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discrimination against urdu speakers/mohajirs/urban Sindhis

Abolishing quota will not end the corruption, nor it will translate into deserving candidate geting jobs unless people start electing honest & competent people.

But it will be a start, a step in the right direction. In the very least it will mean competence will return. Even corrupt, but competent, management can do a whole lot better then corrupt, incompetent management.

As for the election process and people electing the right people, well it is a distant dream that may not realize in our lifetime.
Pleas go ahead and enlighten us with some verifiable stats - I don't have any problem in eliminating provincial quotas provided that sissies don't come up weeping that Punjabi are getting all the jobs.

I am not sure that there exists a registry somewhere that keeps track of stats right from the work go. However, you may enquire around and you may very well be unpleasantly surprised. The migrated Mohajir minority found prominence in the bureaucracy at the very onset of partition. The weight of divide was far more towards the Urdu speaking migrants then any other ethnicity.

This gave way to calls for quota system. Finally quota was introduced, not only that but ZAB went a step ahead and introduced further division of quota in Sindh into rural and urban.....any guesses as to why that was done???

For your consumption, following is the current implementation:

07.50 % - Merit
50.00 % - Punjab
11.40 % - Sindh Rural
07.60 % - Sindh Urban
11.50 % - Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
06.00 % - Balochistan
04.00 % - Gilgit-Baltistan and FATA
02.00 % - Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Well people who elected them should be thanking them for that then.

I am confident that the people who elected those who renewed the quota system for another 20 years do appreciate them whole heartedly.
You Karachites are rotus. MQM is the biggest cry baby in this country. IF things dont go their way they hold up an entire city hostage with their strikes. You and PPP kill each others workers for 3 fucking brutal months yet you fucks join with them in the Govt? Fucking whores have better decency.

And yes I'm just as much as Muhajir as you lots are. Seeing my dad came from Bihar and my maternal side moved from Amritsar to Punjab at partition.

Fucking rotus.

Pardon my French ofcourse, being the resident potty mouth.

Stop complaining. Atleast you guys dont have loadshedding :(
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I am not sure that there exists a registry somewhere that keeps track of stats right from the work go. However, you may enquire around and you may very well be unpleasantly surprised. The migrated Mohajir minority found prominence in the bureaucracy at the very onset of partition. The weight of divide was far more towards the Urdu speaking migrants then any other ethnicity.

If we look at actual history (Not the one coming from 90) than yes Urdu speaker had prominence in bureaucracy but saying that their ratio was more than any other ethnicity is factual incorrect. In western wing they were between 30-35%, rest majority was Punjabies. But still ratio of Urdu speakers in bureaucracy was about 4 times of their ratio in population.

This gave way to calls for quota system. Finally quota was introduced, not only that but ZAB went a step ahead and introduced further division of quota in Sindh into rural and urban.....any guesses as to why that was done???

For your consumption, following is the current implementation:

07.50 % - Merit
50.00 % - Punjab
11.40 % - Sindh Rural
07.60 % - Sindh Urban
11.50 % - Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
06.00 % - Balochistan
04.00 % - Gilgit-Baltistan and FATA
02.00 % - Azad Jammu and Kashmir

I am aware of current Quota, I asked you the historical statics to prove that Quota system was favorable for Punjabis and their number increased after this when the fact is that ZAB was feudal of Sindh not Punjab, and his quota policy haven't done any favor to Punjabies as you asserted. In fact after quota Punjab's ratio was reduced to bring them down to 50%.

Over all quota is not that much bad as it gives opportunity to people of smaller province to get federal job instead of domination of single group (which in case of Pakistan will always be Punjab as it has largest human resource pool), however in case of Sindh further division of it in rural & urban is stupid.
To theek hai. Phir rona dhona band kardo. Accept karlo yeh sub hoga aur hamain bardasht karna hai. Ronai dhonai ka kia faida? Aik taraf ittehadi hain aur doosri taraf yeh rona dhona. Kuch samajh nahi aata.


What you say on this issue?

I support province movement if MQM dares for it ... But I am so much against of their new love affair with PPP ...........
If we look at actual history (Not the one coming from 90) than yes Urdu speaker had prominence in bureaucracy but saying that their ratio was more than any other ethnicity is factual incorrect. In western wing they were between 30-35%, rest majority was Punjabies. But still ratio of Urdu speakers in bureaucracy was about 4 times of their ratio in population.

You have posted stats of which you would have no proof yourself. Basically it would be very hard to find such records but the elders all say the hold over bureaucracy in the earlier years for Mohajirs (Urdu Speaking) was more then any other ethnicity.....even more then Punjabi!

Besides, you know the point that I was attempting to make? It was so because at that time people were elected on merit and not on their domiciles.

I am aware of current Quota, I asked you the historical statics to prove that Quota system was favorable for Punjabis and their number increased after this when the fact is that ZAB was feudal of Sindh not Punjab, and his quota policy haven't done any favor to Punjabies as you asserted. In fact after quota Punjab's ratio was reduced to bring them down to 50%.

Quota system protected the Punjabis by ensuring that they got over 60% (it was 60% 3-4 years ago) of all federal government seats, merit or no merit. You know why? It is because on merit they would have a seriously hard time competing with people from Karachi alone.

Over all quota is not that much bad as it gives opportunity to people of smaller province to get federal job instead of domination of single group (which in case of Pakistan will always be Punjab as it has largest human resource pool), however in case of Sindh further division of it in rural & urban is stupid.

Quota is NOT bad is a typical mindset of those who know they cannot compete on merit with others. It should always be the best man for the job and not the man with the best domicile!!

Further division of quota in Sindh was precisely because everybody knows how well our rural folks can compete with urban. They do not even stand a chance and hence the quota!
Abay tum sari zindagi rotay hee rehna, naqal mar kay pass honay walay fail naheen houn gay to kia top karain gaye?

سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن کا شہری امیدواروں کو انٹرویو میں ناکام کرنے کے نئے منصوبے کا انکشاف
صفدر رضوی جمعرات 22 مئ 2014
تبصرےصفحہ شیئر کریںصفحہ پرنٹ کریںدوستوں کو بھیجئے

پروفیسر صلاح الدین نے کمیشن کا فیصلہ ماننے سے انکار کرکے سندھ کے صوبائی حکام کوخط ارسال کردیا،92 اسامیوں پر350امیدوارانٹرویوتک پہنچ گئے۔ فوٹو: فائل

کراچی: سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن کی جانب سے شہری علاقوں کے امیدواروں کو بھرتی سے روکنے کے لیے انھیں انٹرویو میں ناکام کرنے کے نئے منصوبے کا انکشاف ہوا ہے۔

کمیشن کی جانب سے کچھ مضامین کے انٹرویوکراچی سے حیدرآباد منتقل کردیے گئے ہیں، تفصیلات کے مطابق سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن نے اسلامی تعلیمات (اسلامک اسٹڈیز) کے مضمون کے شہری علاقے سے تعلق رکھنے والے سندھ کے سینئر ترین پروفیسرکو پینل سے باہرکرتے ہوئے دیہی علاقے کے جونیئر استادکو پینل میں شامل کرلیا ہے جبکہ پہلی بار پینل سے باہرکیے گئے سینئر ترین پروفیسر نے سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن کا فیصلہ ماننے سے انکار کرتے ہوئے سندھ کے اعلیٰ حکام سے رابطہ کرلیا ہے،معاملہ گھمبیر ہونے پر سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن نے اسلامی تعلیمات کے مضمون کے 16سے 26 مئی تک شیڈول انٹرویو ملتوی کردیے ہیں۔

گزشتہ کئی ماہ سے مستقل سربراہ کے بغیر چلنے والے اہم ادارے سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن نے سرکاری کالجوں میں اساتذہ کی مختلف مضامین کی خالی نشستوں پر بھرتیوں کے سلسلے میں لیے جانے والے انٹرویو کراچی سے اچانک حیدرآباد منتقل کردیے ہیں اور حال ہی میں اسلامی تعلیمات کے شہری کوٹے کے امیدواروں کو موصول ہونے والے انٹرویوکے مراسلے میں انٹرویوکی جگہ کراچی کے بجائے حیدرآباد درج ہے جس سے امیدواروں میں تشویش پائی جاتی ہے، واضح رہے کہ اسلامک لرننگ کی سرکاری کالجوں میں خالی 92 اسامیوں پر350 امیدوار ٹیسٹ پاس کرکے انٹرویوکے مرحلے تک پہنچ چکے ہیں۔

دوسری جانب سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن نے اسلامی تعلیمات کے انٹرویو پینل میں شامل مضمون کے سینئر ترین پروفیسر اورگورنمنٹ شپ اونرکالج کے پرنسپل پروفیسرصلاح الدین ثانی کو پینل سے فارغ کردیا ہے اوران کی جگہ اب ایک جونیئر استاد ساجد حسین کو انٹرویو پینل میں شامل کیا گیا ہے، واضح رہے کہ چند روزقبل کامرس کے منعقدہ انٹرویوز میں بھی مضمون کے 2 سینئر ترین پروفیسرزکو پینل سے علیحدہ کرتے ہوئے دیہی علاقے کے جونیئر اساتذہ کو پینل میں شامل کیا ہے۔

جونیئر اساتذہ نے امیدواروں سے کتابیں کھول کر انٹرویوکیے اور کئی غیر متعلقہ سوالات بھی پوچھے، اب پھر خلاف ضابطہ شہری علاقے کے سینئر ترین پروفیسرکو پینل سے الگ کرکے جونیئر استادکو پینل کا حصہ بنایا گیا ہے تاہم اس بارمتعلقہ سینئر ترین پروفیسرصلاح الدین ثانی نے اس معاملے پرسندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن سے اختلاف کرتے ہوئے حکومتی اعلیٰ حکام سے تحریری طور پر رابطہ کیا ہے، پروفیسرصلاح الدین ثانی نے سندھ کے وزیر تعلیم، وزیراعلیٰ سندھ، چیف سیکریٹری اور سیکریٹری تعلیم کو خط کے ذریعے معاملے سے آگاہ کرکے خط کی کاپی سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن کو بھجوادی ہے، معاملہ صوبائی انتظامی حکام کے علم میں آنے کے بعد سندھ پبلک سروس کمیشن نے اسلامی تعلیمات کے شیڈول انٹرویو ملتوی کردیے ہیں جبکہ تاحال کسی نئی تاریخ کا اعلان سامنے نہیں آیا ہے۔
:lol: i dont see this has anything to do with discrminination against Urdu speakers or Urban Sindhis lolzzz

If replacement of a teacher/professor is illegal then it can be fought in court simple as that.

BUT How it is discriminated against mohajirs?

anyway if this move can give jobs to RURAL Sindhi Pakistanis then i WELCOME IT.

The Urban citizens have much more options its time to give some chances to RURAL Sindhis.
You have posted stats of which you would have no proof yourself. Basically it would be very hard to find such records but the elders all say the hold over bureaucracy in the earlier years for Mohajirs (Urdu Speaking) was more then any other ethnicity.....even more then Punjabi!

Bed time stories by elders are most of time exaggerated. It's not difficult to find out if someone is interested in truth rather than living in delusion. This is non-Pakistani source A Brief History of Pakistan - James Wynbrandt - Google Books


There are 100s of books and research papers on Punjab's domination if you are interested.

Besides, you know the point that I was attempting to make? It was so because at that time people were elected on merit and not on their domiciles.

I got the point - that Urdu Speakers are some sort of superior race with whom dumb Punjabis can't compete on merit

Quota system protected the Punjabis by ensuring that they got over 60% (it was 60% 3-4 years ago) of all federal government seats, merit or no merit. You know why? It is because on merit they would have a seriously hard time competing with people from Karachi alone.

Again - cooked up stats & facts. But yeah, we dumb Punjabis can't compete with superior Urdu speakers that's why we asked Sindhi feudal to allocate quota to us.

Quota is NOT bad is a typical mindset of those who know they cannot compete on merit with others. It should always be the best man for the job and not the man with the best domicile!!

You know what - it's people like you who will always keep whining no matter what. If after removal of Quota Punjabis ends up with more job than you will be crying that merit was not followed, because you live in delusion where all other are dumb.
its not MQM's money but the money of Karachi in the form of change(chillar/coins) which it is receiving through begging(joining the govt) PMLN (irfanullah marwat and other PMLN 9 MPAs) despite in opposition got 100% development funds, while MQM had to join the govt, the alloted fund for one MPA to receive is 40 million, only 15 million were given to MQM MPAs, no MQM MNA has recieved any development funds yet

Govt should not give you a single KORRI, you will simply send It to your kala bhaiya in London, to pay his expences for running HQ of International Murder & Bhutta Company(private ltd).Since all the Bank accounts have been ceased and his Passport is
confiscated, your so called nine zero thugs will bully the hundi wala and money exchanger
of Karachi to arrange the transfer of this money to fat hippo in london.I hope the thugs of Taliban or ppp, loot this money from you, before it leaves the country.
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Bed time stories by elders are most of time exaggerated. It's not difficult to find out if someone is interested in truth rather than living in delusion. This is non-Pakistani source

However, it is usually quite easy to manipulate the information that is actually available. For example by deliberately picking and choosing passages and ignoring the actual facts.

Meanwhile, other communities already had a lingering sense of Mohajirs having far more prominence and power than their numbers deserved. Pakistan's indigenous communities including the Punjabi, Pashtun and Sindhi's who's literacy rates began rising, naturally represented more than 80% of the countries population but until the late 1960s, almost three quarters of the bureaucracy were still being held by the former refugees. Mohajir's also unfairly favoured hiring of people from within their own community over people's indigenous to Pakistan and often invited distant relatives from India to fill these spots over hiring of local peoples, this policy further increased resentment against these formerly welcomed refugees.

It wasn't strange that you chose not to find a complete and comprehensive source and posted unverified and unconfirmed stats and that too only from this side, discounting the massive involvement of Mohajirs in West Pakistan (such as Biharis).

There are 100s of books and research papers on Punjab's domination if you are interested.

Punjabi's have dominated the country ever since its creation, but that was not on merit, it was on sheer politics and power of population.

I got the point - that Urdu Speakers are some sort of superior race with whom dumb Punjabis can't compete on merit

That's not the point, you misunderstood and took it personally.

On merit, Urdu speaking would take up a lot more seats in the bureaucracy and other government positions simply because we are more educated over all. On merit, the breakup most likely would be 40-45% Karachi and Punjab (each), 10% Baluchistan and maybe just about 5% Sindh. You know what the reason for this is? Ask any of your Urdu speaking friend how much his parents spend on his education and/or how much he spends on the education of his/her children. The education of our children is a major chunk of our household income, as a community. We invest heavily in eduction which is not rivalled by other ethnicities on the same %.

Again - cooked up stats & facts. But yeah, we dumb Punjabis can't compete with superior Urdu speakers that's why we asked Sindhi feudal to allocate quota to us.

Cooked up stats??? Seriously dude, that's the best you can do? Do some research.

You know what - it's people like you who will always keep whining no matter what. If after removal of Quota Punjabis ends up with more job than you will be crying that merit was not followed, because you live in delusion where all other are dumb.

I know for a fact what would happen to the bureaucracy if the quota system is revoked. No wonder your Government has vetted and expanded the quota system for another 20 years.

In any case, let everyone cry but support merit.....it is for the better of the country and for the better of our next generation. It is also better, overall, for cohesion and unity besides better management and competent decision making.
:lol: i dont see this has anything to do with discrminination against Urdu speakers or Urban Sindhis lolzzz

If replacement of a teacher/professor is illegal then it can be fought in court simple as that.

BUT How it is discriminated against mohajirs?

anyway if this move can give jobs to RURAL Sindhi Pakistanis then i WELCOME IT.

The Urban citizens have much more options its time to give some chances to RURAL Sindhis.

I can take a wild guess where you hail from, from that comment in underline. It's either the same place or that you are incapable of analysing the harm that this quota system, and subsequent jobs given to rural Sindhis, has done to the country. Their only aim, after securing Government jobs, is to earn a haraam livelihood. They all want haraam rozi and haraam income, nothing else. I have not once come across a Sindhi who has entered the bureaucracy to actually serve the country.
I can take a wild guess where you hail from, from that comment in underline. It's either the same place or that you are incapable of analysing the harm that this quota system, and subsequent jobs given to rural Sindhis, has done to the country. Their only aim, after securing Government jobs, is to earn a haraam livelihood. They all want haraam rozi and haraam income, nothing else. I have not once come across a Sindhi who has entered the bureaucracy to actually serve the country.

:) i dont play ethnic card so it doesnt mater from where i hail.

2. quota system indeed has its flaws in every society but Rural Sindhis are NOT to be blamed for it .

3 Thirdly it is not about only Sindhis but anyone even a urdu speaking/ a mohajir in govt job earn the same harram ki rozi and also those who are earning at gun point and extortion if that is NOT haraam ki rozi?

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