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Chinese fleet monitors Japanese ships around Diaoyu Islands

04-23-2013 11:56 BJT Special Report:Diaoyu Islands: China’s Inherent Territory |


BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) -- A fleet of Chinese marine surveillance ships on regular patrol duty found several Japanese ships in waters around the Diaoyu Islands on Tuesday, according to the State Oceanic Administration (SOA).

In a statement on its website, the SOA said after three Chinese ships spotted the Japanese ships in the waters surrounding the islands, the administration immediately ordered another five ships in the East China Sea to meet the three ships.

Organized in four formations, the eight Chinese ships monitored the Japanese ships from different angles, according to the statement.
Chinese fleet monitors Japanese ships around Diaoyu Islands

04-23-2013 11:56 BJT Special Report:Diaoyu Islands: China’s Inherent Territory |


BEIJING, April 23 (Xinhua) -- A fleet of Chinese marine surveillance ships on regular patrol duty found several Japanese ships in waters around the Diaoyu Islands on Tuesday, according to the State Oceanic Administration (SOA).

In a statement on its website, the SOA said after three Chinese ships spotted the Japanese ships in the waters surrounding the islands, the administration immediately ordered another five ships in the East China Sea to meet the three ships.

Organized in four formations, the eight Chinese ships monitored the Japanese ships from different angles, according to the statement.
after 168 Japan parliamentaries pray ghosts at 23.04 in Shrine

80 right-wing members want went to Diaoyu island at protection of 10 Japan ships, then 10 CHinese ships Maritime interdiction
Japan would respond with force if any attempt is made to land on disputed islands, PM Shinzo Abe has warned.

His comments came as eight Chinese government ships sailed near East China Sea islands that both nations claim.

A flotilla of 10 fishing boats carrying Japanese activists was also reported to be in the area, as well as the Japanese coastguard.

Mr Abe was speaking in parliament hours after dozens of lawmakers visited a controversial war-linked shrine.

A total of 168 lawmakers paid their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japan's war dead, including war criminals, in a move likely to anger regional neighbours who say the shrine is a reminder of Japan's military past.
'Deal strongly'

The warning from the Japanese prime minister was the most explicit to China since Mr Abe took power in December, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.

Asked in parliament what he would do if Chinese ships tried to land on the disputed islands, Mr Abe said they would be expelled by force.

"Since it has become the Abe government, we have made sure that if there is an instance where there is an intrusion into our territory or it seems that there could be landing on the islands then we will deal will it strongly," he said.

The warning came as eight Chinese ships sailed around the islands - called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

The Japanese coast guard said it was the highest number of Chinese boats in the area since Tokyo nationalised part of the island chain in September 2012.
A Shinto priest (R) leads a group of Japanese lawmakers to offer prayers for the country's war dead at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the occasion of the shrine's spring festival, 23 April 2013 Visits to Yasukuni Shrine by lawmakers anger Japan's neighbours

China said its ships had been monitoring Japanese vessels. The State Oceanic Administration issued a statement saying three of its ships had "found" several Japanese ships around the islands and "immediately ordered another five ships in the East China Sea to meet the three ships".

Ten Japanese boats carrying around 80 activists arrived in the area early on Tuesday, Reuters news agency reported, monitored by Japanese Coast Guard vessels. Public broadcaster NHK said the boats were carrying "regional lawmakers and members of the foreign media".

Japan's top government spokesman said the "intrusion into territorial waters" was "extremely regrettable". Japan also summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest, reports said.

The territorial row has been rumbling for years but was reignited last year when Japan bought three of the islands from their private Japanese owner.

China claims the island chain, which is controlled by Japan. Taiwan also claims the islands, which offer rich fishing grounds and lie in a strategically important area.

The dispute has led to serious diplomatic tension between China and Japan, most recently in January when Japan said a Chinese frigate locked weapons-controlling radar on one of its navy ships near the islands - something China disputes.

The visit to the Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday by lawmakers marking the spring festival is also likely to hit ties between Beijing and Tokyo.

Two cabinet ministers, including Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, visited the shrine on Sunday. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not visit but made a ritual offering.

South Korea subsequently cancelled a proposed visit by its foreign minister, while China lodged "solemn representations" in response to the ministers' visit.

"Only when Japan faces up to its aggressive past can it embrace the future and develop friendly relations with its Asian neighbours," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Monday.

But Japanese lawmaker Hidehisa Otsujji said it was "natural" for "lawmakers to worship at a shrine for people who died for the nation".

"Every nation does this. I don't understand why we get a backlash," he said.

source: BBC News - Japan PM Abe warns China of force over islands landing
Japan would respond with force if any attempt is made to land on disputed islands, PM Shinzo Abe has warned.

His comments came as eight Chinese government ships sailed near East China Sea islands that both nations claim.

A flotilla of 10 fishing boats carrying Japanese activists was also reported to be in the area, as well as the Japanese coastguard.

Mr Abe was speaking in parliament hours after dozens of lawmakers visited a controversial war-linked shrine.

A total of 168 lawmakers paid their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japan's war dead, including war criminals, in a move likely to anger regional neighbours who say the shrine is a reminder of Japan's military past.
'Deal strongly'

The warning from the Japanese prime minister was the most explicit to China since Mr Abe took power in December, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.

Asked in parliament what he would do if Chinese ships tried to land on the disputed islands, Mr Abe said they would be expelled by force.

"Since it has become the Abe government, we have made sure that if there is an instance where there is an intrusion into our territory or it seems that there could be landing on the islands then we will deal will it strongly," he said.

The warning came as eight Chinese ships sailed around the islands - called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

The Japanese coast guard said it was the highest number of Chinese boats in the area since Tokyo nationalised part of the island chain in September 2012.
A Shinto priest (R) leads a group of Japanese lawmakers to offer prayers for the country's war dead at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the occasion of the shrine's spring festival, 23 April 2013 Visits to Yasukuni Shrine by lawmakers anger Japan's neighbours

China said its ships had been monitoring Japanese vessels. The State Oceanic Administration issued a statement saying three of its ships had "found" several Japanese ships around the islands and "immediately ordered another five ships in the East China Sea to meet the three ships".

Ten Japanese boats carrying around 80 activists arrived in the area early on Tuesday, Reuters news agency reported, monitored by Japanese Coast Guard vessels. Public broadcaster NHK said the boats were carrying "regional lawmakers and members of the foreign media".

Japan's top government spokesman said the "intrusion into territorial waters" was "extremely regrettable". Japan also summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest, reports said.

The territorial row has been rumbling for years but was reignited last year when Japan bought three of the islands from their private Japanese owner.

China claims the island chain, which is controlled by Japan. Taiwan also claims the islands, which offer rich fishing grounds and lie in a strategically important area.

The dispute has led to serious diplomatic tension between China and Japan, most recently in January when Japan said a Chinese frigate locked weapons-controlling radar on one of its navy ships near the islands - something China disputes.

The visit to the Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday by lawmakers marking the spring festival is also likely to hit ties between Beijing and Tokyo.

Two cabinet ministers, including Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, visited the shrine on Sunday. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not visit but made a ritual offering.

South Korea subsequently cancelled a proposed visit by its foreign minister, while China lodged "solemn representations" in response to the ministers' visit.

"Only when Japan faces up to its aggressive past can it embrace the future and develop friendly relations with its Asian neighbours," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Monday.

But Japanese lawmaker Hidehisa Otsujji said it was "natural" for "lawmakers to worship at a shrine for people who died for the nation".

"Every nation does this. I don't understand why we get a backlash," he said.

source: BBC News - Japan PM Abe warns China of force over islands landing

IF Japan wants to gets its own then it had better carve for itself some greater autonomy outside the "US Umbrella". The Japanese diet brought in a massive amendment to the Japanese constitution- 'allowing the usage of nuclear energy for defense purposes'. Their only bet is to go nuclear..otherwise while they still might have a qualitative edge in many areas- China is rapidly bridging that gap. And they CANNOT match the Chinese forces man to man given the behemoth that the PLA, PLAN and PLAAF are.
Japan war shrine visits anger China, South Korea
Associated Press – 5 hrs ago

Japan war shrine visits anger China, South Korea


Associated Press/Kyodo News - A group of Japanese lawmakers are led by a Shinto priest at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Marking the spring festival,

Japanese lawmakers leave after their visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during an annual spring festival on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Marking the spring festival, 168 lawmakers paid homage to the controversial war shrine. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

In this Sunday, April 21, 2013 photo, Keiji Furuya, state minister in charge of North Korea's past abductions of Japanese nationals, leaves the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made donations and three Cabinet ministers including Furuya prayed at Tokyo’s militarist shrine over the weekend, sparking South Korean anger. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)


Japan's Finance Minister Taro Aso (2nd R) bows as he visits the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, in this photo provided by Kyodo April 21, 2013. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a ritual offering of a pine tree to a shrine seen as a symbol of Japan's former militarism on Sunday, a gesture likely to upset Asian victims of Japan's war-time aggression, including China and South Korea. Three Japanese ministers, including Aso, and deputy chief cabinet secretary visited the shrine this weekend
^This is bad^

If you have nothing to say, go to another thread, Troll.

Trolls are unwanted guests.
I thought Abe was a nice guy????
Chinese Imperial Aggression must be stop its is a danger to all Asian Countries. Japan example should be followed evil only wins if good men do nothing about it.
Chinese Imperial Aggression must be stop its is a danger to all Asian Countries. Japan example should be followed evil only wins if good men do nothing about it.

Hundreds of japanese politicians went to yasukuni shrine to worship WWII war criminal.I wonder why you pathetic pinoys say nothing.
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