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Once equipments arrives in Lebanon. Isreal cant do anything about it.
I have a question in those attacks how many iranian operatives and equipment get disintegrated to subatomic levels ?
Missiles worth millions of dollars destroyed. Minus for crippling Iranian economy.
yep, peaceful and innocents protestors that throw rocks and explosives devices on another country border.
Definitely right of everybody.
And what it has to do with the article except for trolling?
Thats your level of cowardness, scared from the rocks
If you want to writs hysterical lies than there is no point of me answering is there.

In all our years of conflicts with the Palestinians total number of death where something like 15,000 - 20,000 on both sides. Reduce from that a few thousands Israelis that also died.

Nothing to be happy about , But consider it was over a period of 70 years to conflict but to call it genocide is a dirty lie.

Kindly read before making stupid declarations :

" A variety of studies provide differing casualty data for the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 13,000 Israelis and Palestinians were killed in conflict with each other between 1948 and 1997.[260] Other estimations give 14,500 killed between 1948–2009. "


As for playing dumb for the reason we bomb in Syria:

Here is a clip showing a missile depot blowing up , if it was not blown up those missiles delivered by Iran via Syria to Hezbollah would end up landing on our own citizens as it happened in the past :


You got to " love " those hypocrites that say nothing when Assad barrel boms his people or Russia bombing Syrian cities on a daily bases , leaving tens of thousand dead . But have issues with Israel protecting its own citizens from rockets that would surely land on their heads .

Bro, its just i am against the killing of the innocents whether they are muslims or not, humans or animals but you gotta see it that the IDF are killing the Palestinians mercilessly and in Syria the civilians are just squeezed from both sides and are getting slaughtered

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