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Diplomatic failure led to India-China war

given your pitiful stock, your laughable missile and nuclear technology, the tiny size of your territory and the way you pack your population into such a tiny country like canned food, india is bound to lose a nuclear war! so stop talking about nukes like an idiot.

So be it..but you after that will also start from year 0. You can say good bye to the fastest growing economy of the world and shiny cities. You will be cut to size..so don't talk about going nuclear with India also.
given your pitiful stock, your laughable missile and nuclear technology, the tiny size of your territory and the way you pack your population into such a tiny country like canned food, india is bound to lose a nuclear war! so stop talking about nukes like an idiot.

There is no victor in a nuclear war :lol: , besides 50% Chinese population lives in cities, unlike in India's case.

back to topic, there was no diplomatic failure because by 1962 india's ridiculous sense of self-importance, its greed and reckless aggression had disabused chinese leaders of any illusion of indian friendship or even reasonableness.

I know CCP has a well job for its overseas zombies to be brainwashed.

Caution: The facts i am about to present might come as a severe mental shock to you , read at your risk.

there was no diplomatic failure because no diplomatic success could have salvaged the monumental strategic miscalculation made by nehru in housing chinese rebels

PRC repeatedly lied to India about her peaceful way of settling issues in Tibet.

Despite Indian concerns of military actions and flow of refugees into India.


and enroaching upon our land,

How is Aksai Chin your land, its a disputed territory claimed by both.

Besides it was not India who was first to send her troops to Aksai Chin.


the indians finally got a lesson and a spanking on its butt,

And perverted obsession with Indian posterior continues :fie:

and that did a lot of good for its reassessment of its retarded diplomatic positions.

Only true part in your post.
Nehru was surrounded by cronies like Krishna menon and failed to listen to advices from Patel and later Rajaji and being fascinated by China since his visit before the independence, signed the Panchsheel in 1954 and was going gung-ho about the friendship while China was pulling a wool over India's eyes by laying road in the disputed Akshai Chin which was discovered by Indian intelligence only in 1957.
This itself was the failure of Panchsheel and this author points out the failure for talks on Panchsheel as one of the reasons for the war. How flawed is his reasoning?
@topic: I will always say that Nehru's forward policy was right but it should have been supported with good military moves and not a pacifist military.

come on, buddy, any foolish indian design on chinese territory needs to be supported by something more forceful: a brain check of all india's political class and a massive public education and spiritual conditioning for every indian to prepare them for death in nuclear holocaust. anything short of that kind of steely (and foolishly arrogant) resolve is going to give hindus a cruder awakening than the thrashing of 1962 (even though the indian nation and all the indians would have a smaller chance of survival than even the 1962 war)
come on, buddy, any foolish indian design on chinese territory needs to be supported by something more forceful: a brain check of all india's political class and a massive public education and spiritual conditioning for every indian to prepare them for death in nuclear holocaust. anything short of that kind of steely (and foolishly arrogant) resolve is going to give hindus a cruder awakening than the thrashing of 1962 (even though the indian nation and all the indians would have a smaller chance of survival than even the 1962 war)

It is not chinese territory, it is disputed one. India and Pakistan jointly inherit all the territories held by British India which includes everything south of Macmohan line including Aksai chin and tawang.

For your nuclear halocaust, it will be both sides of border, 20 nukes for top 10 chinese cities is sufficient to send China to stone age. So if you touch India, China will not be spared. And nuked weakened China will invite your neighbours like japan, Korea and vietnam, tibet and east turkestan to reclaim their land.
So its crude Hans who need an awakening and told reality is quite different then what CCP has taught you.
@topic: I will always say that Nehru's forward policy was right but it should have been supported with good military moves and not a pacifist military.

Right after signing a friendship agreement with Red China , you think Forward Policy was right and should have been enforced with military ? :azn: ... The one thing Indians need to understand that the British left the borders undemarcated all the time ...
Even the Pak-China one ! ... This added with hosting the largest Chinese separatist group , covert support for Tibet and ingressing upon Chinese controlled/claimed territories was what led to war ! ... Had you played your cards well , you wouldn't have had an adversary in the north to worry about ...
come on, buddy, any foolish indian design on chinese territory needs to be supported by something more forceful: a brain check of all india's political class and a massive public education and spiritual conditioning for every indian to prepare them for death in nuclear holocaust. anything short of that kind of steely (and foolishly arrogant) resolve is going to give hindus a cruder awakening than the thrashing of 1962 (even though the indian nation and all the indians would have a smaller chance of survival than even the 1962 war)

Any comment on Indian designs in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim ? :laugh:
Right after signing a friendship agreement with Red China , you think Forward Policy was right and should have been enforced with military ? :azn: ... The one thing Indians need to understand that the British left the borders undemarcated all the time ...
Even the Pak-China one ! ... This added with hosting the largest Chinese separatist group , covert support for Tibet and ingressing upon Chinese controlled/claimed territories was what led to war ! ...

Wow! provide sources for the bolded part.

Had you played your cards well , you wouldn't have had an adversary in the north to worry about ...

1962 was bound happen, India is large nation has no interest in compromising her interests for China.
It is not chinese territory, it is disputed one. India and Pakistan jointly inherit all the territories held by British India which includes everything south of Macmohan line including Aksai chin and tawang.

The Crown is responsible for half of the world's major territorial disputes , Go figure !
Right after signing a friendship agreement with Red China , you think Forward Policy was right and should have been enforced with military ? :azn: ... The one thing Indians need to understand that the British left the borders undemarcated all the time ...
Even the Pak-China one ! ... This added with hosting the largest Chinese separatist group , covert support for Tibet and ingressing upon Chinese controlled/claimed territories was what led to war ! ... Had you played your cards well , you wouldn't have had an adversary in the north to worry about ...

The only we can have good relations with Red China is to hand over the disputed territory to them without any question and accept them as Asian overlords just as Pakistan did. We are not ready for it.
Nehru was daft. He was Gandhi's blue-eyed boy and hence became PM - he was never enjoyed the kind of popular support that the likes of Patel, Bose, Azad enjoyed at the time of independence. It is one thing to deploy non-violence against the British as a tool to overthrow them; a country's Armed Forces can't believe in Satyagraha. He failed in his duties as a Prime Minister to arm India's forces. When the British left - the Indian Army was the finest fighting force in Asia. Nehru didn't upgrade any ammo. His forward policy - made Indian soldiers fight with vintage WW-2 rifles while the Chinese were using Soviet machine guns. Of course India lost the war. Of course it was a communication gap.
Right after signing a friendship agreement with Red China , you think Forward Policy was right and should have been enforced with military ? :azn: ... The one thing Indians need to understand that the British left the borders undemarcated all the time ...
Even the Pak-China one ! ... This added with hosting the largest Chinese separatist group , covert support for Tibet and ingressing upon Chinese controlled/claimed territories was what led to war ! ... Had you played your cards well , you wouldn't have had an adversary in the north to worry about ...

Hi Secur, I will tell analogy to you,

Pakistan keeps all the afghani territories conquered by British (KP and FATA and some parts of Balochistan), and its right because Pakistan inherited that from British India due to Durand line.

Similarly, India should inherit the land aksai chin and tawang from British India due to MacMohan line.

Now funnily some chinese posters claim say that they dont recognise the lines drawn by British imperialists. And if you go by this sentence, two meanings come out, first they dont recognise existence of India and Pakistan as seperate nations and secondly Pakistan has to return the afghani areas to Afghanistan as that line is also drawn by some british imperialist.

I hope you understand the situation in above lines.
The Crown is responsible for half of the world's major territorial disputes , Go figure !

And the Crown is also responsible for breakage of nation into two nations. First tell me whether you support the lines drawn by Crown or not?

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