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Dimona nuclear plant primary target of Iranian missiles, incase of Israeli attack.

Iran wont do a thing like usual. They have been threatening to attack Israel for decades and haven't done a single thing
Iran wont do a thing like usual.

Can you actually take the time to read what it is you're commenting on? The general clearly stated in case of a zionist attack on Iran's nuclear sites (ie overt air strikes), Dimona will be among the list of potential targets for retaliation. And in such an event, yes Iran will retaliate and will retaliate hard.

They have been threatening to attack Israel for decades and haven't done a single thing

Again, it appears you never took the time to listen or read what Iranian officials declare. Iran never threatened to launch a direct conventional first strike on the zionist entity, because it'd be quite silly to do so, since this would represent a major escalation which the zionists would then politically turn to their advantage. No, Iran's approach of multi-level support for local Resistance groups fighting zionist occupation of their lands, as well as covert intelligence operations, political action and so on is the right way to go.

The US never "attacked" the USSR either. And yet significantly contributed to bringing it down. Iran is doing the same with regards to the zionist occupation regime.

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This is the best summation of Israel/Iran pseudo conflict...

Hard luck, the nonsense was debunked right afterwards. Iran is at conflict with Isra"el" while most Arab regimes are normalizing ties with the apartheid entity and throwing their Palestinian "brothers" under the bus.
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Destroying Israel means millions of Palestinians dead and all holy Islamic sites destroyed.

Thousands per year? laughable.

That is a problem for those who worship an estate agent.

But as for those who worship the Lord of mankind, its a worthy sacrifice.
Iran says alot

I think reciprocity is good. At least possibility of it. Sort of balances things out. Machiavelli would find it plausible.
So you genius want destroy palestine too 😅👍

In a war in which attacking nuclear power plants is saught, there would be little consideration for that.

Think like this, if Israel attacked Iranian nuclear facility, lots of foreigners (even Italians) would be in danger, too. Would Israel stop military action because of such consideraton? I would like you say, yes.
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Destroying Israel means millions of Palestinians dead and all holy Islamic sites destroyed.

Thousands per year? laughable.
Millions of nazis that call themselves Israelis will also taste what it means to be war mongers.

Palestinian are going through what Jews encountered under the nazis. Sadly today's Jews are the raped sons of nazis
Millions of nazis that call themselves Israelis will also taste what it means to be war mongers.

Palestinian are going through what Jews encountered under the nazis. Sadly today's Jews are the raped sons of nazis

IDF soldiers guarding Gaza are present day concentration camp guards.
IDF soldiers guarding Gaza are present day concentration camp guards.
So the Egyptians are equally Nazis, since they blockade Gaza as well.

Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.

This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?
Millions of nazis that call themselves Israelis will also taste what it means to be war mongers.

Palestinian are going through what Jews encountered under the nazis. Sadly today's Jews are the raped sons of nazis
Lol except that won't happen because we will beat anyone opposing us yet again
So the Egyptians are equally Nazis, since they blockade Gaza as well.

Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.
View attachment 804555
This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?

Lol except that won't happen because we will beat anyone opposing us yet again
Yes the Egyptians are nazi slaves ...

How does it feel to be a nazi?
So the Egyptians are equally Nazis, since they blockade Gaza as well.

Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.
View attachment 804555
This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?

Lol except that won't happen because we will beat anyone opposing us yet again

I can post pictures of some really great resorts in third world countries, such as say the Congo, but that doesn't mean the rest of the country is as developed.
Oh look suddenly Arabs care about Palestine when it comes to blowback damage from being near Israel.

Meanwhile, Israel kills thousands of Palestinians directly per year and Arabs don’t say anything and establish direct relations with Israel.

Truly ironic

Im Greek, not arab and i honestly give a shit about palestine. I just find this so ironic. Iran praises itself for whatever bizarre reason to be the savior of palestine but at same time threatens to destroy palestine. In that case israelis would most likely evacuate and palestine suffers a slow and agonizing chernobyl end.

Thats like some sick satire.
I can post pictures of some really great resorts in third world countries, such as say the Congo, but that doesn't mean the rest of the country is as developed.
It means it's corrupt and its failure is a result of its corrupted government.

Same about Gaza, while the leaders are millionaires living abroad or millionaires living in Gaza, that money directly coming from aid money to the citizens of Gaza that live in poverty.

But Hamas was democratically elected, so they got what they deserve. Gaza could have easily not been in the situation it is now if it didn't launch rockets and send suicide bombers into Israel in the mid 2000s.
You should worry less about the plight of Palestinians which have received hundreds of millions of dollars year in Iranian aid and worry about your own country who can barely defend its territorial integrity against Turkey.

If you want satire, look at your military.
Funny, he makes a valid claim and you divert the talking subject.

Iran portrays itself as the savior of the Palestinian people and is openly talking about bombarding Israel to oblivion and as a result everything the Palestinians fight for as well.
So the Egyptians are equally Nazis, since they blockade Gaza as well.

Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.
View attachment 804555
This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?

Lol except that won't happen because we will beat anyone opposing us yet again
80% of GAZA is in poverty and over 60% is food insecure.

Of course thank god the local Jew found a picture of a pool to make it all better.

You can be damn sure if technology like social media didn’t exist today like it didn’t exist back in WW2 then Zionists would have massacred the Palestians no need for concentration camps.

Even during WW2 most of the world didn’t think concentration camps truly existed to the extent that they later found out. Funny how lack of technology allows countries to wipe out millions. Just ask Stalin or the Turks.

You better hope the Zionists keep reproducing like rabbits because demographics are swinging hard against you. Just ask Europe. Sooner or later most of your population will be Arab...truly ironic. It’s an unsustainable mess in both “countries” (Israeli and Palestine).
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