group to the genocide in Europe.

R1b is the most populous in Europe. Got that way from this:

That article in question about 2/3s is not the best article, fairly accurate, though misses the start of the bronze age by some years, and rounds up a bit. Though the gist of the article is true. A few took over most of Europe.

Even a significant number of R1b agree:

Aggressive warfare. The Indo-Europeans were a warlike people with a strong heroic code emphasising courage and military prowess. Their superior technology (metal weapons, wheeled vehicles drawn by horses) and attitude to life would have allowed them to slaughter any population that did not have organised armies with metal weapons (i.e. anybody except the Middle-Eastern civilizations).

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besides buildings or mud houses =/ civilization

To build stone constructions, you need civilisation.

Its that simple. Even as far up as scotland you find older buildings than anything in mesopotamia.

Barnenez for example. 4800 BC

See i teached you

Identical? That is completely wrong. Proto-Greeks were IE speakers. Minoans and Myceneans were non-IE natives who were replaced/partly assimilated by proto-Greeks to form Ancient Greeks.

And that's not the end of story. Modern Greeks are not identical to ancient Greeks, let alone Myceneans and Minoans. Modern Greeks have further geneflow from Slavs, around 20-30%. Furthermore Greeks from different region score different levels of this Slavic geneflow, so even Greeks from different regions are not identical.

I don't want to debate you on where civilization began. It's well established in the academic community that civilization began in the Fertile Crescent. No one will agree with you except some stormfront lunatic.

Oh really civilisation began in fertile crescent? How did it spread from there to Yucatan to found the Maya civilisation? I have news for you, civilisation started independently evrywhere.

That said, no we had not any mayor genetic flow and are genetic identical to minoans and mycaeans.

"Now, ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are indeed the descendants of Mycenaeans, with only a small proportion of DNA from later migrations to Greece. And the Mycenaeans themselves were closely related to the earlier Minoans, the study reveals, another great civilization that flourished on the island of Crete from 2600 B.C.E. to 1400 B.C.E. (named for the mythical King Minos)."
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