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Did you know that Israel is still occupying Saudi Arabian islands

why do u consider indians as your friends,huh?thet are enemies.Do you know in one religious book of hinduism,their one sacred man sais that KHANA KABA( holy Land Of Mekkah) is birth place of their any religious men whom they worship so they claim Holy Mekkah their property and not only Holy Mekkah but also land of Arab as their ancient hindu civilization.

Never read of such a thing.Which book?Which religious man?

And Arabia before coming of Islam was a Pagan Culture.They could fit loosely in definition of Hinduism as polyatheists are flexible regarding God.

I don't believe this what Syrian Sher i mean Syrian Lion is writing about occupying Saudi islands.Its impossible.

In history when israelis were moving towards Holy Mekkah so it was SSG unit of Pakistan Army who secured Holy Land.If anything like that written above is happening then why Saudi do not ask Pakistan to do any action on that.


Whatever you are smoking is pretty strong.
You did not hear ? They announced it a couple of months ago .


Google it .

Wikipedia is not a valid source, ok im gonna go your way and say that those islands are back to Saudi or Egypt, and we both know that Egypt is an ally of Israel, and Saudi orders come from Tel Aviv and D.C, so for Israel giving up those islands is the same as keeping them, because they can accesses them anytime, since they are in CONTROL.

Please provide me with a valid source to counter my argument regarding this topic.

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

"The bridge on the Gulf of Aqaba will become the world’s longest and will take three years to complete at a cost of billions of dollars," said the diplomat on condition of anonymity.

Didnt say Tiran at all. please QUOTE. thank you.

Man, this talks about building a bridge between Saudi and Egypt? so where are you getting the information regarding those islands?

ويمتد من ميناء العقبة في مصر حتى منطقة تبوك في السعودية ليبلغ طوله إلى نحو ٥٠ كيلومتراً بتكلفة إجمالية تصل إلى ٣ مليارات دولار، ومن المتوقع أن يتم تغطية هذه التكلفة في أقل من 10 سنوات من خلال الرسوم التي سيتم تحصيلها من السيارات التي من المقرر أن تستخدم هذا الجسر. ومن المتوقع أن تستغرق المسافة من مصر والسعودية عبر استخدام الجسر نحو 20 دقيقة فقط بمجرد البدء في تشغيله.

It says the Bridge will extend from Alaqa'aba in Egypt to Tabuk Saudi. WHERE ARE THE INFORMATION REGARDING THOSE ISLANDS.
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