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Dimona nuclear plant primary target of Iranian missiles, incase of Israeli attack.

Iran portrays itself as the savior of the Palestinian people and is openly talking about bombarding Israel to oblivion and as a result everything the Palestinians fight for as well.

You Zionists really know how to spin a story to suit your needs.

The only instance Iran would attack Dimona would be in retribution to attack and subsequent radioactive cloud of a Zionist attack on Iranian nuclear sites. But hey why let facts get in the way of a good ole Zionist propaganda pitch portraying themselves as the victim.

Also there is no point in debating who has contributed the the defense and aid of Palestians. Those rockets they fired? Those tunnels they built? The modest domestic arms industry they assembled?

The basic items were all smuggled under a suffocating and brutal Israeli blockade using Iranian resources and knowledge. If it weren’t for a capability to fight back you Zionists would have taken every last ounce of dirt and claimed it for your own. Let’s be honest.

They went from throwing rocks at your tanks to frying you bastards in the tanks with anti missiles and lobbing thousands of rockets per day. Quite an accomplishment for a people under a blockade and living in 3rd world conditions with Israel dictating what goods can enter their land and what cannot.

If you truly feel you guys are a worthy military power, lift the blockade and let Iran freely supply Gaza with arms to defend itself.
80% of GAZA is in poverty and over 60% is food insecure.

Of course thank god the local Jew found a picture of a pool to make it all better.

You can be damn sure if technology like social media didn’t exist today like it didn’t exist back in WW2 then Zionists would have massacred the Palestians no need for concentration camps.

Even during WW2 most of the world didn’t think concentration camps truly existed to the extent that they later found out. Funny how lack of technology allows countries to wipe out millions. Just ask Stalin or the Turks.

You better hope the Zionists keep reproducing like rabbits because demographics are swinging hard against you. Just ask Europe. Sooner or later most of your population will be Arab...truly ironic. It’s an unsustainable mess in both “countries” (Israeli and Palestine).
That is unless you're a Hamas leader, then nothing is scarce.

And you can only blame Gaza's administration, no one else. They brought themselves into a war they cannot win and suffer as a result.
And who democratically elected them? The Palestinians. Democratically. So who is responsible for the failure of Gaza? the citizens of Gaza.

Not Israel, not the billions of dollars thrown at the Palestinians over the years (which all went to Hamas projects), not the Arab states. Just the Palestinians themselves.
The only instance Iran would attack Dimona would be in retribution to attack and subsequent radioactive cloud of a Zionist attack on Iranian nuclear sites. But hey why let facts get in the way of a good ole Zionist propaganda pitch portraying themselves as the victim.
Honestly, even if Iran did manage to hit Dimona, the reactor is deep underground, reinforced with anti-radiation materials, and its room would be filled with liquid Boron which would stop all of its functions. It isn't a 4,000MW reactor like in Chernobyl, even if a highly unlikely meltdown did occur, it would emit much less radiation, which would be enclosed deep underground in an empty desert area.

Such an attack would surely prompt an Israeli nuclear strike.

Iranian ballistic missiles are a threat, but not an existential one, and nothing we can't deal with.
But the Iranians believe they could destroy every inch of Israel which brings the question "what about the Palestinians?"

Just shows how much they care.

The basic items were all smuggled under a suffocating and brutal Israeli blockade using Iranian resources and knowledge. If it weren’t for a capability to fight back you Zionists would have taken every last ounce of dirt and claimed it for your own. Let’s be honest.
You talk about Iranian weapon smuggles into Gaza and then wonder why Israel has a blockade on Gaza? You really are a retard.

Israel gave Gaza away, why would we give it away just for us to fight back for it? As you said, if it wasn't for social media Israel would have exterminated the Palestinians already, so how can you suddenly say we can't conquer Gaza?

We just don't want it. Even in the Camp David accords with Egypt, we wanted to give Gaza to the Egyptians but they refused and left us with the problem.

They went from throwing rocks at your tanks to frying you bastards in the tanks with anti missiles and lobbing thousands of rockets per day. Quite an accomplishment for a people under a blockade and living in 3rd world conditions with Israel dictating what goods can enter their land and what cannot.
They throw rocks and use small arms in the West Bank and launch rockets in Gaza. They didn't launch rockets up until we gave them autonomy and pulled out our soldiers.

They have been launching rockets at us as long as they were autonomous. Whether it's the PLO in Lebanon in the 80s or Hamas since 2005.

It's really not an accomplishment, any shitty 3rd world country filled with inbred low IQ people like Gaza is could do it, Israel basically allows it by allowing electricity and building material flow into Gaza.

You really don't know how easily Israel could end it. Just stop food, water and electricity from entering Gaza and either Hamas gets toppled down by its own citizens or surrenders, or they just all die. Unfortunately we don't do it.

If you truly feel you guys are a worthy military power, lift the blockade and let Iran freely supply Gaza with arms to defend itself.
Damn you really are retarded lol
That is unless you're a Hamas leader, then nothing is scarce.

And you can only blame Gaza's administration, no one else. They brought themselves into a war they cannot win and suffer as a result.
And who democratically elected them? The Palestinians. Democratically. So who is responsible for the failure of Gaza? the citizens of Gaza.

Not Israel, not the billions of dollars thrown at the Palestinians over the years (which all went to Hamas projects), not the Arab states. Just the Palestinians themselves.

Who is enforcing a brutal blockade? Israel
Who gives zero fishing rights and sea rights to Palestine? Israel
Who has been systemically annexing more and more Palestinian land since over half a century ago? Israel

Listen your propganda lies don’t work here. Blaming everything on Hamas. If Hamas didn’t exist you would stolen all the land in Gaza. Let’s be honest. Zionist want all the land, that’s literally what your philosophy and Mein Kampf is.

You act like West Bank is Dubai and Gaza is Ethiopia. Ones a **** hole and the other is a worse **** hole because they won’t kneel to Zionist authority.

So put your mental gymnastics aside trying to portray Israel as some fair and democratic country that cherishes Human rights. You have a better chance at making it snow in hell.

Your country is what it is and that is a ruthless blood thirsty savage philosophical apartheid. When Iran says Israel will no longer exist on the map, it means that such regimes usually implode from unsustainability. You don’t even need to attack such countries directly. Just slowly pressure them from all sides because when the chips are down humans turn on each other. Israeli society is as fractured as they come, they are not immune.

If Zionist entity does not reform it will implode. While your artificial state was created because no European country wanted to give you pieces of their land to call home, Iran has existed for thousands of years. Since then many countries have risen and fallen.

Israel popularity and image has gone down every decade.
In 1990? Much higher
in 2000? Still pretty high, but technology is spreading and Israeli crimes are hitting the front pages
2010? Dropping hard as Bibi makes your country look just as fanatical and absurd as the ayatollahs
2020? Dropping even faster. When you have to get into bed with bloodthirsty PGulf Monarchs...you know **** has hit the fan

Just my 2 cents. Doesn’t matter to me either way what happens to Israel.
Im Greek, not arab and i honestly give a shit about palestine. I just find this so ironic. Iran praises itself for whatever bizarre reason to be the savior of palestine but at same time threatens to destroy palestine. In that case israelis would most likely evacuate and palestine suffers a slow and agonizing chernobyl end.

Thats like some sick satire.

So, if Israel attacked Iran, where should Iran respond in retaliation not to hurt the Palestinians? Greece? You need to find a suitable target and communicate that to Iran.
You should worry less about the plight of Palestinians which have received hundreds of millions of dollars year in Iranian aid and worry about your own country who can barely defend its territorial integrity against Turkey.

If you want satire, look at your military.

Last time i checked we can hold our ground qiute good. But thanks for your concerns.

As for hundreds of millions of dollers aid by iran to palestine, maybe Iran should use that money to help its own people. There are regulary mass deminstrations and riots because poor iranians cant afford bread and fuel anymore.

80% of GAZA is in poverty and over 60% is food insecure.

Of course thank god the local Jew found a picture of a pool to make it all better.

You can be damn sure if technology like social media didn’t exist today like it didn’t exist back in WW2 then Zionists would have massacred the Palestians no need for concentration camps.

Even during WW2 most of the world didn’t think concentration camps truly existed to the extent that they later found out. Funny how lack of technology allows countries to wipe out millions. Just ask Stalin or the Turks.

You better hope the Zionists keep reproducing like rabbits because demographics are swinging hard against you. Just ask Europe. Sooner or later most of your population will be Arab...truly ironic. It’s an unsustainable mess in both “countries” (Israeli and Palestine).

Arab population in europe is below 0.3%. With large areas of europe completly devoid of any arabs. Or how many have you see in Greece, Poland, Denmark, Croatia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania or the Baltics?

I have news for you, metropolitan Paris or Brussels is not same as Europe.
So, if Israel attacked Iran, where should Iran respond in retaliation not to hurt the Palestinians? Greece? You need to find a suitable target and communicate that to Iran.

I dont care, not our problem what they do down there.
Such an attack would surely prompt an Israeli nuclear strike.

Such amazing Jew logic. Where Israel can attack Iranian nuclear sites, but if Iran attacks Israeli nuclear sites in retaliation it would be hit with nuclear strike. Truly truly inbred Zionist logic.

I can promise you if Israel ever used a nuclear weapon on Iran, it would be met with a nuclear strike sooner rather than later. That is all I will say on that matter.

BM missiles are a huge threat, anyone that knows the basics of Arrow 2/3 and THAAD capabilities and energy bleed rates of interceptors against their respective counterpart missiles wouldn’t make ignorant statements. But that is neither here nor there. Too long of a discussion for me to tell you which missiles break thru which AD defense systems at a high statistical significance rate.

Either way seems you are obsessed with this “existential threat”, only the Zionists are the ones screaming Iran is an existential threat for the last 30 years. Iran isn’t attacking Dimona to end Israel as a country it’s attacking a nuclear site in retribution for nuclear site attack. You been distracted listening to too many Bibi fear mongering speeches while his cronies and stooges corrupted your “democracy”.

We don’t see eye to eye on this subject. So I’ll wait for Israel to attack sometime between now and when your magical God shows up. An attack is about as likely as the latter.
You really don't know how easily Israel could end it. Just stop food, water and electricity from entering Gaza and either Hamas gets toppled down by its own citizens or surrenders, or they just all die. Unfortunately we don't do it.

Spoken like a true Zionist Nazi.

Case closed.
Im Greek, not arab and i honestly give a shit about palestine. I just find this so ironic. Iran praises itself for whatever bizarre reason to be the savior of palestine but at same time threatens to destroy palestine. In that case israelis would most likely evacuate and palestine suffers a slow and agonizing chernobyl end.

Thats like some sick satire.
Iran portrays itself as the savior of the Palestinian people and is openly talking about bombarding Israel to oblivion and as a result everything the Palestinians fight for as well.

What irrational comments. Once again, the Iranian general classified the Dimona reactor as a probable target if the zionists dare launch strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.

Now guess what, zionist decision makers are intelligent enough to shut down the Dimona plant should they ever proceed to such a madness as trying to bomb peaceful Iranian nuclear installations. Especially now that Iran officially qualified Dimona as a potential retaliation target. So, in this scenario there won't be significant enough radioactive fallout to threaten the Palestinians. What would happen though, is that the zionist regime would lose its nuclear weapons manufacturing facility.
What irrational comments. Once again, the Iranian general classified the Dimona reactor as a probable target if the zionists dare launch strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.

Now guess what, zionist decision makers are intelligent enough to shut down the Dimona plant should they ever proceed to such a madness as trying to bomb peaceful Iranian nuclear installations. Especially now that Iran officially qualified Dimona as a potential retaliation target. So, in this scenario there won't be significant enough radioactive fallout to threaten the Palestinians. What would happen though, is that the zionist regime would lose its nuclear weapons manufacturing facility.
Dimona was always a target, since the 60s. It's designed to contain itself, even if Iran attacks it, it won't affect Israel at all. Mainly because Iranian ballistic missiles can't penetrate that deep. And even if it could, Israel can fill it up with boron and stop the core from functioning. And even if it did melt down, it isn't a big reactor meaning any meltdown won't result in a massive radiation leak. And even if it did, it will be contained deep underground in the middle of the desert. All of that is under the assumption Iranian missiles won't get intercepted and that they actually hit.

Such an action would temporarily stop Israel from manufacturing nuclear warheads and ensure a considerable part of its already existing arsenal will head towards Iran.
Such an action would temporarily stop Israel from manufacturing nuclear warheads and ensure a considerable part of its already existing arsenal will head towards Iran..

If Iran is subjected to a nuclear first strike, the culprit will experience the same plight not too long afterwards. Iran can survive multiple nuclear hits, Isra"el" however is a "single nuke" entity.

Iran portrays itself as the savior of the Palestinian people and is openly talking about bombarding Israel to oblivion and as a result everything the Palestinians fight for as well.

Iran is openly talking about bringing about regime change in Occupied Palestine in the same way as the apartheid system was removed from South Africa. No more, no less. Which wouldn't affect the integrity of the Palestinians, nor of that which they're fighting for.
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If Iran is subjected to a nuclear first strike, the culprit will experience the same plight not too long afterwards. Iran can survive multiple nuclear hits, Isra"el" however is a "single nuke" entity.
Only a fool would assume any country can survive multiple nuclear hits.
Japan was a nation full of pride with civilians that would rather kill themselves than let their city be taken by American forces and would crash airplanes into American ships for their honor, and two relatively small nukes hit two relatively small towns of Japan turned them into obedient puppies.

Hell, the Beirut explosion which was barely 0.3 kilotons almost made Lebanon collapse.

You really think Iran is going to survive multiple 200kt submarine launched cruise missiles and MIRV capable Jericho 2 and 3 missiles?
A country which is already in chaos with riots going on every day? You're an idiot.
Only a fool would assume any country can survive multiple nuclear hits.
Japan was a nation full of pride with civilians that would rather kill themselves than let their city be taken by American forces and would crash airplanes into American ships for their honor, and two relatively small nukes hit two relatively small towns of Japan turned them into obedient puppies.

Japan in 1945 was nowhere a nuclear weapons threshold state... but Iran today is (according to your own shabbos goy John Kerry, no less!).

Hell, the Beirut explosion which was barely 0.3 kilotons almost made Lebanon collapse.

Really? Lebanon right now is in a state of 'business as usual'. Not least thanks to generous Iranian fuel deliveries, hehehe.

You really think Iran is going to survive multiple 200kt submarine launched cruise missiles and MIRV capable Jericho 2 and 3 missiles?

Yup, she will. And good luck trying to detect all of Iran's quasi-manportable, highly mobile laser enrichment devices.

country which is already in chaos with riots going on every day? You're an idiot.

Yeah, sure... We've been hearing for the past 40+ years from (pro-zionist) opposition sources that the "fall of the Islamic Republic' is "imminent". I will encourage you to keep deluding yourself in that silly, out of touch belief. Reality however is that the IR has never been as stable, with even secular nationalists joining it in defense of Iran's territorial integrity and power projection. The choice is yours. Forget about attacking Iran, the regime you're defending is not going to get away with it unscathed. Hence why no attack has taken place to this day.
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Japan was nowhere a nuclear weapons threashold country in 1945... Iran is.
Iran isn't. Iran is closer going back to the stone age than to getting a nuke. Mark my words.

Really? Lebanon is in a state of business as usual. Not least thanks to generous Iranian fuel deliveries,
Lol is it? There are riots every day and recently even a massive shootout in which Hezbollah supporters/members were killed as a result of Hezbollah's attempt to stop the investigation of the Beirut explosion.

Anyways I wasn't talking about now, I am talking about when the explosion happened, utter chaos. And that's from a blast 1/1000th the size of one of Israel's 200~ nuclear warheads.

Yup, she will. And good luck detecting all of Iran's quasi-manportable, highly mobile laser enrichment devices.
Damn if you think Iran is going to survive you're retarded lol.
Good luck with creating a nuclear bomb without any electricity when Iran is glassed

Bla bla bla. We've been hearing for the past 40+ years from (pro-zionist) opposition sources that the "fall of the Islamic Republic' is "imminent". I will encourage you to keep deluding yourself in that silly, out of touch belief. Reality is that the IR has never been as stable, with even nationalists joining it in defense of Iran's territorial integrity and power projection,
Never been as stable?

There's whole Wikipedia articles showing how not stable it is, thousands of dead, of course censored by Iran. Dictatorships like Iran like to show themselves as stable just so its citizens won't ride the momentum and topple it down.

Your country is under constant cyber attacks, latest of which paralyzed literally every single gas station in Iran and mockingly changed electric billboards in Iranian highways to say "Khamenei! Where is our gas? "
Another said: "Free gas in Jamaran gas station," a reference to the home of the late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
Forget about attacking Iran, the regime you're defending is not going to get away with it unscathed.
If we get scathed, Iran won't be.

Not as in it won't be scathed, it simply won't be anymore.
Iran isn't. Iran is closer going back to the stone age than to getting a nuke. Mark my words.

As I said, keep deluding yourself. For Iran to manufacture nuclear weapons is just a matter of political decision. Nothing else. So Isra"el" better don't push her.

Lol is it? There are riots every day and recently even a massive shootout in which Hezbollah supporters/members were killed as a result of Hezbollah's attempt to stop the investigation of the Beirut explosion.

Yes, it is. But I don't expect you to realize that anyway. "Riots ever day", lol, what planet are you living on? None of the occasional riots (every four to five years) your regime has been sponsoring have led to the desired outcome. They all fizzled out and failed miserably, because the majority in Iran are well aware of what's going on. Where's the "regime change" Tel Aviv has been promising Iranian oppositionists for the past 40+ years?

Anyways I wasn't talking about now, I am talking about when the explosion happened, utter chaos. And that's from a blast 1/1000th the size of one of Israel's 200~ nuclear warheads.

You're funny, man. What's the point of that explosion when everything's back to normal now in Lebanon?

Damn if you think Iran is going to survive you're retarded lol.
Good luck with creating a nuclear bomb without any electricity when Iran is glassed.

Good luck "glassing" >1,6M square kilometers!

Iran mastered AVL/S uranium laser enrichment more than 20 years ago. Ask your regime's spies at the IAEA, and what that means!

Never been as stable?

There's whole Wikipedia articles showing how not stable it is, thousands of dead, of course censored by Iran. Dictatorships like Iran like to show themselves as stable just so its citizens won't ride the momentum and topple it down..

Nope, the US Biden regime itself admitted that there weren't more than two hundred dead or so at that event some years ago. You're seriously betting on a lost cause, believe me.

Your country is under constant cyber attacks, latest of which paralyzed literally every single gas station in Iran and mockingly changed electric billboards in Iranian highways to say "Khamenei! Where is our gas? "

Give me a break. For every cyber attack, there's been a worthy retaliation, the last one of which even featured private photographs of the zionist regime's prime minister in person!

Another said: "Free gas in Jamaran gas station," a reference to the home of the late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Lol, what comedy show! No further comment needed.
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Bro it's a nuclear powerplant, I think it provides its own power lol

Well, and to where can this power sent if no grid exists after missiles? In one moment the power is transformed from heat in the core to heat in the steam into electricity through turbines into transport over the grid into work at lots of places all over Israel, and suddenly the grid vanishes due to missiles and no more transformation happen and all the heat stays in the core of the power plant and rising.
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