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Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

Pakistanis are fast becoming aware of this. that congressi machiavellian/chankia like charade that "hum sab aikh hi to hain" and "aray Pakistani to hamay barray passand hain" horse manure has been badly exposed. the only difference between the rss types and the congressi types is that the congressi types what to slit your throat while getting close to you as a "friend" while the rss types want to be open and declared enemies. that is the ONLY difference between the two morons!

Deserves an Oscar. I have been complaining about this for years. The liberal/left-wing Hindus are far worse. It was them who made Muslims seek a separate homeland because the cunning Hindus of the Congress would never give Muslims a fair go.

I hope Modi wins. I would rather everyone, including our dumb folks, can see our enemies clearly without any doubt.
Yeah, only from YOU :lol::rofl:

As I said, you wish you could establish a Hindu-Pakistan. A country where Hinduism was the basis of culture and statehood and where hinduism tenets played central role in society and policy (like Islam does in Pakistan, and worldwide whether its Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, or Algeria etc).

Hinduism is too weak and irrelevant to yield that level of power even locally, let alone globally like Islam does.

Now what's your other option since your constitution, middle classes, and justice system is "secular" who humiliates hinduism by forcing hindus to abandon their centuries old religious traditions (remember the whole women in temple issue? :lol:)....

Yeah, you DREAM of Modi becoming the Erdogan of India....and BJP becoming the AKP of India. Erdogan has literally never lost a single election since he took office decades ago, and has transformed Turkey into a developed, powerful, and industrial nation---and has brought back Islam in Turkish life and identity and successfully erased extremist secular forces which were anti-Islam.

Guess what? This is not happening in india either. india is too backward, too irreleavant, and too weak for an Erdogan type figure to rise. You just don't have it in your DNA. You are a nation of losers and are conquered physically and psychologically. You are no Turks. Not even 1/100th of Turks' historical greatness :lol:

Congress+secular regional parties will continue to dominate vast lands of india....especially in the South and East. Hindi heartland might vote for BJP for few cycles but it will too be won back and forward between congress and BJP (Just last elections few months ago: Congress defeated BJP in 3 states in middle of hindi-belt.....THE MOST pro-BJP areas :D But yeah, BJP is gonna be AKP of india with Modi as Erdogan...lmfaooo, sure!

Your dream of BJP becoming AKP of india is not realistic. Even YOU know it:pop: BJP might win one or two more elections before the pendulum swings back to indian left.
Loads of BS.
Loads of BS.

Offcourse, you have nothing to say to my factual points but two words and run away :lol::lol::lol:

Won't change facts buddy. You know it, and I know it.

What I said in my last post is 100% correct, and there's no way around it :)
Offcourse, you have nothing to say to my factual points but two words and run away :lol::lol::lol:

Won't change facts buddy. You know it, and I know it.

What I said in my last post is 100% correct, and there's no way around it :)

Your factual points are like comparing Masood Azhar with Dalai Lama.
How funny in his manifesto he wants Indians kicked out even murdered if they dont leave but Hindus and Indians are celebrating.

On Trt World Youtube, majority of the comments supporting the attack are from Ultra Right Hindu nationalists. Not just trt other news channels are the same you have Indians worshipping white supremacists.

This guy has become a god to them.
India is 1.4+ billion population. Good and bad people are everywhere in the world. I also have some hindu friends when I worked as travel consultant in K.S.A , and then Qatar , they are good & honest hindus people . Even maybe better than me too.
We can't blame whole community due to few individuals.
Bro i have those type of friends too they infornt of you something els and privately they hate us. They radiaclise their society for muslims now either we become victim and stay this way or we raiz our voice against those who are hypocrate.
India is 1.4+ billion population. Good and bad people are everywhere in the world. I also have some hindu friends when I worked as travel consultant in K.S.A , and then Qatar , they are good & honest hindus people . Even maybe better than me too.
We can't blame whole community due to few individuals.

Peaceful Civilian , you are one of those guys who justifies his name with every post , i am yet to come across a negative post from you. Truly a peace loving guy , cheers !!

Aww.. Did that hit a raw nerve Aussie?:D How about you condemn the fellow white terrorist Australian pig in the respective thread before 'Oink!' about Indian social media comments.

I doubt he is a Aussie , going by his post pattern.

No I am sunni Muslim. I Only promote peace , I don't agree with blasphemy laws. Only only peace just , i don't support religious bigotry, Sectarianism, extremism & violence.

Cheers brother , RIP to the victims of this terrorist attack. We should rise above all this , lets promote peace & not bigotry.
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