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DISEQUILIBIUM: India’s creaking war machine

Simple quote:

If a Hindu group burned 50 or at-least 5 muslims on their way from huj, whether that remaining 1% of Hindus left in pakistan? Answer is NO Hindus Left after 24 hours itself there.

So if you start a war or riot means, you must take responsibility and consequences for it.

At least in India we do little damages.. nothing is going to be with Modi or MMS or MK Gandhi or even whom so ever in that seat, it must happen. No one just watching the burned victims of Gordara Train and sleep well in home or watching it on News.
---Your are very very right..all this f**king people are always telling about Gujrat riot...but no body mentioning who started first and how?...............All Moth*r f**ker...
Simple quote:

If a Hindu group burned 50 or at-least 5 muslims on their way from huj, whether that remaining 1% of Hindus left in pakistan? Answer is NO Hindus Left after 24 hours itself there.

So if you start a war or riot means, you must take responsibility and consequences for it.

At least in India we do little damages.. nothing is going to be with Modi or MMS or MK Gandhi or even whom so ever in that seat, it must happen. No one just watching the burned victims of Gordara Train and sleep well in home or watching it on News.
---Your are very very right..all this f**king people are always telling about Gujrat riot...but no body mentioning who started first and how?...............All Moth*r f**ker...

even this is my grouse.

no one cares for 59 people burned in the train??!!
i am not supporting the riot that followed by people whose family members were burned for no reason will retaliate,,no matter what u do especially when this was done by a community forming only 9-10% of total population??!!

had this happened with muslims in pakisan or saudi the other community would have been wiped out totally

in gujrat riots

hindus killed-300 or so

muslims killed-800 or so

and u still call it a genocide??
what stupid comparison by you because you post random pics of militants from Pakistan .

The reality is that Hindu militant groups are in political spheres in India and openly hold rallies.

TTP or LeT terrorists are hiding in rat holes. They dont stage rallies openly neither they can

The point of the pictures was to show the difference between the groups you are comparing. Oh, and there is a reason that TTP can't hold rallie like political parties can - because they are terrorists, not political parties. That was the point of my post.

And that is why it is risible to see people like you talk abuot shiv sena or rss when anybody mentions the tens of thousands of real terrorists in pakistan, as if they are on the same level.

By the way, lashkar openly used to hold rallies until recently. And parties like jamaat still do. That's who you might want to compare RSS or VHP with, not terrorist groups like your N number of lashkis and mujjus. Islamic parties exist in pak, don't they? Well surprise surprise, islamic and hindutva and akali parties exist in India, because we have a lot of religions, and they all have freedom of association.

Whenever islamic terrorists are pointed out, you compare them with hindutva groups, although the latter are not terror groups. Miscreansts at most, which by the way you have plenty of. There is no similar hindutva terror factory in India like the islamic ones in pak. If you want to compare the hindutva political parties that you dont like, compare them with the islamic political parties. Not with terror
groups, which is a unique product of pakistani society.

Now you understand why it is rather disingenious of you to keep bleating about bal thakerey whenever islamic terrorism from pak is pointed out to you. I understnd your emotional need to prove that India is the same and hindutva groups are similar, but that is simply not true. Until and unless you understand that islamic terror groups is a product of your society and your people, you will never be able to deal with them effectively. Point scoring on the internet by ridiculous comparisons is one thing, reality is another.

In your eyes, to be an islamic militant, you have to be carrying rifles and grenades and rockets, and threatening the state. To be a hindu militant, all they have to do is be hindus and nationalists who respect the constitution and have political parties. Read about the ideologies of the RSS and the groups you called "hindu militants" - and then read the proclamations of your terrorists who want to abolish democracy and create a theocracy, and judge for yourself.
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shit man


u pretty mush smoked their claims,some ppl are gonna loose sleep tonight.lol


The Indian security establishment is extremely wary of the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) which has emerged as the quintessential anti-India provocateur across the border.

Now considered the driving force behind the terror factory operating inside Pakistan, its close affiliation and association with banned entities like Jamaat-ud-Dawa and the dreaded Hafiz Mohammed Saeed has raised the hackles of India’s military and security apparatus.

DPC comprises as many as 40 religious fundamentalist organisations which have adopted a hawkish anti-India stance.

This motley group – which counts among its benefactors and patrons retired Army generals like ex-ISI chief like Hamid Gul, Saeed, Harkat-ul- Mujahideen founder Fazl-ur-Rehman Khaleel and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader Malik Ishaq – may have no legal sanctity or standing, but its potency cannot be under estimated viz. its influence and clout in Pakistan’s approach towards India.

Both on the Most Favoured Nation and water-sharing issues, it has taken a rabid hardline position which in a way is now actively influencing Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Under the garb of this council, a quasi-fundamentalist-military war machine alliance has been stitched up which has India’s intel operatives’ knickers in a twist.

The mindset governing this fearsome alliance reeks of religious nationalism, targeting India and the US on various issues.

The undertone of Jazba Difa-e-Pakistan is of issues like challenging the occupation of Kashmir, drone strikes in SWAT, NATO supply routes, MFN for India et al focused on stoking the fires of promoting jingoism.

‘Will you defend Pakistan?’ is the overarching theme that their website promotes.

Last year, Saeed was at the vanguard as the chief coordinator of the Long March against reopening of NATO supply routes.

In September this year Hafiz Saeed led the prayers at Liaquat Bagh promising war against India.

As a top Indian military hand explained to me the other day, “We know the mindset of the DPC, its entire nature of existence and being is predicated on spewing venom and hatred against India. The drawdown from Afghanistan is critical for us because we have no leverage in that country while Pakistan does. My sense is that the vacuum in Afghanistan means trouble ahead for India. In the asymmetrical war on India, the DPC is sitting in the driver’s seat.”

With Pakistan upping the ante on the border this year, India’s military resolve has been challenged incessantly.

A principal cog of the Indian security setup is the Indian Air Force which finds itself hamstrung and impeded due to delays and muddles.

At the very kernel of its fighter fleet modernisation and upgrade is the induction of the multi-role fighter – Rafale from France.

Modern warfare needs air dominance, combat readiness and superiority.

The sorry tale of the Rafale is a classic instance of India sitting on its haunches, not taking a call on its own future.

Pakistan has F-16s, China has SU-27s and J-10s, the neighbourhood isn’t static, it is obvious that there is far reaching and widespread collusion between these two nations to target India.

Symptomatic of the opacity that exists in India’s defence purchase process is the Rafale.

The induction of Rafale or any other multi-role fighter is an absolute necessity for the IAF at this precise moment.

It is a long-term investment as part of the framework for India’s defence and offence needs.

The essence of modern warfare is speed, reaction and results.

The government has created a capital budget for the multi-role fighter and it works out to Rs 9,000 to 10,000 over the next several years.

At the moment, India is down to a bare minimum of 34 more or less ageing squadrons stretched across two fronts.

The threat percept is real and dangerous on both the Pakistan Chinese borders.

With at least 42 squadrons required by India, it is incumbent on the Air Force to move fighter squadrons from left to right and vice versa.

This by itself limits the functioning of the Air Force.

Two fronts
Adequate appears to be a relative term, given that we are pitched against two formidable rivals.

In a two-front contingency, the state of play is fluid since a major trust deficit exists with both nations.

Different security scenarios are rapidly unfolding.

The inability to sign on the dotted line so that aircraft are delivered is leaving the air force vulnerable.

Nowhere else in the world does a situation like this exist where two enemies are working in tandem.

An old military saying states that mountains eat up people, to achieve the real winnable dividend in modern conventional warfare, India needs to bolster its air defence and offence capabilities.

There is a price attached to security and in the main air warfare.

Alacrity in decision making is a given in such circumstances.

Realism to assess the drawbacks and weaknesses in the system is sadly de rigueur.

The understanding of war ratios is missing, two militarily predatory neighbours both bearing down on India using a combination of covert and overt threats, constantly pushing the envelope, testing India’s patience and will to counter.

Exposing chinks in India’s defence preparedness.

From the call of the DPC from deep within Pakistan and a rampant new Chinese leadership, India’s deep state has its hands full.

India’s defence infrastructure needs to be bulked up, accessibility to weapons and armaments for operational superiority on the ground is the underpinning of its needs at all times.

There are many in the Indian deep state who sneer and frown appreciably at what happened in the Depsang Valley Chinese incursion.

They reckon that if India’s military and security mainframe had prepared adequately at least a decade ago, then incidents like Depsang wouldn’t take place.

It is clear that both China and Pakistan are slowly but surely chipping away at this weakened mainframe.

Without being alarmist – it is not that India is incapable – but equally 2013 has seen testing times on both fronts.

One that needs to be ring fenced against immediately.

Yet another article to demonize Pakistan and justify Indian huge military spending. If DPC exist on theology of anti-india, what about Indian parties like Shiv-Sena, Bajrang-Dal or BJP itself. In Pakistan right-wing parties have never been to power and vast majority of Pakistanis are moderate. On the other hand Indians have previously been governed by right wingers and Modi is next to come.

Indian society, where media and text book constantly urge its military junta to finish off Pakistan is herself supporting extremism while blaming Pakistan is a fashion.

Let see where this hypocrisy take India and its 1.2 billions populace.
Yet another article to demonize Pakistan and justify Indian huge military spending. If DPC exist on theology of anti-india, what about Indian parties like Shiv-Sena, Bajrang-Dal or BJP itself. In Pakistan right-wing parties have never been to power and vast majority of Pakistanis are moderate. On the other hand Indians have previously been governed by right wingers and Modi is next to come.

Indian society, where media and text book constantly urge its military junta to finish off Pakistan is herself supporting extremism while blaming Pakistan is a fashion.

Let see where this hypocrisy take India and its 1.2 billions populace.

Have you ever seen an Indian textbook? And by the way do you know what a military junta is?

India has never had a junta in its existence; only pakistan has.
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