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Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

What a bunch of disgusting retards.
I pity them.
They don’t represent the 99% of other Indians. Don’t judge us all.
Considering the retard that was voted in new delhi. I'm pretty sure that they do represent 70% of indians. We'll know for sure post may elections.
India is 1.4+ billion population. Good and bad people are everywhere in the world. I also have some hindu friends when I worked as travel consultant in K.S.A , and then Qatar , they are good & honest hindus people . Even maybe better than me too.
We can't blame whole community due to few individuals.

You are always different and not a part of mob my friend. I wish I may meet you some day.
Nothing unusual ....... I would have been shocked otherwise.

Down the road ......... in fact 27th February 2019 is already an indian victory. What do you expect from a backward, superstitious, intolerant, extremist society. You think their hearts would bleed for you .... when they don't even blink while killing their own to be daughters. It's a mob called nation based on lies, feeding on lies, a mob that somehow is content with looking at everything thru their lies and intolerant views.

"Rape Dead Muslim Women’ said Yogi Adityanath, Modi made him Chief Minister of UP in India"
You are all the same. Doesn't matter what religion you follow.
Continue to live in your artificial nationalistic and ethnic cocoons.
There are hundreds of solidarity and donation marches already organised by Muslims here.
0 by Hindus and Sikhs.

But sure. Hate us all.

Pakistanis are fast becoming aware of this. that congressi machiavellian/chankia like charade that "hum sab aikh hi to hain" and "aray Pakistani to hamay barray passand hain" horse manure has been badly exposed. the only difference between the rss types and the congressi types is that the congressi types what to slit your throat while getting close to you as a "friend" while the rss types want to be open and declared enemies. that is the ONLY difference between the two morons!

Even the most so called liberals consider the Islamic period as a disastrous period in history.

Only magnitudes differ. But the hate for Islam is kinda universal among Indian non Muslims.
You are always different and not a part of mob my friend. I wish I may meet you some day.

Most people here actually know/believe this.
The problem right now is that your right wing internet Hindus are saying some vile things, and that is not sitting well with the majority of the members here.
These people are cowards and losers in real life hence the cheer leading.

LOL sick Indian bastards.

Look how they make the connection with Pulwama. These are sick bastards.

It is a stark reminder to all the cowards on our side who espouse aman ki asha. How can there be peace with such an ugly people?

The moderators on this forum need to have zero tolerance policy with Indian members on this forum. We are far too soft and accommodating on PDF. These ugly comments are also espoused by the majority of Indian cockroaches on this forum. A permanent ban should be given to Indian scum resorting to trolling.

Vile creatures. I hope our Muslim brotherly countries are watching this.

Time for us to push for global boycott of India.

The world is a very very divided place and will remain so for probably ever.

The fact that Indians are behaving in such an ugly and brazen fashion is because they know they can get away with this. Twitter does not remove their comments. Social media doesn’t remove hateful comments and are politically biased. Also, the Hindus feel emboldened when they have the support from their white supremacist brothers and sisters. They all support and encourage each other to hate Islam and Muslims. Hindu nationalists and white supremacists are natural allies. They have been for a very long time. Read up on prominent white supremacist figures living in India back in the day. The white supremacists were actively participating in the oppression of Muslims in India. Their content filled with absolute hate against Muslims. The white supremacists have always encouraged majority Hindu India to oppress and discriminate Indian Muslims. White supremacy has taken keen interest in India due to striking similarities in mindset. White supremacy is very impressed with the caste system in Hindustan. They love to borrow this idea and implement in their societies.

If you visit white supremacy forums you will see how Hindu nationalists are embraced and championed. The Hindu anti-Muslim methods are celebrated and encouraged in Western societies.

There is a very special reason why white supremacists have a special hate for Pakistan. The P-a-k-i and Muslim bashing is no coincidence. The white supremacists always have a special separate chapter for the topic Pakistan in their hate manifestos. Pakistan is their worst nightmare. This country was created for minorities and Muslims in particular. Pakistan was carved out of a nation that Western nations espouse as a role model. Whenever the West hears and looks at the name Pakistan it gives them chills. It reminds them of something that should never have happened. Pakistan is a psychological challenge for many Western nations. Their deepest fears are confounded in what we know as Pakistan.

It is very unlikely that the world, particularly Western world, is going to boycott racist and xenophobic Hindustan. They need Hindustan for a multitude of reasons. Not so long ago, the West also blamed and implicated Modi for Gujrat Muslim massacre until he got elected. Modi was banned from traveling to specific Western nations. If the Western world can take such an enormous U-turn there is simply no hope. It clearly demonstrates that there are no rules and the “civilized” world is only civilized as long as their interests allow them to be. There are no principles and rules. There are only interests.

This outrage is temporary and also quite muted. It will be forgotten in a day and we will back to Islam and Muslim bashing within a matter of days.
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Nothing unusual ....... I would have been shocked otherwise.

Down the road ......... in fact 27th February 2019 is already an indian victory. What do you expect from a backward, superstitious, intolerant, extremist society. You think their hearts would bleed for you .... when they don't even blink while killing their own to be daughters. It's a mob called nation based on lies, feeding on lies, a mob that somehow is content with looking at everything thru their lies and intolerant views.

"Rape Dead Muslim Women’ said Yogi Adityanath, Modi made him Chief Minister of UP in India"

Do you expect anything less from the coward Indians?
Muslims today turn their face away from the concept of Ummah, but note your enemies do not. Note how these Indians are laughing at Muslim deaths. They don't care about the nationality of those dead - as long as they're Muslim.

As Pakistani's we should be thankful 5 times a day that we have our own nation. Lets build it so that we are safe and secure within it's borders from each and every enemy.

This. Exactly this.
Indian dead in New Zealand attack lying in a fridge in a morgue

Extremist Hindus celebrating on social media is to be expected.

Shameful some posters here jumping on the bandwagon stooping lower with equally nasty remarks as if there better than any Indian
Get the puck out with your superior shit
Indian Muslims are our brothers n sisters

Who says so ????????

Allah s.w.t
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