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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

Every video I've seen so far shows the plane was already on fire before that mid air explosion and the U.S. media all day has been trying to pass that off as some kind of prof that Iran shot it down! which is absurd and intentionally misleading. Fact is until the investigations are concluded everything is speculation and theoretical not factual.

From my perspective what it seems like to me is that the U.S. media was trying it's best to change the subject from the humiliating strike against their air base to this incident.
Major airline incidents happen across the globe at least once a year, however, since WW2 no country on the planet has ever carried out precision strikes against the U.S. military assets at a U.S. military air bases 100's of km from it's own boarders making Iran the ONLY country since WW2 that has carried out precision strikes against the U.S. and Iran did so using it's own domestically produced weapons. Yet the U.S. media instead of reporting that has been hell bent on blaming Iran for this incident today with absolutely no facts to back their claims.

I think even if final investigations shows this to be nothing more than engine trouble still I believe one of the main lessons Iran should learn from this incident is that they should have grounded all flights for at least 24 hours
Do you belive what you post? Nobody thinks Iran 'humiliated' the US. Why? Zero casualties, what's humiliating? Soleimani died, that's humiliating. And America gets away with it.

Nato puppies of US, colonized by US, are calling Iran cowards?
It's like slaves talking about freedom.
So you reckon Iran can be ranked in the same league as US puppets.
Iran denies Ukrainian plane was hit by missile: statement

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran denied on Thursday that a Ukrainian airliner that crashed near Tehran had been hit by a missile, Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei said in a statement, according to state TV.

“All these reports are a psychological warfare against Iran ... all those countries whose citizens were aboard the plane can send representatives and we urge Boeing to send its representative to join the process of investigating the black box”


Guys the government is officially denying shoot down scenario, I think Iran Air Defense Force should also issue a separate statement.
Iran denies Ukrainian plane was hit by missile: statement

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran denied on Thursday that a Ukrainian airliner that crashed near Tehran had been hit by a missile, Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei said in a statement, according to state TV.

“All these reports are a psychological warfare against Iran ... all those countries whose citizens were aboard the plane can send representatives and we urge Boeing to send its representative to join the process of investigating the black box”


Guys the government is officially denying shoot down scenario, I think Iran Air Defense Force should also issue a separate statement.
Of course they have to deny. Why should they admit their fault?
Buddy, Its not even that too, its the fact that the plane was traveling AWAY from Tehran and ASCENDING in altitude, if someone mistook that for a B-52 or a Missile. WOW. Just WOW.

One can get total confused in tense situations. And that is very common and normal.
Again only excuses. What retaliation is it if there are no casualties? Who cares about two garages to rebuild? Then Iran lacks spine and their words were lies. There was no real retaliation, that's why Trump is so happy. It's a flawless victory for Trump, he killed Soleimani without having to pay any price. Next time he will do it again whenever he wants because 'Iran doesn't want a war and bla bla bla' so there will no be retaliation. America can do what they want in Iran.
If that was truly the case then why didnt trump simply live up to his threat of attacking 52 sites in iran in retaliation for any iranian attack?,I dont recall him stipulating that us personnel had to die in order for it to be considered as an attack on us forces.
"The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way … and without hesitation!"
So who really lacks a spine?.
You know I honestly cant figure out if you`re more pissed off because the iranians didnt actually kill any americans during their attacks,or because trump despite all of his threats of military retaliation if the iranians dared to attack us forces actually realised just what a stupid idea that would be.

From my perspective what it seems like to me is that the U.S. media was trying it's best to change the subject from the humiliating strike against their air base to this incident.
Once again my friend,you`ve hit the fvcking nail on the head and no mistake!:enjoy:
Sadly it sounds like the spin doctors are already hard at work
:dance3:Fake news,anyone?:dance3:
Do you belive what you post? Nobody thinks Iran 'humiliated' the US. Why? Zero casualties, what's humiliating? Soleimani died, that's humiliating. And America gets away with it.

So you reckon Iran can be ranked in the same league as US puppets.

Yes Gen Solaimani was a famous Iranian general and by the most part he got his fame because he was fearless but don't confuse Iran with U.S. puppet monarchies where the removal of an individual results in a change of the countries behavior or in policy and we don't live in the 18th century where killing one General will result in wins for one side.

The most powerful country on the plant having to resort to breaking the law and tricking the Iraqi government the host country to invite an Iranian Gen for Peace talks so they can they can carrying out a sucker punch and assassinate an Iranian Gen with drones and helo's is embarrassing for whom??? It looks as if the U.S. got so frustrated of repeated losses that they resorted to assassinations!! And there is NOTHING impressive about launching missiles on a government official you tricked the Iraqi government to invite in a country you have a bunch of airbases in whos airspace you control!
If that was truly the case then why didnt trump simply live up to his threat of attacking 52 sites in iran in retaliation for any iranian attack?,I dont recall him stipulating that us personnel had to die in order for it to be considered as an attack on us forces.
"The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way … and without hesitation!"
So who really lacks a spine?.
You know I honestly cant figure out if you`re more pissed off because the iranians didnt actually kill any americans during their attacks,or because trump despite all of his threats of military retaliation if the iranians dared to attack us forces actually realised just what a stupid idea that would be.

Once again my friend,you`ve hit the fvcking nail on the head and no mistake!:enjoy:
Sadly it sounds like the spin doctors are already hard at work
:dance3:Fake news,anyone?:dance3:

you are physically no threat to USA just like paper tiger China is. Your nations great achievements are starting huge civil wars in Syria, Yemen , Iraq. Based on this america has no need to attack you or complain as you do America bidding for them ruining Muslim countries. The only people who have literally hurt America was the brave Sunni mujahideen in Iraq where you and your shameless proxies were on the side of America attacking them. 2nd one is the Taliban mujahideen who are fighting America and brought it on too it’s knees at the negotiation table. They killed your national hero you launch means less missiles which not confirmed America pre warned. Donald trump committed a great injustice to you and you failed to address it.
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LOL piece of Tor-M1.

It was a Ukrainian air lines and Ukraine has CIA embedded in all its departments.
First statement that came from western intelligence was the plane was not hit by rocket.

But when Iran held on to black box and started investigating then they are saying it was hit by missile.

Why cause the sabotage the plane and now that investigation has started the strategy is to blame the other before they blame you.

LOL this text book stuff.

Wait for investigation so that actual truth can surface.
Iran officially denied the existance of any foreign object.

US propaganda machine and their troll army at work, nothing more.
a thief will never admit it's mistake. i know that.

we all know that

that is iranian military incompetence we're looking at
Iran is cooperating with Ukrain (and even invited US) to investigate the crash, it's US which doesn't want Iran to be part of it, so it's obvious who is the thieve here.
Iran is cooperating with Ukrain (and even invited US) to investigate the crash, it's US which doesn't want Iran to be part of it, so it's obvious who is the thieve here.

they want Iran to hand over the black boxes, which says it all.

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