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Did you know? Palestine’s knafeh is now “Israeli” too?

It's simply, middle eastern food.
Everyone in the region took dishes from the others, added their own thing and calls it theirs.
It's simply, middle eastern food.
Everyone in the region took dishes from the others, added their own thing and calls it theirs.

No it isn't, you're just an ignorant child. If it's Middle Eastern food then why is it labelled as 'Israeli'?
No it isn't, you're just an ignorant child. If it's Middle Eastern food then why is it labelled as 'Israeli'?


It is not Israeli, neither Palestinian.

It's Middle Eastern.

It is not Israeli, neither Palestinian.

It's Middle Eastern.

Knafeh as it's known today is Palestinian. And if it's Middle Eastern as you say then the website should correct that.
Knafeh as it's known today is Palestinian. And if it's Middle Eastern as you say then the website should correct that.

Levantine dish, anyway you want to claim it yours ( Palestinian ) do so if it makes you happy.
Levantine dish, anyway you want to claim it yours ( Palestinian ) do so if it makes you happy.

So you went from Middle East to Levant dish, since you clearly don't even know what entails of the Middle East. You don't know anything about the Levant besides checking your Wikipedia source. Then you come here and act like an all knowledgeable man. It's Palestinian, let's leave it at that. Still haven't answered the question yet about the website? And neither do you get the point about culture appropriation.

That's asking for too much from you though.

Read the title genius and try comprehending English. He's not claiming every sweets dish in the Middle East is Palestinian.
So you went from Middle East to Levant dish, since you clearly don't even know what entails of the Middle East. You don't know anything about the Levant besides checking your Wikipedia source. Then you come here and act like an all knowledgeable man. It's Palestinian, let's leave it at that. Still haven't answered the question yet about the website? And neither do you get the point about culture appropriation.

That's asking for too much from you though.

Levant is in the ME. Borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel/Palestine have changed throughout history with conquests. You want to add that dish to a national claim of a state based on modern boundaries while I call it a Levantine dish, a region which will always stay the Levant no matter who conquers what.

What do I need to know ? i've been there anyway.
Show evidence that it's Palestinian and not Lebanese, evidence that it's not Syrian ?

Turkish, Iraqi, Saudi, Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese cuisine.

80% of their dishes are similar copied from one another during the thousand years of shared history through being part of the same empire yet all claim it's theirs especially on forums like PDF ^^

Let's see the real knowledgeable man Hazzy prove us how this dish is Palestinian and not Lebanese.
Levant is in the ME. Borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel/Palestine have changed throughout history with conquests.

How long did it take you to google that?

You want to add that dish to a national claim of a state based on modern boundaries

The dessert mentioned in the article is in Palestine and is Palestinian, improve your reading skills.

call it a Levantine dish, a region which will always stay the Levant no matter who conquers what.

Other Middle Eastern nations have their variants of a similar dessert.

80% of their dishes are similar copied from one another during the thousand years of shared history through being part of the same empire yet all claim it's theirs especially on forums like PDF ^^

Who's 'their'? Do you know anything about the food in the Middle East? They aren't the same. Similar in some ways but not the same.

Let's see the real knowledgeable man Hazzy prove us how this dish is Palestinian and not Lebanese.

I can't prove anything since #doritos is an all knowing man. Glad you agree that it isn't an Israeli dessert though as the website falsely claims.
How long did it take you to google that?

The dessert mentioned in the article is in Palestine and is Palestinian, improve your reading skills.

Other Middle Eastern nations have their variants of a similar dessert.

Who's 'their'? Do you know anything about the food in the Middle East? They aren't the same. Similar in some ways but not the same.

I can't prove anything since #doritos is an all knowing man. Glad you agree that it isn't an Israeli dessert though as the website falsely claims.


Since it's a big unified country their cuisine is considered one but separated in many regional cuisines.
Like Levant, a region.

Saying this is a Levantine dish makes way more sense then Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian, Jordanian as these are modern states with modern borders while the dish is from ancient/medieval times.

Anyway if you want to call it Palestinian and end up fighting with Syrians/Lebanese like Hasani fought with Turks over Arabian/Turkish coffee have it your way

Like I said, Knafah was originally Palestinian and known as nablusi. Syria makes the same one that originated from Nablus. Today there are different variations, some Arab nations made their own which is mixed with nuts and doesn't have cheese. Today the sweets market is very large in the Arab world. If you read the article we wouldn't be wasting our time over this. And of course your go to source is wikipedia. :lol:

Quit ranting about something you don't know about.

It's an ancient dish? Where did you learn that?

Another reading comprehension fail by doritos. :rofl:

I don't care when it was made, ancient/medieval I said since most of the orgin of these dishes are from that timeline.

Like I said, Knafah was originally Palestinian and known as nablusi.

Told you to convince us, not repeat it
I don't care when it was made, ancient/medieval I said since most of the orgin of these dishes are from that timeline.

No it wasn't, where do even get your knowledge? You don't know anything about the Mediterranean cuisine. Stick to the dutch cuisine.

You just told us it's an ancient dish yet expect people to take you as a reliable source. Somebody who get's his information off of Wikipedia and can't even comprehend his own go to source. :omghaha:

You should stop humiliating yourself and leave this thread. I strong advise you to do so.

Told you to convince us, not repeat it

Who's 'us'? Everybody is convinced, which is why the Israeli here is trying to make it out as an Israeli cuisine. Since he and Israel want to erase the Palestinian national identity. Like they do when they kill journalists, I've given an example earlier on that.
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