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Discussion about pictures of protests against israel from around the world..

@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz
can you guys please delete all posts with no pictures???

no I'm not, I'm saying the children of israel the quran referred to is the jews from the middle east… most who converted to islam and remainders don't even make up a 500,000 of the population…
those yes are welcome to live in palestine but not these foreigners…
so are you going to prove me wrong or are your going to talk shit and disappear like a coward?
Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104 clearly says the Jews will return to Israel before the end of times. So, what you are saying is completely against Quran..

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

Quran 17:104


Sahih International
And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."​
Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104 clearly says the Jews will return to Israel before the end of times. So, what you are saying is completely against Quran..

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

Quran 17:104


Sahih International
And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."​
@Zarvan @RAMPAGE @Jungibaaz
can you guys explain this bit… my knowledge is very limited so i best not venture into this…

regardless of what it is your point?? you going to justify israel by using the quran?

Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104 clearly says the Jews will return to Israel before the end of times. So, what you are saying is completely against Quran..

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

Quran 17:104


Sahih International
And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."​
if i convert to judaism today do i become a part of the children of israel???
answer that question honestly and your all argument falls apart..
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Why? Does skin color even matter? Or a 'white' man protesting has more value than a lesser white man protesting? Btw, not all Europeans are white.
baba, I wasn't talking about that nonsense.

In the West, minorities and immigrants from Asia/Africa/S-America refer to the "natives" as whites. There are a billion different minorities here and we just clump all Asians into "browns" and all the other people as "whites." It makes life easier.

I meant that non-muslims are practically 99.999% for Israel. Only brown guys, more specifically brown muslim people, are supporters of the Paliban. Everybody you see in these pictures are brown people and muslims, with a dash of hippie pot heads mixed in.
regardless of what it is your point?? you going to justify israel by using the quran?

if i convert to judaism today do i become a part of the children of israel???
answer that question honestly and your all argument falls apart..

I'm not 100% sure about this, but as far as I know, you cannot convert to Judaism. You can only be born as a Jew if your mother was a Jewess..
I'm not 100% sure about this, but as far as I know, you cannot convert to Judaism. You can only be born as a Jew if your mother was a Jewess..
so then tell me are all israelis the "children of israel"?
Why are these non Chinese protesting in China? Israel-Palestine conflict is none of our concern.

thats exactly what a muslim population does to your country , it changes your identity and color
Brown people and Muslims in different countries with a handful of white hippies mixed in.

Non Brown/Muslim people in Europe and North America overwhelmingly support Israel. It's not even a contest.

Arab/Muslim money is being used to manipulate American public opinion.
educated progressives are against israel…. i now jews in america who are a giants israel…. you make it seem like only pot heads are protesting.
you are a big troll who takes things out of context… your not welcome on this thread and i request users to ignore you.

not true.. i live here… all the suburbans folks support israel while vast majority of city folks are againats israels actions…. people in america are too busy to come out and protest…
lol give me a break. First of all the vast majority of people don't give a rat's *** about the Middle East, whether the topic is Israel or Palestine. They simply don't give two shits. That's why if you confront them they will side with you just to be polite. You tell them Israel is bombing Palestinians and they will say bad Israel. Tell them Palestinians are blowing up Israeli children and they'll say bad bad Palestinians.

The ones that actually care about the subject are mostly right wingers who are 100% diehard Israel fans anyway.
so then tell me are all israelis the "children of israel"?
I'm not sure about all Israeli's, but by definition all Jews are Children of Israel.
Israeli is a citizien of the present day state of Israel and can be of any faith.
thats exactly what a muslim population does to your country , it changes your identity and color
don't be so insecure…
chinese aren't insecure like you guys

lol give me a break. First of all the vast majority of people don't give a rat's *** about the Middle East, whether the topic is Israel or Palestine. They simply don't give two shits. That's why if you confront them they will side with you just to be polite. You tell them Israel is bombing Palestinians and they will say bad Israel. Tell them Palestinians are blowing up Israeli children and they'll say bad bad Palestinians.

The ones that actually care about the subject are mostly right wingers who are 100% diehard Israel fans anyway.
its true most don't care the the ones that do exist for both sides…. the activist, liberals will support palestine…… while redneck uneducated backwards thinking ones will support israel…. and thats the plain and simple truth.
I'm not sure about all Israeli's, but by definition all Jews are Children of Israel.
Israeli is a citizien of the present day state of Israel and can be of any faith.
the children of israel are the descendants of israel aka children of jacob… his descendants are the children of israel….. if convert to judaism then I'm not a child of israel I will be just a punjabi jew…
if all jews were children of israel then they would look the same…
Hitler quotes will not help the Palestinians
By Fatima Tassadiq

As the death toll in Gaza mounts and Israel shows no signs of relenting, netizens across the world have taken to the internet to express their outrage or support for 'Operation Protective Edge'. Unfortunately, these passionate arguments often degenerate into Islamophobia, anti-Arab racism and anti-Semitism.

As a Muslim and a supporter of the Palestinian cause, I find the collective indictment of the entire Jewish race for the war crimes of Israel deeply disturbing. Skim through the comments section of any major online paper and you will invariably find hundreds of sickening anti-Semitic insults targeting Jews.

These slurs are occasionally peppered with cherry-picked verses from the Quran, misinterpreted and taken out of context to claim that Jews are the eternal enemies of Islam. Most disturbing of all is the citation of alleged quotes by Adolf Hitler and veiled praise for the Holocaust.


The above image was widely circulated amongst Pakistani social media users of late.
The following are some tweets from Pakistanis outraging against Israeli aggression:



Most of such crass anti-Semitism is rooted in the conflation of Judaism with Zionism.

Zionism is a political ideology, which, although a product of a particular Jewish tradition should not be equated with Judaism. This fact has been stressed repeatedly by anti-occupation Jewish activists across the world who are struggling to reclaim their religious identity and faith from the deafening Zionist propaganda.

In the global Jewish community, there is great diversity with regard to stances on Israel, where some doggedly advocating an end to Israeli occupation and apartheid against Palestinians and still others insisting on dismantling the Jewish state altogether.

We, as Muslims, should understand better than anyone else the injustice of attributing a singular nature to a global religion and demonising a community based on the actions of a sub-set. Is it too much to expect that we extend the same courtesy and understanding to those of another faith?

#BBCtrending: The rise of Hitler hashtags

By indicting all Jews for the Zionist occupation of Palestinian lands, we do a gross injustice and risk alienating the many religious and secular Jews across the world who have joined hands with Palestinians in opposing Israeli policies.

Jewish Voice for Peace is a prominent voice of dissent in the US and is composed of activists who are inspired by Jewish tradition to work against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.

Its advisory board includes rabbis, writers, actors, teachers as well as public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Judith Butler who have risked the ire of their community to speak out against Israeli atrocities.

Independent Jewish Voices in Britain, Canada and Australia are examples of other Jewish groups seeking to wrest control of the Jewish narrative away from the Zionist lobby. Many of the most scathing pieces on the Israeli apartheid that manage to find their way into mainstream western media are authored by Jewish writers like Max Blumenthal and Norman Finkelstein .

Within Israel, there is a small but significant group of activists protesting the occupation of Palestinian lands. Let’s not damage the Palestinian cause by pushing away some of its most outspoken allies.

Equating Judaism with Zionism, painting all Jews in the same light and invoking misplaced religious references to condemn the entire Jewish community distorts the reality of the Middle East and reduces the conflict to a simplistic Jews vs Muslims binary.

Those invoking the spectre of the Muslim ummah up against the much vilified Jew would do well to remember that the daily plight of those living in Gaza is compounded by the Egyptian blockade of the strip. Palestinian refugees in countries like Lebanon and Egypt face major discrimination when it comes to employment and accessing basic government facilities like free education.

A recent open letter calling for a military embargo on Israel signed by six Nobel peace laureates as well as many notable figures from across the world was not endorsed by a single Muslim recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. And let’s not forget the role played by our very own Mard-e-Momin Zia ul Haq in butchering thousands of Palestinians in Jordan during the Black September offensive in 1970-71.

Living in Gaza as the bombs fall - my story

The Palestinian crisis is a complex ethno-religious political conflict over land and resources. Reducing it to merely a religious clash deflects attention from the violation of the human rights of Palestinians and plays into the hands of Israeli propaganda which claims that the sole reason for Arab opposition to Israel is the Arab hatred for Jews.

Moreover, resorting to anti-semitism delegitimises the Palestinian cause and actually strengthens the very popular Zionist strategy of branding any criticism of Israel as anti-semitism. Making vile references to Hitler only makes it easy for the pro-Israel lobby to deploy the Holocaust to amass sympathy and support for its theft of Palestinian land.

The people of Palestine have been struggling for dignity and sovereignty for 66 years. Let us help our brothers and sisters through prayer, aid, advocacy and education on the Palestinian perspective. The Palestinian people have truth on their side. The last thing they need is Hitler quotes screeching ‘Death to all Jews’ on the internet!

As pointed out by a popular meme doing the rounds of Facebook these days, you don’t have to be Muslim to support Gaza. You just have to be human.
why you posting this? stuff its a thread about pictures of protests …. i request you to delete all your posts and move on to a relevant thread…
don't be so insecure…
chinese aren't insecure like you guys

its true most don't care the the ones that do exist for both sides…. the activist, liberals will support palestine…… while redneck uneducated backwards thinking ones will support israel…. and thats the plain and simple truth.
Compared to the US, Canada is 100% liberal.

Nobody gives two buggers about the Middle East. You tell them Israel is shit, they'll say Israel is shit. You tell them Palestinians are shit, they'll say whatever you say, Palestinians are shit.

And it's not about being redneck or a bon bivant. It all comes down to how much you hate Islam and wahabis. I, for example, hate wahabis so I'm an Israeli supporter. Simple as that.

Otherwise I've got no stallions in this race, so they can both go **** themselves for all I care.
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