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Did this female flashmob in Lahore send the wrong message about empowerment?

Do you think this viral ad was effective ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 47 62.7%
  • It's confusing

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters
Better to ask Female members of PDF. Their point of view count the most about this flash-mob ad , not the male members. And how much empowerment this ad will give them.:lol::partay::lol:
Better to ask Female members of PDF. Their point of view count the most about this flash-mob ad , not the male members. And how much empowerment this ad will give them.:lol::partay::lol:
@Spring Onion
Aunty ap apni rayi sey sey pdf ko mustafeed karien apki begam nawazish hogi :lol:
Sorry Islam doesn't work that way in Islam order is clear that is to stop evil at all costs. Those who see evil and doesn't stop it ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have promised their wrath on those people. Well these girls are breaking laws and rules of Islam and stopping it is duty of every Muslim.

While that maybe true, @Zarvan it is also true that those who are taking offence to this are not muslims because they have fallen prey to lust, a joy of earth and a form of jahilliya.

They, these muslims have no right to draw a sword on these dancing girls under the shade of islam.

Shame on them.

Sorry Islam doesn't work that way in Islam order is clear that is to stop evil at all costs. Those who see evil and doesn't stop it ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW have promised their wrath on those people. Well these girls are breaking laws and rules of Islam and stopping it is duty of every Muslim.

While that maybe true, @Zarvan it is also true that those who are taking offence to this are not muslims because they have fallen prey to lust, a joy of earth and a form of jahilliya.

They, these muslims have no right to draw a sword on these dancing girls under the shade of islam.

Shame on them.
@Spring Onion
Aunty ap apni rayi sey sey pdf ko mustafeed karien apki begam nawazish hogi :lol:
Better to ask Female members of PDF. Their point of view count the most about this flash-mob ad , not the male members. And how much empowerment this ad will give them.:lol::partay::lol:

Does it empower women? NO

Should such adds be there? YES what is the big deal. It is entertainment corporate sector and adding such themes like "empowering women" though have zero contribution towards empowering the underprivileged women but such adds have great potential in drawing masses' attention towards a brand so yes why not
There was another known fabric/clothing brand which had made an add wherein they had shown rape moves (I mean they showed how males are pounding on females wearing that brand as if they are raping these ladies. It was also debated in the media.
The liberal wing said it is ok and many of the same wing said it was in bad taste while the not so liberal ones were disgusted by the idea.

Where something has gone wrong well only the producers or the brand or the marketers can explain or there was nothing wrong.

Well the intention is known thanks to the interview, where the intention was to promote the values such as "you do you" "customization" etc. and associate them with the brand that is being marketed. The ad was partially successful in the sense that it actually did went viral.

The remaining part of it, which would have been to associate X,Y,Z values towards the brand was a failure, because the content of the ad overtook everything. Add to that the fact that the values themselves were perceived to be negative by many. So while the video did went viral -- 67% (as of now) on the pdf poll think that the ad isn't effective. While nearly 20% of the people think that the ad is confusing, thats nearly 87% right there. Add to that the fact that most people active here lean more towards the left, and the fact that you also have a very heavy presence from the right also on facebook.

Overall, coming to the conclusion that this ad wasn't effective isn't really that difficult..

:D butts will be butted

:) In the WEST they keep cultural sensitivities in mind while when same is applied by desi people in Pakistan or India well they are doomed and one extreme starts making it an issue of gender.

We desis want abrupt change :) which I always say, is short lived one. While we forget that the WEST adopted this 'equality' stage steadily not abruptly, (Though gender equality is a far cry even there).

Cultural sensitivities are always kept in mind (atleast by firms that are good at marketing) because at the end of the day the expression that "All PR is good PR" is not exactly true when your talking strictly monitored brands, who have set brand values ..
Well the intention is known thanks to the interview, where the intention was to promote the values such as "you do you" "customization" etc. and associate them with the brand that is being marketed. The ad was partially successful in the sense that it actually did went viral.

The remaining part of it, which would have been to associate X,Y,Z values towards the brand was a failure, because the content of the ad overtook everything. Add to that the fact that the values themselves were perceived to be negative by many. So while the video did went viral -- 67% (as of now) on the pdf poll think that the ad isn't effective. While nearly 20% of the people think that the ad is confusing, thats nearly 87% right there. Add to that the fact that most people active here lean more towards the left, and the fact that you also have a very heavy presence from the right also on facebook.

Overall, coming to the conclusion that this ad wasn't effective isn't really that difficult..

Cultural sensitivities are always kept in mind (atleast by firms that are good at marketing) because at the end of the day the expression that "All PR is good PR" is not exactly true when your talking strictly monitored brands, who have set brand values ..
i clicked on confusing :D

This ad had a silly message i dont agree with it but they have a right to express themselves

Is dancing illegal in Pakistan?
If not than what they did was completely legal

And on polls most Pakistanis want hands chopped over theft should we do that?

A message by DYOT
Our concept was #doyourownthing and it was not about women empowerment. We were not promoting any cause or telling people about appropriate behavior. The creative artists wanted to use dance as an inspiration and created a scene for impact. If you watch it as a movie clip, you would agree that these girls are wearing decent clothes and the dance movements are not vulgar. It's certainly more decent clothes and dance movements than most Pakistani or Indian song videos or what people watch at Mehndi these days. Such negative reaction to a simple dance by girls on a public place has caught us and everybody associated with this project by surprise.
Some comments
1.People are hypocrite, self-centered and egocentric. Their narrow minds can buy dudh, patti and oil nachtay hue but this brand was too heavy to handle.
They are fan of jhalak dikhlaja and Nach baliye but this add was tagged as mujra.
Mun k fire itnay hain and halat worst then a rat.
How about self accountability first before coming to "people". Now in essence if your take is " this is okay" and people who disagree with this themselves watch XYZ, hence they are hypocrites etc etc. Well then my friend your opening yourself to a whole new array of questions which btw don't put you in the easiest of positions. Let's start with basic facts, how many people do you know personally who watch XYZ and take issue with such ads ? Secondly, lets assume that the majority population is composed of hypocrites that watch XYZ, but criticize such ads. The rather simple explanation of why that is, is because this is a collectivist culture. Now I know many like you will not like this explanation, but it does encapsulate the state of things that we have today.

But there is one type of hypocrisy that is also rampant on the other side, a type of hypocrisy that we don't usually see the left talking about. It goes something like this -- Individual A thinks that dancing in the street is okay. If tomorrow individual A's mother starts dancing in the streets -- well now it's not so okay no more. There have been liberals in the west that defend prostitution as a source of income -- yet if you say to them -- "we agree with your position on this, so how about we pay X amount of dollars so that we become your daughters first customers ?" -- suddenly all liberalism is shoved outside the window and you cant differentiate between a lib and a conservative no more ...

2.This video wasn't vulgar in any way. My first reaction wasn't to slut shame the women in it. What's wrong with you people? Don't tell me you've never seen any Indian movies and dance videos because I know you do and enjoy those inappropriate songs with your entire family. Hypocrites! These ladies were wearing loose fully covered clothing and just expressing themselves. Call it feminism, freedom of expression or clever marketing, it's not hurting anyone and it isn't offensive. Get a life!
Vulgarity is very subjective. You ask me and I'd agree with you that it wasn't vulgar. But it has some sketchy -- scratch that, VERY SKETCHY symbolism involved in it. Your a twenty something year old lad, so I expect that being a 90's kid, you know what a woman's chadar (the dupata/cloth wore on the head) stood for. I don't know about you but I've seen a mob beating the living $hit out of a guy for just pulling on a girl's chaddar. This event was back in 2013/14 so not so long ago. That too in a locality considered very posh and educated.

So the symbolism of dropping your own chaddar is one that is quite sketchy ..As far as hypocrisy goes, as I've explained -- it goes both ways .. Lastly, don't call it "clever marketing" my friend, it's the farthest thing from it.

3.I myself didn't got the concept of the ad in first glance, but still it was nice to watch that ad, at first thought what rubbish is that a dance involved in a clothing ad, I was too dumb to understand the concept behind but in my heart I admired the efforts of them ladies, them were too brave and bold enough to do the stuff in the society we are living at, them ladies had got some serious balls, even bigger then mines, I can never be bold enough or gather the confidence to do something like that...and its extremely sad to know that their entire effort to make us happy by creating something unique goes total wasted, and life threats to them,thats insane ,may the Heavens protect all them ladies by the fate with which QB was met...btw the lead actress was fantastic, anybody knows her name or her other art work ??

@django @The Sandman @Moonlight @Spring Onion
What I do find sort of funny is that these "big balled ladies" who by the way are dressed and look like they belong from the elite of the society, they went and performed cringe worthy dance moves in a locality who by most scales would be considered oppressed, certainly more oppressed then those ladies. Yet, we're here talking about how these women are oppressed when they were in real life the most privileged individuals in the entire video.

Secondly, why is it that your version of "morality" or the scale which you use to judge right from wrong is any superior to @Zarvan . I've got many disagreements with him but that doesn't mean that I go and start calling names just because the logical argument I present fails to do the job. e.g. I've seen the use of the word bigot alot, while the likes of you complain about slut shaming.

i clicked on confusing :D

This ad had a silly message i dont agree with it but they have a right to express themselves

Is dancing illegal in Pakistan?
If not than what they did was completely legal

And on polls most Pakistanis want hands chopped over theft should we do that?

A message by DYOT
Our concept was #doyourownthing and it was not about women empowerment. We were not promoting any cause or telling people about appropriate behavior. The creative artists wanted to use dance as an inspiration and created a scene for impact. If you watch it as a movie clip, you would agree that these girls are wearing decent clothes and the dance movements are not vulgar. It's certainly more decent clothes and dance movements than most Pakistani or Indian song videos or what people watch at Mehndi these days. Such negative reaction to a simple dance by girls on a public place has caught us and everybody associated with this project by surprise.

-No one claims what they did was illegal.
- If you believe in democracy, then the collective wishes of the nation should be applied .. or is it that we only believe in democracy for all what seems right to a certain section of society, and completely ignore their wishes .. when there is no point of agreement ?
-Thanks for posting the message -- this is more or less them admitting their failure ..
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meh..its alright. But why is it that there are no other girls in the crowd? Is this a kind off place where only men hangout?
Not a threat but an obvious result which this kind of crap is going to lead to. Pakistanis are really pissed on media and these kind of things for spreading vulgarity and I can see things getting ugly really soon. Few days back a news was shared on media about a terrorist getting caught and a list of 14 celebrities recovered from him which he wanted to target. On entire social media where this news was shared not only people were happy but were suggesting few more names which in their opinion should be also killed. And these were the views of 1480 people out of 1500. I have seen even those people happy on this news in their entire lives have talked against TTP and so called religious extremists
Bro, the problem is that we don't have the rationale approach, we are so angry on this act but my question is what is going on in stage dramas, your Punjabi films, urdu films, in fashion shows, TV-programs, weddings...I don't like any of that but I really find it hypocritical that we keep silent and let them do whatever they have been doing but this flash mob is cause many brains to boil.....Wallahi this is far milder than the suggestive moves extremely vulgar and ugly dance Punjab actresses and which has been going on since a long time....why do people like us ( you and me) do not oppose that?...Please make me understand what is more wrong in it than what is going on... I am not the kind of person to share that sort of material or like to watch...But you check on internet...youtube, google....

We need permanent solutions...and that requires cool mind and policy making instead of getting all worked up over a n incident and then become cold and indifferent after few days. That's the right approach. We have to make awareness in the society. Force the govt to make laws and create an atmosphere of decency but no one should take law in his hands. That will only divide the nation. We always forget the wise ways and determination of our Holy Prophet (ﷺ) in eliminating the vice from the society. I pray to Allah to guide us all.
But there is one type of hypocrisy that is also rampant on the other side, a type of hypocrisy that we don't usually see the left talking about. It goes something like this -- Individual A thinks that dancing in the street is okay. If tomorrow individual A's mother starts dancing in the streets -- well now it's not so okay no more. There have been liberals in the west that defend prostitution as a source of income -- yet if you say to them -- "we agree with your position on this, so how about we pay X amount of dollars so that we become your daughters first customers ?" -- suddenly all liberalism is shoved outside the window and you cant differentiate between a lib and a conservative no more ...

Think of the issue this way: It is up to the individual to decide upon their course of action. A liberal merely defends this right for every one, equally, whether it is Individual A or B, or their mothers or sisters. And there is no hypocrisy in this at all.

So the answer to your question "we agree with your position on this, so how about we pay X amount of dollars so that we become your daughters first customers?" is that the (adult) daughter has the right to decide. And of course the other party can make the same offer to your daughter - to let her decide.

See how that works?
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How about self accountability first before coming to "people". Now in essence if your take is " this is okay" and people who disagree with this themselves watch XYZ, hence they are hypocrites etc etc. Well then my friend your opening yourself to a whole new array of questions which btw don't put you in the easiest of positions. Let's start with basic facts, how many people do you know personally who watch XYZ and take issue with such ads ? Secondly, lets assume that the majority population is composed of hypocrites that watch XYZ, but criticize such ads. The rather simple explanation of why that is, is because this is a collectivist culture. Now I know many like you will not like this explanation, but it does encapsulate the state of things that we have today.
This also a fashion to discredit good people by saying such a stuff...I believe vast majoirty of the people who oppose such stuff do not watch any such stuff at all but... the problem is their disconnect from the society...they keeps their eyes shut or at least their mouth shut on a lot of stuff that's far more vulgar than this flash mob thing and I'm not saying this okay rather wondering why we have this dichotomy?
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How about self accountability first before coming to "people". Now in essence if your take is " this is okay" and people who disagree with this themselves watch XYZ, hence they are hypocrites etc etc. Well then my friend your opening yourself to a whole new array of questions which btw don't put you in the easiest of positions. Let's start with basic facts, how many people do you know personally who watch XYZ and take issue with such ads ? Secondly, lets assume that the majority population is composed of hypocrites that watch XYZ, but criticize such ads. The rather simple explanation of why that is, is because this is a collectivist culture. Now I know many like you will not like this explanation, but it does encapsulate the state of things that we have today.

But there is one type of hypocrisy that is also rampant on the other side, a type of hypocrisy that we don't usually see the left talking about. It goes something like this -- Individual A thinks that dancing in the street is okay. If tomorrow individual A's mother starts dancing in the streets -- well now it's not so okay no more. There have been liberals in the west that defend prostitution as a source of income -- yet if you say to them -- "we agree with your position on this, so how about we pay X amount of dollars so that we become your daughters first customers ?" -- suddenly all liberalism is shoved outside the window and you cant differentiate between a lib and a conservative no more ...

Vulgarity is very subjective. You ask me and I'd agree with you that it wasn't vulgar. But it has some sketchy -- scratch that, VERY SKETCHY symbolism involved in it. Your a twenty something year old lad, so I expect that being a 90's kid, you know what a woman's chadar (the dupata/cloth wore on the head) stood for. I don't know about you but I've seen a mob beating the living $hit out of a guy for just pulling on a girl's chaddar. This event was back in 2013/14 so not so long ago. That too in a locality considered very posh and educated.

So the symbolism of dropping your own chaddar is one that is quite sketchy ..As far as hypocrisy goes, as I've explained -- it goes both ways .. Lastly, don't call it "clever marketing" my friend, it's the farthest thing from it.

What I do find sort of funny is that these "big balled ladies" who by the way are dressed and look like they belong from the elite of the society, they went and performed cringe worthy dance moves in a locality who by most scales would be considered oppressed, certainly more oppressed then those ladies. Yet, we're here talking about how these women are oppressed when they were in real life the most privileged individuals in the entire video.

Secondly, why is it that your version of "morality" or the scale which you use to judge right from wrong is any superior to @Zarvan . I've got many disagreements with him but that doesn't mean that I go and start calling names just because the logical argument I present fails to do the job. e.g. I've seen the use of the word bigot alot, while the likes of you complain about slut shaming.

-No one claims what they did was illegal.
- If you believe in democracy, then the collective wishes of the nation should be applied .. or is it that we only believe in democracy for all what seems right to a certain section of society, and completely ignore their wishes .. when there is no point of agreement ?
-Thanks for posting the message -- this is more or less them admitting their failure ..

How many people i personally know who do that and still object well a lot actually they watch kala chashma of Katrina and go ballistic of Qandeel such fake folks they are

Majoritarinism means imposing will of majority views on general public kind of like the Burkini and Hijab ban democracy ensures rights of individuals too even if many folks take offence from it

If the hypothetical individual A says dancing in streets is ok than maybe just maybe he also thinks that his mother is an individual person and he doesnot own her and she can make wise decisions for herself

This is a silly thing to say its like saying if you like circus clowns than you would be ok with sending your son to a clown school no i support the decision of the clowns to be clowns but i wouldnt reccomend this profession to my som however he is an individual and in the end its his decision
Bro, the problem is that we don't have the rationale approach, we are so angry on this act but my question is what is going on in stage dramas, your Punjabi films, urdu films, in fashion shows, TV-programs, weddings...I don't like any of that but I really find it hypocritical that we keep silent and let them do whatever they have been doing but this flash mob is cause many brains to boil.....Wallahi this is far milder than the suggestive moves extremely vulgar and ugly dance Punjab actresses and which has been going on since a long time....why do people like us ( you and me) do not oppose that?...Please make me understand what is more wrong in it than what is going on... I am not the kind of person to share that sort of material or like to watch...But you check on internet...youtube, google....

We need permanent solutions...and that requires cool mind and policy making instead of getting all worked up over a n incident and then become cold and indifferent after few days. That's the right approach. We have to make awareness in the society. Force the govt to make laws and create an atmosphere of decency but no one should take law in his hands. That will only divide the nation. We always forget the wise ways and determination of our Holy Prophet (ﷺ) in eliminating the vice from the society. I pray to Allah to guide us all.
When I talk about vulgarity I am talking about entire media and entire society not just these girls. People are getting angry by every passing day on this and soon this lava will burst and destroy everything
Grass is greener on the other side.
Just ask yourself would you be ok with hand chopping and banning of certain haitstyles thats what happens when certain folks are allowed to frame laws

Was this the first flash mob in Pakistan
Was this the first ad im which dance was shown
Was this a good add with a positive message
Do they have a right to make stupid ads
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