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Discussion about pictures of protests against israel from around the world..

Israel is the land promised by God to the Jews.

Please do that..

Are you talking about the Bible? Or Quran? Everyone, including you knows they broke the covenant with God and it's no longer their land from a while ago.
We Atheists are against death of anyone; When Muslims want to destroy Jews, of course we'll support the Jews, on the hand, Liberals have been supporting Palestinians recently, its better not to insult the people who are supporting you.

Aren't you Iranians the people that came up with the first bill of human rights? Massive shelling of civilian neighborhoods should raise some sort of red flag. You guys know what insaniyat means in farsi. Is this insaniyat?
From Jews it was taken by Romans, From Jews it was taken by Romans, From Jews it was taken by Romans,
lol, seriously? who gave you these lessons on history??
have you heard of david and goliath? do you know where goliath was from???

When it became Palestanian land? First it was inhibited by some tribes. Then Jews founded the city,
what city???
From Jews it was taken by Romans,
From Roman it was taken by Jews,
From Jews it was taken by Persian,
From Persian it was taken by Jews,
From Jews it was taken by Turks (ottoman),
From Turks it was taken by Brits (1st world war),
Brits devided country in 2,

all of this except perhaps the last bit is all wrong i believe..
I can't see it was their (Arab's) land at any point of time in history...
you do know the arabic language was adopted in that land after the arabs took over??

Yes we are son, yes we are.

If the above mentioned didn't control the world, the whole planet would be a giant Saudi/Iran/Pakistan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Paliban land/Somalia...

No thanks.
oh please…. not a single country became great at the hands of liberals…… i hope you know that.
why are you not against israel bro?? shouldn't you be thinking rationally?

I did extensive research my friend, Netanyahu is far from being a saint, but Hamas is using dirty tactics, they're positioning their launchers and are storing their rockets in populated areas, more civilian deaths will only bring more people to their cause. The last thing Israel needs is collateral damage, but that is exactly what Hamas needs. I will not fall to Hamas propaganda campaign.

One more thing, Muslims are fighting Muslims all over the planet, they're killing each other all over the middle-east, so you can't really expect Israel (A non-Muslim country) to allow Hamas to bombard its cities with rockets and endanger the lives of its citizens because a retaliation might endanger the Palestinians lives.
Are you talking about the Bible? Or Quran? Everyone, including you knows they broke the covenant with God and it's no longer their land from a while ago.


"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

[Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104]

God wanted to give Abraham a double blessing, through Ishmael and through Isaac, and ordered that Ishmael's descendants should live in the desert of Arabia and Isaac's in Canaan.

The Qur'an recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that, before the Last Judgment, Jews will return to dwell there. This prophecy has already been fulfilled.


Stop copy pasting and emitting the other portion of the chapter. We know our Koran well. They broke the covenant with God. They have no divine right to the land since a long time ago.

It's a cheap attempt by you. When you yourself know exactly what I'm talking about.
I did extensive research my friend, Netanyahu is far from being a saint, but Hamas is using dirty tactics, they're positioning their launchers and are storing their rockets in populated areas, more civilian deaths will only bring more people to their cause. The last thing Israel needs is collateral damage, but that is exactly what Hamas needs. I will not fall to Hamas propaganda campaign.
ok just explain one incident to me……… what happened with the 4 kids on the beach??? that israel shelled while they were playing soccer
One more thing, Muslims are fighting Muslims all over the planet, they're killing each other all over the middle-east, so you can't really expect Israel (A non-Muslim country) to allow Hamas to bombard its cities with rockets and endanger the lives of its citizens because a retaliation might endanger the Palestinians lives.
i don't see how any of this justifies israels actions?? muslims fighting all over the world has what to do with this??
@Abii you're not white or a jew either. You're still third class on the social hierarchy whether you are a slave of Israelis/zionists or Saudis/wahabis. It makes no difference either way.

Like you yourself said, you're still a brown guy. Kissing up won't change that.

Its OK. In that case we'll just learn Hebrew, and come up with a fake family-tree, we don't look so different from Jews after all, we just need to learn their accent.
ok just explain one incident to me……… what happened with the 4 kids on the beach??? that israel shelled while they were playing soccer

i don't see how any of this justifies israels actions?? muslims fighting all over the world has what to do with this??

He is hell bent against Palestinians and loves Israel. Meaning no rationality will come out of him. It's like saying a man raped a woman, and the scars were exactly what she needed to prove she was a victim.
Stop copy pasting and emitting the other portion of the chapter. We know our Koran well. They broke the covenant with God. They have no divine right to the land since a long time ago.

It's a cheap attempt by you. When you yourself know exactly what I'm talking about.
So that is your justification? So it's not about Israel hitting Palestinians either. It's simply about Israelis not having the right to exist. Thanks :agree: That clears it up. :)
ok just explain one incident to me……… what happened with the 4 kids on the beach??? that israel shelled while they were playing soccer

I don't have enough information about that incident. Regardless I already told you that people that are running Israel are no saints, but they beat Hamas whose members are fighting alongside the scums of the earth, ISIS.

i don't see how any of this justifies israels actions?? muslims fighting all over the world has what to do with this??

It actually does justify it. When you don't show mercy to your brothers (other Muslims), will you show mercy to Jews (when your religion is based on enmity with Jews and non-Muslims alike)?
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