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Discussion about pictures of protests against israel from around the world..

the children of israel are the descendants of israel aka children of jacob… his descendants are the children of israel….. if convert to judaism then I'm not a child of israel I will be just a punjabi jew…
if all jews were children of israel then they would look the same…
To be a Jew, only the mother need to be Jew. Judaism doesn't demand inbreeding.
There are 52 Muslim Country in world, Are they just for Crocodile tears???
what are you trying to say??
that we should invite the palestinians to pakistan and let the jews take over their land??
so let european whites take over palestine?? why don't those european whites go back to the countries of their origin? clearly they have no connection with palestine… they are not even from here nor were their ancestors…. their ancestors were european who became jews…

Compared to the US, Canada is 100% liberal.

Nobody gives two buggers about the Middle East. You tell them Israel is shit, they'll say Israel is shit. You tell them Palestinians are shit, they'll say whatever you say, Palestinians are shit.

And it's not about being redneck or a bon bivant. It all comes down to how much you hate Islam and wahabis. I, for example, hate wahabis so I'm an Israeli supporter. Simple as that.

Otherwise I've got no stallions in this race, so they can both go **** themselves for all I care.
then my friend why are polluting this thread with your useless posts???
please go discuss a subject that matters to you some where else…

To be a Jew, only the mother need to be Jew. Judaism doesn't demand inbreeding.
i don't what your trying to prove but perhaps you should read my post again…. my friend troll all you want i will keep reporting you and i will kill you with facts and logic…. its that simple..
Secularists, atheists, libtards and Jews are all on the same train.
Israel is the land promised by God to the Jews.

Please do that..
so that gives them the right to take that land from the inhabitants?
so god promised kashmir for the muslims….. do i have the right to take it??
the children of israel are the descendants of israel aka children of jacob… his descendants are the children of israel….. if convert to judaism then I'm not a child of israel I will be just a punjabi jew…
if all jews were children of israel then they would look the same

All of us are son and daughter of first prophet(Adam) send by "Muhammad's God". then why are we different ?

There were 10 tribes in judaism.. They were different ppl formed a religion.
Secularists, atheists, libtards and Jews are all on the same train.

We Atheists are against death of anyone; When Muslims want to destroy Jews, of course we'll support the Jews, on the hand, Liberals have been supporting Palestinians recently, its better not to insult the people who are supporting you.
All of us are son and daughter of first prophet(Adam) send by "Muhammad's God". then why are we different ?

There were 10 tribes in judaism.. They were different ppl formed a religion.
there weren't 10 tribes in judaism….
judaism is from the tribe of judah ….
there around 10 or 12 tribes which were all children of israel….
tribe of judah which the judaism comes from is the only one left… the rest adopted other religions or something….

we are from adam but we don't know how long ago that was probably like over 50,000 years ago or something…. in that much time we all adapted to our habitats hence we are different….. but jews were around for less then 5000 years or so … thats not enough time..
We Atheists are against death of anyone; When Muslims want to destroy Jews, of course we'll support the Jews, on the hand, Liberals have been supporting Palestinians recently, its better not to insult the people who are supporting you.
lol great point.

Without the democrats, half of Middle East would already be a giant parking lot.
We Atheists are against death of anyone; When Muslims want to destroy Jews, of course we'll support the Jews, on the hand, Liberals have been supporting Palestinians recently, its better not to insult the people who are supporting you.
why are you not against israel bro?? shouldn't you be thinking rationally?
From Jews it was taken by Romans, From Jews it was taken by Romans, From Jews it was taken by Romans,
you trying to say??
that we should invite the palestinians to pakistan and let the jews take over their land??
so let european whites take over palestine?? why don't those european whites go back to the countries of their origin? clearly they have no connection with palestine… they are not even from here nor were their ancestors…. their ancestors were european who bec

When it became Palestanian land? First it was inhibited by some tribes. Then Jews founded the city,
From Jews it was taken by Romans,
From Roman it was taken by Jews,
From Jews it was taken by Persian,
From Persian it was taken by Jews,
From Jews it was taken by Turks (ottoman),
From Turks it was taken by Brits (1st world war),
Brits devided country in 2,

I can't see it was their (Arab's) land at any point of time in history...
Yes we are son, yes we are.

If the above mentioned didn't control the world, the whole planet would be a giant Saudi/Iran/Pakistan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Paliban land/Somalia...

No thanks.

@Abii you're not white or a jew either. You're still third class on the social hierarchy whether you are a slave of Israelis/zionists or Saudis/wahabis. It makes no difference either way.

Like you yourself said, you're still a brown guy. Kissing up won't change that.
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