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Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us of ISIS?

omg , you have just solved a billion year old mystery ...
hahahahahahaha , its Christian and other believe Jesus , aka Esa Pbuh died at cross but Islam believe that he was raised to heaven and will be coming back ...

and for the part of inspiration, i wonder where does the Crusader , and that guy from Norway get their inspiration .. and where does the Hindu gets their inspiration when they burn 1200 Muslims ? or butchered 100,000 Kashmiri Muslim ??
Inspiration? Self preservation. The intention of not being subjected to ethnic cleansing. I agree with the basic point you have underlined. A staunch Muslim who follows every edict literally will NOT be a friend of a non Muslim, let alone a pagan Hindu. :) you stated this before, though the truth is bitter...

is it necessary that a sermon is required to charge a public to got kill people ?
It helps especially if there is a divine sanction.

Even Yasin Bhatkal knew that he was killing innocents. Only he considered himself to be a part of the Ummah and assumed the responsibility of being a foot soldier of Islam. Or political Islam as its called these days. That's how he justified or rationalised the act. So yes, sermons help. More than a random hate monger on the streets without any religious authority.
A staunch Muslim who follows every edict literally will NOT be a friend of a non Muslim, let alone a pagan Hindu. :) you stated this before, though the truth is bitter...

I know , some people do have good friends among the Hindu's , i am not against Friendship , but mainstream Islam is strictly against Pegan which is a truth ... @levina Thinks otherwise ..
I know , some people do have good friends among the Hindu's , i am not against Friendship , but mainstream Islam is strictly against Pegan which is a truth ... @levina Thinks otherwise ..
We grow up with a worldview that all religions are different ways to the same God, that all faiths are equal. It's just not true. It is a difficult thing for many Indians to accept.

I also have many Muslim friends. But they are of two types. The vast majority who eat with me during lunch, and the other group who keep their Roza. No prizes for guessing who hangs out with us more.
It helps especially if there is a divine sanction.

Even Yasin Bhatkal knew that he was killing innocents. Only he considered himself to be a part of the Ummah and assumed the responsibility of being a foot soldier of Islam. Or political Islam as its called these days. That's how he justified or rationalised the act. So yes, sermons help. More than a random hate monger on the streets without any religious authority.

same can be said for " Modi " and his type .. every RSS or bajrang daal think of himself as hanuman or whatever , to burn or kill others ...
the fact is that if we believe in every tom dick and harry , and start creating our judgment on their actions than , results will be same as your wrote ...
sermons can be much more controlled and to even control the war and set up its rule ..
A sermon was in the battle of Badr, in which Muslims were ordered not to kill kids , old and women , not to harm those who surrender , and also not to destroy the properties ... "

it actually depends on the sermon and who is the speaker rest is simple .. if i do sermon about Afghans and Pashtoon trust me , i will be killed by pathans hahaha jk

We grow up with a worldview that all religions are different ways to the same God, that all faiths are equal. It's just not true. It is a difficult thing for many Indians to accept.

I also have many Muslim friends. But they are of two types. The vast majority who eat with me during lunch, and the other group who keep their Roza. No prizes for guessing who hangs out with us more.

dude , religions its not important to be equal , its about what they preach ? Hinduism and Islam goes in different direction ..
as i say its nothing wrong to be friends but when it comes to creating a judgement there will always be a Conflict , now tell me ,no matter how much a Muslim can be secular can he say Idol worship is ok ? no cause its not according Islam its core of islam ... and Hinduism is mostly based on idol Worship ...

and for eating together in roza or not .... its just that some muslims keep their fast and some not ... i see nothing unusual here
same can be said for " Modi " and his type .. every RSS or bajrang daal think of himself as hanuman or whatever , to burn or kill others ...
the fact is that if we believe in every tom dick and harry , and start creating our judgment on their actions than , results will be same as your wrote ...
sermons can be much more controlled and to even control the war and set up its rule ..
A sermon was in the battle of Badr, in which Muslims were ordered not to kill kids , old and women , not to harm those who surrender , and also not to destroy the properties ... "

it actually depends on the sermon and who is the speaker rest is simple .. if i do sermon about Afghans and Pashtoon trust me , i will be killed by pathans hahaha jk
Umm, yeah that was my point. A sermon is powerful. It can be used for good, as well as bad. Since I am rather cynical, I believe what can go wrong, will go wrong...so there's that. :P

Regarding differences of faith, yes it is impossible for a fully practising Muslim to accept idol worship of Hindus as anything but a grave sin. But this is the difference I am pointing out. Most Hindus accept Allah as another manifestation of God, or rather the Paramatmaan. Obviously when they discuss it with their Muslim colleagues, they get an awkward silence. Thing is Hindus, Buddhists tolerate this diversity, but a fully practising Muslim is not allowed to do that.
Umm, yeah that was my point. A sermon is powerful. It can be used for good, as well as bad. Since I am rather cynical, I believe what can go wrong, will go wrong...so there's that. :P

Regarding differences of faith, yes it is impossible for a fully practising Muslim to accept idol worship of Hindus as anything but a grave sin. But this is the difference I am pointing out. Most Hindus accept Allah as another manifestation of God, or rather the Paramatmaan. Obviously when they discuss it with their Muslim colleagues, they get an awkward silence. Thing is Hindus, Buddhists tolerate this diversity, but a fully practising Muslim is not allowed to do that.

well actually they are ... a Muslim can be a Tolerant ... its not that whenever a Hindu and Muslim have debate , one gets killed , that's not the case right ??
Muslims follow their Book as Hindu;s follow their both have different definition and concept about God and etc , the difference was there 1400 years ago, and the difference will remain even 1400 after .. after all its all about good and bad in the end right ?
so if a Muslim is told that Allah is manifestation of God , or parmathma , so there is nothing wrong in it .. its their point of view , Muslim can respect his views , try to convince or educate him more if they had knowledge , if not than simple recommend some good Islamic scholar for that matter ..
well actually they are ... a Muslim can be a Tolerant ... its not that whenever a Hindu and Muslim have debate , one gets killed , that's not the case right ??
Muslims follow their Book as Hindu;s follow their both have different definition and concept about God and etc , the difference was there 1400 years ago, and the difference will remain even 1400 after .. after all its all about good and bad in the end right ?
so if a Muslim is told that Allah is manifestation of God , or parmathma , so there is nothing wrong in it .. its their point of view , Muslim can respect his views , try to convince or educate him more if they had knowledge , if not than simple recommend some good Islamic scholar for that matter ..
Jeez, a difference of opinion between a Hindu and a Muslim need not end I one getting killed. :P
mainstream Islam is strictly against Pegan which is a truth ... @levina Thinks otherwise ..
Which mainstream Islam are you talking about??
Islam has hundreds of versions, like every other religion, and this was proved by the oldest Quran found in Yemen.
I do not believe in anyway that Quran asked you to stay away from anyone even the pagans.
I strongly believe that no religion ever forbids its followers from showing kindness to those who have not fought you.
Islam also says that "let's not be hostile to anyone except the wrongdoers".
So I wonder where did this generalisation of Pagans come about??

@Slav Defence
I might need your help here.
Idol worship but not the followers, there's a difference, like Jesus says hate the sin and not the sinners.
Islam was a very humane religion to begin with. There were many strict rules all Muslims had to follow during the times of armed Jihad. Like indiscriminate killings of children, women, elderly was forbidden. Destruction of environment, property, harming of non-human beings was forbidden as well. No idea what happened to Muslims of today though :(
Which mainstream Islam are you talking about??
Islam has hundreds of versions, like every other religion, and this was proved by the oldest Quran found in Yemen.
I do not believe in anyway that Quran asked you to stay away from anyone even the pagans.
I strongly believe that no religion ever forbids its followers from showing kindness to those who have not fought you.
Islam also says that "let's not be hostile to anyone except the wrongdoers".
So I wonder where did this generalisation of Pagans come about??

@Slav Defence
I might need your help here.
His post is not true.
Second,I don't know about oldest Quran.What I was told that after passage of Rasool Allah(S.A.W), his closest people: Hazrat Abu Bakr suddique(R.A),Hazrat Umer Farooq(R.A)[Rasool Allah said about him that if God would have chosen messenger after him,it would be him.However, since it was declared in skies and heavens that Rasool Allah would be last prophet ,therefore no one else could be made],Hazrat Usman Ghani and Hazrat Ali arranged Quran properly-thats it!
About sects division ,Rasool Allah(S.A.W) already knew it as well as it was already told by god.It is one of the major signs of dooms day!
The best way to study Islam is to get Quran translated by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani or well known names such as Mujadid Alif sani and read them,while for hadith, get saha satta and always look at references either as if they are Abu Dawood,Ibn e Maja and other 5 important narrators.

Islam never asked to stay away from pagans who are good hearted and kind.In fact, In one of the verse Allah forbids to say hurtful things to non Muslims including pagans and their gods because they will get hurt and say bad things in return.I read it before but I do not remember the reference. I will look into Quran and send you its references as well.
I guess by mainstream Islam he meant sunni Islam!
Posters are requested to refrain religious discussions in the forum as it is contrary to rules!
Abrahamic faiths are authoritarian and do have a tendency to justify violence.

Monotheistic faiths like Jainism, Buddhism are intrinsically peaceful. But I am not looking to torpedo faiths themselves, but people's obedience to it, and it's extent.

Yes, yes....we are very evil.

Please, continue with your preaching.
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