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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

If the plane gets hit in mid air, doesn't debris scatter around a few km radius. It appears all the debris was found in the crash site.
I think the airplane was trying to return to the airport.
Iranians are scared of the deadly US drones. They killed Soleimani and no real reataliation. They can also kill Khamenei and any person they want knowing they can get away with it. This passenger plane is a victim of this fear
What is bizarre and in fact suspicious is the lack of any formal statement so far made by either Air Defense Force, or IRGC. The second photo published by Babak Tagvaee today cannot be fake unless it belongs to another country or event. Remember the time one Tomcat crashed shortly after taking off from Bandar Abbas AFB (similar to this flight) few years back, and some sources claimed Tor-M1 was responsible for it!
Which picture was this?,the ones containing the fragments of a tor that he claimed a "citizen journalist" had sent him?
I`m sorry but as yet there is NO conclusive evidence WHATSOEVER to support this claim.I suggest we all wait until both the data analysis from the flight data recorders and the wreckage reconstruction has been completed.
Babak taghvaee is about as trustworthy and reliable a source as donald trump.

Iranians are scared of the deadly US drones. They killed Soleimani and no real reataliation. They can also kill Khamenei and any person they want knowing they can get away with it. This passenger plane is a victim of this fear
You do realise that iran has the second oldest drone program in the middle east,that it operates some of the most advanced drones in the region,not to mention probably the current largest ucav force in the region.Oh thats right,I almost forgot,it was iranian derived drones that carried out the refinery attacks that shut down half of saudi oil production.Theres absolutely nothing to stop iran from a capability standpoint of carrying out the exact very same sort of drone assassination attack on us personnel in the region that the us used on soleimani.
Next time at the very least do some fvcking research before you post in future.
Which picture was this?,the ones containing the fragments of a tor that he claimed a "citizen journalist" had sent him?
I`m sorry but as yet there is NO conclusive evidence WHATSOEVER to support this claim.I suggest we all wait until both the data analysis from the flight data recorders and the wreckage reconstruction has been completed.
Babak taghvaee is about as trustworthy and reliable a source as donald trump.

You do realise that iran has the second oldest drone program in the middle east,that it operates some of the most advanced drones in the region,not to mention probably the current largest ucav force in the region.Oh thats right,I almost forgot,it was iranian derived drones that carried out the refinery attacks that shut down half of saudi oil production.Theres absolutely nothing to stop iran from a capability standpoint of carrying out the exact very same sort of drone assassination attack on us personnel in the region that the us used on soleimani.
Next time at the very least do some fvcky?ing research before you post in future.
Really? Then why all they can do in facts is a pathetic strike with ZERO casualties? Worst than Hamas and Boko Haram.
Really? Then why all they can do in facts is a pathetic strike with ZERO casualties? Worst than Hamas and Boko Haram.

Since 1980 Iran as a state actor has killed the most US soldiers. More than so called military powers China and Russia, who don’t dare to touch a hair on a soldier. Do you also call China and Russia scared? So I don’t know what you are babbling about.

Nobody in the West thinks Iran is afraid of US casualties. Iran didn’t expand its influence into Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan (and some other classified countries for now) by trying to punch the US right away.

Let’s see in 5 years is Iranian influence spread further and if so then that’s a win for Iran. That’s all Iran cares about expanding its reach.
Since 1980 Iran as a state actor has killed the most US soldiers. More than so called military powers China and Russia, who don’t dare to touch a hair on a soldier. Do you also call China and Russia scared? So I don’t know what you are babbling about.

Nobody in the West thinks Iran is afraid of US casualties. Iran didn’t expand its influence into Iraq, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan (and some other classified countries for now) by trying to punch the US right away.

Let’s see in 5 years is Iranian influence spread further and if so then that’s a win for Iran. That’s all Iran cares about expanding its reach.
When did America launch missiles and kill a Soviet or Chinese top general? Everyone in the world thinks Iran is a c oward, there won't be any change in 5 years because if you were born a coward you will die as a coward. You will never be a fighter. Iran will never have a nuclear weapon for the same reason, USA threatens and Iran surrenders. Once a chicken always a chicken.
When did America launch missiles and kill a Soviet or Chinese top general? Everyone in the world thinks Iran is a c oward, there won't be any change in 5 years because if you were born a coward you will die as a coward. You will never be a fighter. Iran will never have a nuclear weapon for the same reason, USA threatens and Iran surrenders. Once a chicken always a chicken.

30 years you cannot take back Kashmir. In 30 years Iran has major influence in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Gaza, Iraq.

But Iran is the coward? No sir Pakistan is the real coward. While Kashmirs’ get slaughtered Pakistan sits and does nothing.

Nuclear bombs won’t help you against superpowers. It didn’t save Russia from losing Ukraine and Crimea. It didn’t save Russia from having NATO on its borders and missile interceptors on its borders.

It hasn’t saved China from taking back Taiwan or keeping peace in Hong Kong. It hasn’t stopped US from challenging China in South China Sea.

US knows Iran would never use a nuke for low grade conflicts. Even if the walls are falling they still might not use nukes. Saddam and Assad had stockpiles of chemical weapons and when both had forces beating on their palaces neither used WMD to save themselves.

WMDs don’t save you from conflict. Not in 21st century.
30 years you cannot take back Kashmir. In 30 years Iran has major influence in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Gaza, Iraq.

But Iran is the coward? No sir Pakistan is the real coward. While Kashmirs’ get slaughtered Pakistan sits and does nothing.

Nuclear bombs won’t help you against superpowers. It didn’t save Russia from losing Ukraine and Crimea. It didn’t save Russia from having NATO on its borders and missile interceptors on its borders.

It hasn’t saved China from taking back Taiwan or keeping peace in Hong Kong. It hasn’t stopped US from challenging China in South China Sea.

US knows Iran would never use a nuke for low grade conflicts. Even if the walls are falling they still might not use nukes. Saddam and Assad had stockpiles of chemical weapons and when both had forces beating on their palaces neither used WMD to save themselves.

WMDs don’t save you from conflict. Not in 21st century.
There are cowards and there are brave. You can die in your bed or you can die standing up against the criminal aggressor. Iran is in the cowards group, using its inferior means as the excuse to surrender. Others have fought and won or lost. But they fought no matter the cost.
Guys if SAM operators accidentally shot down the plane, Iran Air Defense Force knows about it and if they didn't, They know non of their AD systems operated, So either way i think they should issue an statement. If this was their handiwork, And i really hope this is not, They should come clean, Keeping quiet is going to make things worse.
Guys if SAM operators accidentally shot down the plane, Iran Air Defense Force knows about it and if they didn't, They know non of their AD systems operated, So either way i think they should issue an statement. If this was their handiwork, And i really hope this is not, They should come clean, Keeping quiet is going to make things worse.
Why should they admit their fault? They already look cowards to the world, by admitting thier fault they would also look incompetent. Also they will have to pay compensations
Really? Then why all they can do in facts is a pathetic strike with ZERO casualties? Worst than Hamas and Boko Haram.
You really should take a look at the post strike pictures,as these show very clearly the level of accuracy that was involved in the strike,this was literally pinpoint with a likely cep in the low single digits,the iranians could`ve hit literally any single part of those facilities that they wanted to,any structure at all.
In addition tho the us personnel would`ve been in their bunkers and shelters on full alert,the us early warning systems in the region plus observation satellites would`ve also been watching iran and the known facilities and bases for any launch indications,so they would not have been taking any risks either.Because once people start dying it becomes much,much harder to lower the tensions politically and militarily,you then have the very real risk of an escalating series of tit-for-tat strikes that could easily spin out of control and into a war,and ultimately no one wanted another war in the region,not the us,not iran,not the gulfies and not even israel.Thats why when it came right down to it iran was careful with its targeting,thats also why trump despite his prior dire threats of launching a massive attack on iran if there was ANY retaliation for soleimanis assassination instead sounded far less bellicose and far more conciliatory in the immediate aftermath of the attack.
Ironically probably the one thing that all the players in the region could agree on is that they dont want another war in the region because they`d ALL have a lot to lose.
If the iranians were really the "cowards" that you seem to think then why didnt they simply agree to all of trumps new demands after he left the jcpoa and simply save themselves all of this bother?.
You really should take a look at the post strike pictures,as these show very clearly the level of accuracy that was involved in the strike,this was literally pinpoint with a likely cep in the low single digits,the iranians could`ve hit literally any single part of those facilities that they wanted to,any structure at all.
In addition tho the us personnel would`ve been in their bunkers and shelters on full alert,the us early warning systems in the region plus observation satellites would`ve also been watching iran and the known facilities and bases for any launch indications,so they would not have been taking any risks either.Because once people start dying it becomes much,much harder to lower the tensions politically and militarily,you then have the very real risk of an escalating series of tit-for-tat strikes that could easily spin out of control and into a war,and ultimately no one wanted another war in the region,not the us,not iran,not the gulfies and not even israel.Thats why when it came right down to it iran was careful with its targeting,thats also why trump despite his prior dire threats of launching a massive attack on iran if there was ANY retaliation for soleimanis assassination instead sounded far less bellicose and far more conciliatory in the immediate aftermath of the attack.
Ironically probably the one thing that all the players in the region could agree on is that they dont want another war in the region because they`d ALL have a lot to lose.
If the iranians were really the "cowards" that you seem to think then why didnt they simply agree to all of trumps new demands after he left the jcpoa and simply save themselves all of this bother?.
Again only excuses. What retaliation is it if there are no casualties? Who cares about two garages to rebuild? Then Iran lacks spine and their words were lies. There was no real retaliation, that's why Trump is so happy. It's a flawless victory for Trump, he killed Soleimani without having to pay any price. Next time he will do it again whenever he wants because 'Iran doesn't want a war and bla bla bla' so there will no be retaliation. America can do what they want in Iran.
That in a nutshell my friend.
I suggest that we all should reserve judgement until after the results of the examination of the flight recorder data and the reconstruction of the wreckage as this should fairly conclusively tell us one way or the other if it was a sam that was responsible.
Until then all of this is merely utterly pointless speculation that proves nothing.

Every video I've seen so far shows the plane was already on fire before that mid air explosion and the U.S. media all day has been trying to pass that off as some kind of prof that Iran shot it down! which is absurd and intentionally misleading. Fact is until the investigations are concluded everything is speculation and theoretical not factual.

From my perspective what it seems like to me is that the U.S. media was trying it's best to change the subject from the humiliating strike against their air base to this incident.
Major airline incidents happen across the globe at least once a year, however, since WW2 no country on the planet has ever carried out precision strikes against the U.S. military assets at a U.S. military air bases 100's of km from it's own boarders making Iran the ONLY country since WW2 that has carried out precision strikes against the U.S. and Iran did so using it's own domestically produced weapons. Yet the U.S. media instead of reporting that has been hell bent on blaming Iran for this incident today with absolutely no facts to back their claims.

I think even if final investigations shows this to be nothing more than engine trouble still I believe one of the main lessons Iran should learn from this incident is that they should have grounded all flights for at least 24 hours

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