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DISEQUILIBIUM: India’s creaking war machine

No absolute wrong. I doubt this because if they keep on current path they are following I highly doubt existence stall.
I wish the good luck but extremism is real enemy. Even in this kind of a forum there is too much venom and hate.

Why you peoples forget and see your own house and your own agencies before raising fingers towards Pakistan....what your Hindu extreme parties do including Ball Takharey's extremism party....and also if we have Hafiz Saeed he is still don't have power....but your peoples are going to make MODI Prime Minister......

I've said over and over again the insurgency is our enemy number 1. (Pakistan)
I've said over and over again the insurgency is our enemy number 1. (Pakistan)
Root cause of these insurgencies is keeping these Talibans in your territory. Don't differentiate between Afghan or Pakistan Taliban. They all are the same. They can turn their back anytime.

Also, put restrictions on jih@dist mentality people. They are like termites which eats the foundation of the society.
Why you peoples forget and see your own house and your own agencies before raising fingers towards Pakistan....what your Hindu extreme parties do including Ball Takharey's extremism party....and also if we have Hafiz Saeed he is still don't have power....but your peoples are going to make MODI Prime Minister......

It's funny to hear pakistanis equating a few hindu nationalist parties with terror groups like LeT. When has Modi or Thakerey sent gunmen on the streets of Karachi? Yes, there were riots between hindus and muslims in bombay and gujrat. Those were communal riots, not organised terrorism.

Shiv sena rally:

RSS rally:

Lashkar rally:


Mujahideen rally:

Notice any difference?

Yes, political parties in India have rioted, or destroyed public property; and they have done so in pakistan as well. But to equate that to the armies of trained terrorists emanating from pakistan is a joke.

I really sympathise with pakistanis on this. Whenever the existence of a pakistani terror group is pointed out, they start cribbing about bal thakerey or colonel purohit (who is in prison BTW). The political parties of India are only about as destructive as those in neighbouring countries. No more, no less. But the terror factory in pakistan has no parallel anywhere else in the world.

Shiv sena destroying a cricket ground to prevent pakistani cricketers playing there is unfortunate, and is a crime. But it is in no way comparable to international teams being chased out of the country with rockets and machine guns by terrorists armed with military grade weapons. Hindus and muslims killed each other (oh yes, hindus died too, you know) in 2002 and 1993; but that cannot be a perpetual comeback point for the existence of every mass terror group in pakistan. I could go on all day pointing out the difference, but what's the point? Next time the world's most wanted terrorist is killed in pakistan, or armies of lashkars and mujahids threaten their country, or terrorist maniacs from pakistan kill people in railway stations and hotels in mumbai or elsewhere, @Spring Onion and @Windjammer will be here talking about colonel purohit and bal thakerey. As if political violence and communal tensions are the same thing as armies and armies of organised, equipped, trained terrorists and being the hub of the global jehad network.
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Why you peoples forget and see your own house and your own agencies before raising fingers towards Pakistan....what your Hindu extreme parties do including Ball Takharey's extremism party....and also if we have Hafiz Saeed he is still don't have power....but your peoples are going to make MODI Prime Minister......

Simple quote:

If a Hindu group burned 50 or at-least 5 muslims on their way from huj, whether that remaining 1% of Hindus left in pakistan? Answer is NO Hindus Left after 24 hours itself there.

So if you start a war or riot means, you must take responsibility and consequences for it.

At least in India we do little damages.. nothing is going to be with Modi or MMS or MK Gandhi or even whom so ever in that seat, it must happen. No one just watching the burned victims of Gordara Train and sleep well in home or watching it on News.
Is JI part of this DPC group? if yes then they are more danger to Pakistan than to India.
communities formed on basis of religion will always be like this

Does that apply to Hindutvadasis ? - Just curious :coffee:

It's funny to hear pakistanis equating a few hindu nationalist parties with terror groups like LeT. When has Modi or Thakerey sent gunmen on the streets of Karachi? Yes, there were riots between hindus and muslims in bombay and gujrat. Those were communal riots, not organised terrorism.

Shiv sena rally:

RSS rally:

Lashkar rally:


Mujahideen rally:

Notice any difference?

Yes, political parties in India have rioted, or destroyed public property; and they have done so in pakistan as well. But to equate that to the armies of trained terrorists emanating from pakistan is a joke.

I really sympathise with pakistanis on this. Whenever the existence of a pakistani terror group is pointed out, they start cribbing about bal thakerey or colonel purohit (who is in prison BTW). The political parties of India are only about as destructive as those in neighbouring countries. No more, no less. But the terror factory in pakistan has no parallel anywhere else in the world.

Shiv sena destroying a cricket ground to prevent pakistani cricketers playing there is unfortunate, and is a crime. But it is in no way comparable to international teams being chased out of the country with rockets and machine guns by terrorists armed with military grade weapons. Hindus and muslims killed each other (oh yes, hindus died too, you know) in 2002 and 1993; but that cannot be a perpetual comeback point for the existence of every mass terror group in pakistan. I could go on all day pointing out the difference, but what's the point? Next time the world's most wanted terrorist is killed in pakistan, or armies of lashkars and mujahids threaten their country, or terrorist maniacs from pakistan kill people in railway stations and hotels in mumbai or elsewhere, @Spring Onion and @Windjammer will be here talking about colonel purohit and bal thakerey. As if political violence and communal tensions are the same thing as armies and armies of organised, equipped, trained terrorists and being the hub of the global jehad network.

God bless people in Pakistan's intelligence community who are seriously considering arming the RSS and VHP organs with better weapons, India deserves a better class of fascism. :coffee:
It's politically unintelligent to think that Pakistan would focus on the Indian side and not within herself. I think India needs to be more concerned about China.
Arent we? We are increasing our troops on eastern front. But its not Chinese who infiltrate and resort to Terrorism but its you Pakistanis who do. So its not bout whether Pakistan will focus on India or not but we deserve to be attentive.
Fix the economy, control inflation and reduce population growth will mean a healthy defence budget which should increase the level of R&D spending our military domestic industry needs to increase defence exports.

Rafale will not be signed until late 2014 or perhaps even early 2015 once the new Govt settles in.


The Indian security establishment is extremely wary of the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) which has emerged as the quintessential anti-India provocateur across the border.

Now considered the driving force behind the terror factory operating inside Pakistan, its close affiliation and association with banned entities like Jamaat-ud-Dawa and the dreaded Hafiz Mohammed Saeed has raised the hackles of India’s military and security apparatus.

DPC comprises as many as 40 religious fundamentalist organisations which have adopted a hawkish anti-India stance.

This motley group – which counts among its benefactors and patrons retired Army generals like ex-ISI chief like Hamid Gul, Saeed, Harkat-ul- Mujahideen founder Fazl-ur-Rehman Khaleel and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader Malik Ishaq – may have no legal sanctity or standing, but its potency cannot be under estimated viz. its influence and clout in Pakistan’s approach towards India.

Both on the Most Favoured Nation and water-sharing issues, it has taken a rabid hardline position which in a way is now actively influencing Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Under the garb of this council, a quasi-fundamentalist-military war machine alliance has been stitched up which has India’s intel operatives’ knickers in a twist.

The mindset governing this fearsome alliance reeks of religious nationalism, targeting India and the US on various issues.

The undertone of Jazba Difa-e-Pakistan is of issues like challenging the occupation of Kashmir, drone strikes in SWAT, NATO supply routes, MFN for India et al focused on stoking the fires of promoting jingoism.

‘Will you defend Pakistan?’ is the overarching theme that their website promotes.

Last year, Saeed was at the vanguard as the chief coordinator of the Long March against reopening of NATO supply routes.

In September this year Hafiz Saeed led the prayers at Liaquat Bagh promising war against India.

As a top Indian military hand explained to me the other day, “We know the mindset of the DPC, its entire nature of existence and being is predicated on spewing venom and hatred against India. The drawdown from Afghanistan is critical for us because we have no leverage in that country while Pakistan does. My sense is that the vacuum in Afghanistan means trouble ahead for India. In the asymmetrical war on India, the DPC is sitting in the driver’s seat.”

With Pakistan upping the ante on the border this year, India’s military resolve has been challenged incessantly.

A principal cog of the Indian security setup is the Indian Air Force which finds itself hamstrung and impeded due to delays and muddles.

At the very kernel of its fighter fleet modernisation and upgrade is the induction of the multi-role fighter – Rafale from France.

Modern warfare needs air dominance, combat readiness and superiority.

The sorry tale of the Rafale is a classic instance of India sitting on its haunches, not taking a call on its own future.

Pakistan has F-16s, China has SU-27s and J-10s, the neighbourhood isn’t static, it is obvious that there is far reaching and widespread collusion between these two nations to target India.

Symptomatic of the opacity that exists in India’s defence purchase process is the Rafale.

The induction of Rafale or any other multi-role fighter is an absolute necessity for the IAF at this precise moment.

It is a long-term investment as part of the framework for India’s defence and offence needs.

The essence of modern warfare is speed, reaction and results.

The government has created a capital budget for the multi-role fighter and it works out to Rs 9,000 to 10,000 over the next several years.

At the moment, India is down to a bare minimum of 34 more or less ageing squadrons stretched across two fronts.

The threat percept is real and dangerous on both the Pakistan Chinese borders.

With at least 42 squadrons required by India, it is incumbent on the Air Force to move fighter squadrons from left to right and vice versa.

This by itself limits the functioning of the Air Force.

Two fronts
Adequate appears to be a relative term, given that we are pitched against two formidable rivals.

In a two-front contingency, the state of play is fluid since a major trust deficit exists with both nations.

Different security scenarios are rapidly unfolding.

The inability to sign on the dotted line so that aircraft are delivered is leaving the air force vulnerable.

Nowhere else in the world does a situation like this exist where two enemies are working in tandem.

An old military saying states that mountains eat up people, to achieve the real winnable dividend in modern conventional warfare, India needs to bolster its air defence and offence capabilities.

There is a price attached to security and in the main air warfare.

Alacrity in decision making is a given in such circumstances.

Realism to assess the drawbacks and weaknesses in the system is sadly de rigueur.

The understanding of war ratios is missing, two militarily predatory neighbours both bearing down on India using a combination of covert and overt threats, constantly pushing the envelope, testing India’s patience and will to counter.

Exposing chinks in India’s defence preparedness.

From the call of the DPC from deep within Pakistan and a rampant new Chinese leadership, India’s deep state has its hands full.

India’s defence infrastructure needs to be bulked up, accessibility to weapons and armaments for operational superiority on the ground is the underpinning of its needs at all times.

There are many in the Indian deep state who sneer and frown appreciably at what happened in the Depsang Valley Chinese incursion.

They reckon that if India’s military and security mainframe had prepared adequately at least a decade ago, then incidents like Depsang wouldn’t take place.

It is clear that both China and Pakistan are slowly but surely chipping away at this weakened mainframe.

Without being alarmist – it is not that India is incapable – but equally 2013 has seen testing times on both fronts.

One that needs to be ring fenced against immediately.

This is such a BS article I can't even be bothered to properly discuss how flawed it is. All I will say is that focusing purely on the Rafale as far as the IAF is concerned but omitting the fact the IAF has MKIs (arguably the most potent fighter in the region) and is getting the FGFA whilst also upgrading their M2K and MIG-29 fleets, is downright disingenuous.

Pakistan has F-16s, China has SU-27s and J-10s, the neighbourhood isn’t static, it is obvious that there is far reaching and widespread collusion between these two nations to target India.
Doesn't the IAF have MKIs??

Fix the economy, control inflation and reduce population growth will mean a healthy defence budget which should increase the level of R&D spending our military domestic industry needs to increase defence exports.

Rafale will not be signed until late 2014 or perhaps even early 2015 once the new Govt settles in.
All the latest news looks like a deal before the end of this fiscal (2013-14) is a distinct possibility.
Does that apply to Hindutvadasis ? - Just curious :coffee:

God bless people in Pakistan's intelligence community who are seriously considering arming the RSS and VHP organs with better weapons, India deserves a better class of fascism. :coffee:

Yea, tell me when that works out for you. Just because it is easy to arm muslim youths and send them on killing sprees, doesn't mean that people of other faiths are the same. Yes, there is a difference between religious beliefs and extremism in each religion, whether you choose to see it or not. There is a reason you don't see hindu extremists or jewish extremists or atheist extremists walking around with rockets and machine guns. There is poverty and backwardness and illiteracy among all communities, but there is no way that you will succeed in brainwashing poor people from those communities into becoming terrorists. Just because you see so many lashkars and mujahideens across pakistan, I suppose you think it must be easy to do the same to India. Well, that comes from your tendency to look at the evil aspects in your society and immediately assume that India must be the same. It is not.

If pakistan's 'intelligence community' is considering arming the RSS to make terrorists out of them, I wouldn't use the word 'intelligence' to describe that pakistani community anymore. If that's the sort of ideas the ISI has, that explains the mess pakistan is in right now.
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I've said over and over again the insurgency is our enemy number 1. (Pakistan)
Yes it is.
And there are a number of important actors in Pakistan who would find it convenient to raise rhetoric against India or start limited skirmishes against India to unite Pakistan.

In that scenario, India has to be prepared for a two front issue.

Secondly, the insurgency is the outcome not the cause of problems in Pakistan. Its the outcome of mullah and military colluding, feeding the people wahhabi Islam over decades to turn them rabid.

Reversal of this process would take decades of sustained effort - and as of now - there is zero effort at all to wean people off political Islam.
Does that apply to Hindutvadasis ? - Just curious :coffee:

God bless people in Pakistan's intelligence community who are seriously considering arming the RSS and VHP organs with better weapons, India deserves a better class of fascism. :coffee:

the biggest problem with pakistan and pakistanis is-----------------they are not aware of anything

stop living in conspiracy theories and wake up
Does that apply to Hindutvadasis ? - Just curious :coffee:

aayeeoo nah nah how can be.

Hindu militant political groups are nationalists aka the only TRUE Indians.

It's funny to hear pakistanis equating a few hindu nationalist parties with terror groups like LeT. When has Modi or Thakerey sent gunmen on the streets of Karachi? Yes, there were riots between hindus and muslims in bombay and gujrat. Those were communal riots, not organised terrorism.

Shiv sena rally:

RSS rally:

Lashkar rally:


Mujahideen rally:

Notice any difference?

Yes, political parties in India have rioted, or destroyed public property; and they have done so in pakistan as well. But to equate that to the armies of trained terrorists emanating from pakistan is a joke.

I really sympathise with pakistanis on this. Whenever the existence of a pakistani terror group is pointed out, they start cribbing about bal thakerey or colonel purohit (who is in prison BTW). The political parties of India are only about as destructive as those in neighbouring countries. No more, no less. But the terror factory in pakistan has no parallel anywhere else in the world.

Shiv sena destroying a cricket ground to prevent pakistani cricketers playing there is unfortunate, and is a crime. But it is in no way comparable to international teams being chased out of the country with rockets and machine guns by terrorists armed with military grade weapons. Hindus and muslims killed each other (oh yes, hindus died too, you know) in 2002 and 1993; but that cannot be a perpetual comeback point for the existence of every mass terror group in pakistan. I could go on all day pointing out the difference, but what's the point? Next time the world's most wanted terrorist is killed in pakistan, or armies of lashkars and mujahids threaten their country, or terrorist maniacs from pakistan kill people in railway stations and hotels in mumbai or elsewhere, @Spring Onion and @Windjammer will be here talking about colonel purohit and bal thakerey. As if political violence and communal tensions are the same thing as armies and armies of organised, equipped, trained terrorists and being the hub of the global jehad network.

what stupid comparison by you because you post random pics of militants from Pakistan .

The reality is that Hindu militant groups are in political spheres in India and openly hold rallies.

TTP or LeT terrorists are hiding in rat holes. They dont stage rallies openly neither they can
aayeeoo nah nah how can be.

Hindu militant political groups are nationalists aka the only TRUE Indians.

what stupid comparison by you because you post random pics of militants from Pakistan .

The reality is that Hindu militant groups are in political spheres in India and openly hold rallies.

TTP or LeT terrorists are hiding in rat holes. They dont stage rallies openly neither they can

just show me even a picture of such rally

quit ur wishful thinking.

we have maoist threat no doubt but they are ideologically driven and are not religious fanatics.
if u don't want tp acknowledge this,fine,who cares??
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