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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

New video appeared of shooting down the plane with missile.
Now that really shifts the chances of this being downed by a SAM to near 100%.
1- This is not a new video, This is the only video that more and more looks to be fake, See my post here.
Also, This is a picture of the alleged SAM missile explosion, This looks to be after effect not an explosion:

2- This is the initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies before they change it like weasels:

"But five security sources - three Americans, one European and one Canadian - who asked not to be named, told Reuters the initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies was that the plane had suffered a technical malfunction and had not been brought down by a missile. There was evidence one of the jet’s engines had overheated, the Canadian source said."


they want Iran to hand over the black boxes, which says it all.
They shouldn't, They are already pinning this on Iran, We should have access to black boxes as evidence.
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They shouldn't, They are already pinning this on Iran, We should have access to black boxes as evidence.

They want to have full control over it so they can manipulate the "evidence"

Why should we trust the Americans to give an unbiased honest report? Are we that stupid?
you are physically no threat to USA just like paper tiger China is. Your nations great achievements are starting huge civil wars in Syria, Yemen , Iraq. Based on this america has no need to attack you or complain as you do America bidding for them ruining Muslim countries. The only people who have literally hurt America was the brave Sunni mujahideen in Iraq where you and your shameless proxies were on the side of America attacking them. 2nd one is the Taliban mujahideen who are fighting America and brought it on too it’s knees at the negotiation table. They killed your national hero you launch means less missiles which not confirmed America pre warned. Donald trump committed a great injustice to you and you failed to address it.
Lot of arab/sunni butthurt in this thread I see.
Now I dont want to start a flame war here but if you want a real life definition of a "paper tiger" then it isnt iran or china,its saudi arabia,in fact I`d go so far as to say that militarily they`re not even a paper tiger,they probably wish that they were,but actually they`re just a potemkin.

I hate to burst your bubble buddy,but I`m not iranian....or even a muslim.:azn:
Why should they admit their fault? They already look cowards to the world, by admitting thier fault they would also look incompetent. Also they will have to pay compensations
Man you really made it! Congratulations! In less than 24 hours the number of your posts, all bunch of BS, passed 45! By far one of the most talented trolls I have ever seen.
Engine of another Ukrainian Boeing737-800 catches fire in Israel (almost the same time).


Iran case:
Based on new published info, the aircraft had a technical problem and a night before, an Ukrainian team had worked on the engine. In the crash night, Iranian airport engineer doesn't allow the flight, yet Ukrainian engineer disagrees and issues the flight permission.

هواپیمای اوکراینی با مخالفت مهندس ایرانی و موافقت مهندس پرواز اوکراینی پرید
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Lot of arab/sunni butthurt in this thread I see.
Now I dont want to start a flame war here but if you want a real life definition of a "paper tiger" then it isnt iran or china,its saudi arabia,in fact I`d go so far as to say that militarily they`re not even a paper tiger,they probably wish that they were,but actually they`re just a potemkin.

I hate to burst your bubble buddy,but I`m not iranian....or even a muslim.:azn:

not our fault Iran turned out to be a big wet squid and a fraud. for allowing Mr trump to get away with killing there state leader. yes balance in cosmos has now been restored by Irans rocket show. I find your humour dis-tasteful maybe it’s okay at home on your trailer trashed park but you lack our Muslim manners.

your religious beliefs and duty I don’t care who you follower.

But I fear you might be worse than a troll a Ganges follower. Who bathes and washes in that Ganges muck and sewer. Takes cow pee as daily fluid. Better we stop any further contact
not our fault Iran turned out to be a big wet squid and a fraud. for allowing Mr trump to get away with killing there state leader. yes balance in cosmos has now been restored by Irans rocket show. I find your humour dis-tasteful maybe it’s okay at home on your trailer trashed park but you lack our Muslim manners.

your religious beliefs and duty I don’t care who you follower.

But I fear you might be worse than a troll a Ganges follower. Who bathes and washes in that Ganges muck and sewer. Takes cow pee as daily fluid. Better we stop any further contact

The phrase is BIG SQUIB, not SQUID!

You started off retarded, and kept on the retards vill direction.... impressive.
Iran case:
Based on new published info, the aircraft had a technical problem and a night before, an Ukrainian team had worked on the engine. In the crash night, Iranian airport engineer doesn't allow the flight, yet Ukrainian engineer disagrees and issues the flight permission.

هواپیمای اوکراینی با مخالفت مهندس ایرانی و موافقت مهندس پرواز اوکراینی پرید
This turned out to be fake new created by YJC (باشگاه جفنگ گویان جوان), Today in a press conference officials said this is not true.
"...the aircraft manufacturer had named a representative but had not clarified wther that person would travel to Iran"

Maybe by an Airbus 340.
you are physically no threat to USA just like paper tiger China is. Your nations great achievements are starting huge civil wars in Syria, Yemen , Iraq. Based on this america has no need to attack you or complain as you do America bidding for them ruining Muslim countries. The only people who have literally hurt America was the brave Sunni mujahideen in Iraq where you and your shameless proxies were on the side of America attacking them. 2nd one is the Taliban mujahideen who are fighting America and brought it on too it’s knees at the negotiation table. They killed your national hero you launch means less missiles which not confirmed America pre warned. Donald trump committed a great injustice to you and you failed to address it.
Ahh, another new comer That's less informed than the last. Keep repeating the Saudi and Emirati talking points while the whole region continues to get raped and pillaged by the West. Pffft.

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