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Dimona nuclear plant primary target of Iranian missiles, incase of Israeli attack.

There is no war. Iran uses Israel as internal political scapegoat and Israel does same. I bet both even work hand in hand.
Careful now m8,you`re starting to sound exactly like some of the more 🤡paranoid🤡 pakistani posters here,such as Batman,complete with the exact same sort of 👽crazy conspiracy theory👽 as well.
Well, and to where can this power sent if no grid exists after missiles? In one moment the power is transformed from heat in the core to heat in the steam into electricity through turbines into transport over the grid into work at lots of places all over Israel, and suddenly the grid vanishes due to missiles and no more transformation happen and all the heat stays in the core of the power plant and rising.
Well, I don't know the technicality, but there's pretty much nothing nearby


And the facility is large, there's probably a local grid.
So the Egyptians are equally Nazis, since they blockade Gaza as well.

Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.
View attachment 804555
This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?

Lol except that won't happen because we will beat anyone opposing us yet again
Actually the egyptians would be the arab equivalent of the infamous Kapos,ie collaborators,who in return for certain privileges,actively helped the nazis by ensuring that the inmates stayed in line and thus fewer nazi overseers had to be used.
Often these kapos were chosen from among the ranks of the most brutal career criminals,as they had a natural tendency towards violence and often took pleasure in it[sort of like your typical vassal arab despot].

arab oberkapo armband-small.jpg

I can picture the egyptian border kapos wearing armbands like this........🤮
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There is no war. Iran uses Israel as internal political scapegoat and Israel does same. I bet both even work hand in hand.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Idiots, who don't know any context and cannot rationalize current events.
This is the best summation of Israel/Iran pseudo conflict...
This is the perfect statement to come from a mental patient. Are you having trouble understanding history? Do you need help?

I guess all those billions of dollars invested in Hamas, and PIJ are monopoly money or sabotages were fake. Hard to image delusional people like you exist.

One day fools like you are "Iran can't do nothing to Israel", and then the next day it's "fake conflict".
Well, I don't know the technicality, but there's pretty much nothing nearby

View attachment 804748

And the facility is large, there's probably a local grid.
Yes, they likely produce the energy independently, the facility has major energy consumption. This was exactly how Natanz was sabotaged.
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Bro it's a nuclear powerplant, I think it provides its own power lol
how much power it provide its more a research power planet than a commercial ones
not attack , retaliate there is some difference there
Anyways, you're such a retard. Gaza is a paradise compared to real concentration camps.
Gaza is autonomous, recieves billions of dollars in aid from countries like Qatar and the EU.
Terrorists like Hamas leaders live in wealth because the money goes only towards military projects like the tunnels we destroyed.

This is also a part of Gaza, is this how a concentration camp looks like?
a prison is a prison
Im Greek, not arab and i honestly give a shit about palestine. I just find this so ironic. Iran praises itself for whatever bizarre reason to be the savior of palestine but at same time threatens to destroy palestine. In that case israelis would most likely evacuate and palestine suffers a slow and agonizing chernobyl end.

Thats like some sick satire.
you guys as always overestimate the fallout , for such tiny reactor as Dimona.
destroying dimona will never destroy Israel or Palestine or whatever you want to call it , but you guys tend to post such sensational posts as if you even care about them, for what purpose , move some teenager who don't knew anything
Dimona was always a target, since the 60s. It's designed to contain itself, even if Iran attacks it, it won't affect Israel at all. Mainly because Iranian ballistic missiles can't penetrate that deep. And even if it could, Israel can fill it up with boron and stop the core from functioning. And even if it did melt down, it isn't a big reactor meaning any meltdown won't result in a massive radiation leak. And even if it did, it will be contained deep underground in the middle of the desert. All of that is under the assumption Iranian missiles won't get intercepted and that they actually hit.

Such an action would temporarily stop Israel from manufacturing nuclear warheads and ensure a considerable part of its already existing arsenal will head towards Iran.
well didn't you looked at the war game the missile didn't attacked the dome itself only , they attacked al support facility , , have you ever taught iran my spare the dome and attack those facilities and let the reactor destroy itself after loosing , power and cooling system and those safeguards .
and all these are beside the matter , attacking facilities like dimona or natanz won't do shit to a country nuclear program , they are just propaganda tool and sending political message . if the war happen , attacking , power grid , water treatment plane , communication hubs , industrial facilities and such are more of strategic value
Problem with this scenario is that Israel has nuclear weapons, Iran doesn't. So in a scenario where Iran nuclear facilities are hit, israel will use its nuclear weapons as a deterrent against Iranian retaliation. Yes Iran will respond but honestly it will be something on the lines of what Iran did on US base.
The only way around is for Iran to prevent this from happening in the first place.
However if Iran fails to deter than forget any strong response. If Iran does indeed destroy Israeli nuclear reactor than rest assured Israel will go nuclear. The son of bitches wont hesitate to kill millions of Iranians just to prove their point.
Problem with this scenario is that Israel has nuclear weapons, Iran doesn't. So in a scenario where Iran nuclear facilities are hit, israel will use its nuclear weapons as a deterrent against Iranian retaliation. Yes Iran will respond but honestly it will be something on the lines of what Iran did on US base.
The only way around is for Iran to prevent this from happening in the first place.
However if Iran fails to deter than forget any strong response. If Iran does indeed destroy Israeli nuclear reactor than rest assured Israel will go nuclear. The son of bitches wont hesitate to kill millions of Iranians just to prove their point.
It does not work like that. In the event Israel decides to strike Iranian nuclear facilities Iran will target Israeli nuclear reactor and other WMD producing assets. Response will be the same. Israel is no US.
If Israel decides to use nuclear weapons on Iran then Iran will declare itself nuclear in the public and retaliate back. Although there might be a problem here as Israel is extremely tiny. So the nuclear payload has to be calibrated strategically to effectively wipe out the Zionist establishment and not harm the neighboring countries.
Just because we are not impulsive does not mean our response will not be in the same level of the enemy. Our 5th tier rockets that we do not even give to our border guards have been extremely effective against Israel. Especially a few months ago when their infrastructure got downgraded. I do not think they are that stupid to risk the wrath of our A and B class missiles.
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Good target, Their ammonia plants in Haifa should be a target as well.
a prison is a prison

you guys as always overestimate the fallout , for such tiny reactor as Dimona.
destroying dimona will never destroy Israel or Palestine or whatever you want to call it , but you guys tend to post such sensational posts as if you even care about them, for what purpose , move some teenager who don't knew anything
And you get put into a prison for a reason.

I know attacking the Dimona nuclear reactor won't do any real damage to Israel. Israel already owns nukes and they're already fitted on their delivery vehicles.

All an attack like that would do is legitimize Israeli nuclear response.
But what Iran claims is that its ballistic missiles will destroy Israel. Except it's not true, the number of ballistic missiles Iran had can never hope to match the number of infrastructure buildings Israel has.
And you get put into a prison for a reason.

I know attacking the Dimona nuclear reactor won't do any real damage to Israel. Israel already owns nukes and they're already fitted on their delivery vehicles.

All an attack like that would do is legitimize Israeli nuclear response.
But what Iran claims is that its ballistic missiles will destroy Israel. Except it's not true, the number of ballistic missiles Iran had can never hope to match the number of infrastructure buildings Israel has.
if Israel attack Iran nuclear facility ,then it legitimize Iran responding the same way. and as we said many times we rather Israel go USSR or South Africa Style , we are not Fan of USA style of doing things
That is unless you're a Hamas leader, then nothing is scarce.

And you can only blame Gaza's administration, no one else. They brought themselves into a war they cannot win and suffer as a result.
And who democratically elected them? The Palestinians. Democratically. So who is responsible for the failure of Gaza? the citizens of Gaza.

Not Israel, not the billions of dollars thrown at the Palestinians over the years (which all went to Hamas projects), not the Arab states. Just the Palestinians themselves.
Resistance is a crime if u cant win
You should get inline like cattle to be slaughtered

I mean everyone knows this mantara

No wonder why u guys are considered curse..i mean u never learn..u got brutally killed by europeans and now u r doing the same..instead of sympathizing with palestinians..u have became like hitler..this isnt the first time u did so..wont be the last time..similar wont be the last time that tragedy will hit u..it is a curse ..
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