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Did we shoot our own passenger plane?

I remember in an interview the commander of Irans air defence forces said that because of lessons they learned. each individual SAM operator has enormous autonomy to shoot in certain scenarios where contact cant be established with high command...

we still don't know any facts though, and id caution all the people demanding the soldiers who put their lives on the line for Irans safety get hanged...

US and Israel free outright admiited war criminals.. you will kill morale if you at the same time give autonomy to a junior officer, but also hang him for a mistake..

that's where you get an ineffective saddam style army where nobody has any ambition or initiative and everyone is terrified to make a move for fear of punishment...

even IF (A BIG IF) this was accidently shot by IRan… You can still blame the US for creating the situation where this happened. By attacking Iran and increasing the tensions and creating a scenario for mistakes to happen (even if they are innocent and were spoofing codes)
I remember in an interview the commander of Irans air defence forces said that because of lessons they learned. each individual SAM operator has enormous autonomy to shoot in certain scenarios where contact cant be established with high command...

we still don't know any facts though, and id caution all the people demanding the soldiers who put their lives on the line for Irans safety get hanged...

US and Israel free outright admiited war criminals.. you will kill morale if you at the same time give autonomy to a junior officer, but also hang him for a mistake..

that's where you get an ineffective saddam style army where nobody has any ambition or initiative and everyone is terrified to make a move for fear of punishment...

even IF (A BIG IF) this was accidently shot by IRan… You can still blame the US for creating the situation where this happened. By attacking Iran and increasing the tensions and creating a scenario for mistakes to happen (even if they are innocent and were spoofing codes)

Dude why the **** is an air defense officer even firing in Tehran?

I mean I love to hear his logic “yeah I thought a B-52 made it all the way through Iran undetected and was going to bomb Meydoone Azadi”

I wouldn’t be surprised if the officer is a spy or agent of the West being used to demonize Iran.

Because I hope to God that Iran’s air defense officers are not so retarded that they think Tehran has UFOs flying around it.

Gross incompetence doesn’t even begin to explain this. I mean you are talking about the most heavily defended city in Iran located in the center of the country and some officer thinks a hostile fighter jet made it all the way through?
Dude why the **** is an air defense officer even firing in Tehran?

I mean I love to hear his logic “yeah I thought a B-52 made it all the way through Iran undetected and was going to bomb Meydoone Azadi”

I wouldn’t be surprised if the officer is a spy or agent of the West being used to demonize Iran.

Because I hope to God that Iran’s air defense officers are not so retarded that they think Tehran has UFOs flying around it.

Gross incompetence doesn’t even begin to explain this. I mean you are talking about the most heavily defended city in Iran located in the center of the country and some officer thinks a hostile fighter jet made it all the way through?

How hard is it for people to acknowledge that simple risk management could have avoided this.
Let's not draw conclusions. It's not like we don't have shown incompetence before. So I'm not ruling an accident out. But US officials and western media has 0 credibility in my eyes.

Can someone find a list of flights that were scheduled around that time? I doubt this was the only plane that took off that time
Dude why the **** is an air defense officer even firing in Tehran?

I mean I love to hear his logic “yeah I thought a B-52 made it all the way through Iran undetected and was going to bomb Meydoone Azadi”

I wouldn’t be surprised if the officer is a spy or agent of the West being used to demonize Iran.

Because I hope to God that Iran’s air defense officers are not so retarded that they think Tehran has UFOs flying around it.

Gross incompetence doesn’t even begin to explain this. I mean you are talking about the most heavily defended city in Iran located in the center of the country and some officer thinks a hostile fighter jet made it all the way through?
Lets no jump to conclusions. Afterall this is the same Iran that shoot down the RQ drone and a 100 million + drone more recently. All of them highly stealth, tech advanced, and relatively small drones, without anyone getting hurt, so a mistake like this seems hard to believe.
How hard is it for people to acknowledge that simple risk management could have avoided this.

Not the point. This person breached protocol.

Historically when Iran is not at war, air defense officers give many warnings before firing (see drone downing recently).

If the officer attempted to contact the aircraft he would quickly realize that it’s a civilian airliner.

Make no mistake about it, this was not the “fog of war”. It happened nearly 5 hours after the missile strikes and likely the entire Air defense command had received orders by then that no US counter response was coming and to follow protocol.

I mean in 1980’s US shot down an airliner and Iran to this day says they are stupid for confusing an airliner for a fighter jet. Yet in 2020 nearly 30 years of technological advancement and Iran does the same thing.

The plane which has been shot by a missile don't looks like this. This is and engine on fire.

Most probably a sabotage.

Pieces of Tor-M1 were found near the crash site.

There is a Tor-M1 defense point about 5KM away.

Iran may end up paying a HUGE settlement in international court for this. Potentially hundreds of millions or a billion.
If technical error is not the cause. I would put my cards on cyber attack. It's an American plane manufactured by Boeing. A military manufacturer. It's not impossible that they have shared some information with pentagon. And US has a history of downing civilian planes.

My question are:

Why did they first report that Iran intentionally downed the plane, but when Our officials said most of the passengers were Iranians, so it wouldn't make any sense for Iran to kill its own citizens, they made it seem like an accident?

What happened to the 5 independent reports who said it was an engine malfunction?

This cant be the only plane flying out of IKIA around that time. Why wasn't all the other planes shot down?

How come they were so fast to say it was a Tor missile and then changed it to a S300 and then changed to just a missile?

Why do all the eyewitnesses say the engine was on fire?

Stop posting this bullshit video of a man who randomly films an "airplane" until a "missile" hits and the airplane vanishes
Another possibility is the officer after firing realized his mistake and attempted to self destruct the missiles.

Usually Russian AD systems fire 2 missiles at a target. So it’s possible by the time he self destructed the second missile it was too close to the aircraft tend the shrapnel caused the engines to ignite.
Pieces of Tor-M1 were found near the crash site.

There is a Tor-M1 defense point about 5KM away.

Iran may end up paying a HUGE settlement in international court for this. Potentially hundreds of millions or a billion.

LOL piece of Tor-M1.

It was a Ukrainian air lines and Ukraine has CIA embedded in all its departments.
First statement that came from western intelligence was the plane was not hit by rocket.

But when Iran held on to black box and started investigating then they are saying it was hit by missile.

Why cause the sabotage the plane and now that investigation has started the strategy is to blame the other before they blame you.

LOL this text book stuff.

Wait for investigation so that actual truth can surface.
LOL piece of Tor-M1.

It was a Ukrainian air lines and Ukraine has CIA embedded in all its departments.
First statement that came from western intelligence was the plane was not hit by rocket.

But when Iran held on to black box and started investigating then they are saying it was hit by missile.

Why cause the sabotage the plane and now that investigation has started the strategy is to blame the other before they blame you.

LOL this text book stuff.

Wait for investigation so that actual truth can surface.

Yes I am sure Iran will be impartial. Just like their claim of “80 US soldiers killed”.
Yes I am sure Iran will be impartial. Just like their claim of “80 US soldiers killed”.

Iran also said our intentions were never to inflict human loss.

But let me tell you something that I would be happy with no life loss so that this situation came to an end.

Here is a question we all saw sat images of Ain Assad base have you seen images of Erbil?

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