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hahaha the Imperials Maoist afraid of Japan have nukes than North Korea since when did Japan have an unstable leader in power? hahahahaha this jokers are just arrogantly stupid :omghaha:

Since the Yamato Japanese invaded korea, Oda Nobunaga wanted to do the same, toyotomi hideoshi actually did, saigo takamori planned another, Meiji Japanese government, the Showa emperor Hirohito and Tojo and all the political and military leaders of WW2.

Philippines was conquered and it's people brutalized during WW2 or was I mistaken?

But you guys don't care about humiliations do you? Hence your best friend is also your colonial master.

Since Shinzo abe wanted to build a Japanese army.

is that enough? Sorry my knowledge is limited that I can only name these
Only those un-nuke, small, poor country always dream to beat a nuclear power ... a Joke very bad for ur nation coz not as many as ur ppl could lose in a mad war.

U.S, Russia, China, Britain, France five nuclear powers not as stupid as u thought yet, these new nuclear powers like India, Pakistan, Israel, N.Korea(maybe) all have smart relationships with above five countries and deeply background supports.

Less countries own nuke, more Peace this world, or all of human would involved in the nuke wars. If U.S allow Japan own nuke, they could admit it 40 years ago like Israel. But the Japan is not Israel for American. Only the stupid would wish ur potential competitors to own powerful weapons as similar as in ur hands, like F-22 forbid to export only sell F-35.

Japan to own NUKE == U.S sell F-22 to Japan, Impossible~!
Again we have forgive nature filipinos don't hold long grudge that stretch generations not unless we are being trouble by the same people in that case i join you but we are tough to try to tolerate and forgive but there is resentment but its for the World war two generation of the Japaneses only we don't not include the post war generation besides we like the post war Generation because they have nothing to do with the war in the first place and i think they should put the terrible things their grandfathers did to others and admit it other than that we cool with them and Japan has been helping us and repaying us for the war with a lot of infrastructure, aid etc and they apologies to us every araw ng kagitingan (Day of Valor) that we celebrate every April 9 so in terms of apologies and more we got a lot from Japanese there are some issues but the relations we share has given both sides benefits i mean since we are so easy to be Educated on Language we have a lot of nurse, teachers, engineers etc to Japan which benefit us both lastly we see your country as threat to world peace not just my country and japan feels the same so say what ever you want but as long as your government does not follow international laws and agreements and continue to threaten our EZZ and the Philippines no amount of resentment will divided us because one both the Philippines and Japan has been threaten by your country with war even and two Japan and the Philippines follow International Law and be willing to use all peaceful means under said rules but china insist on pressure tactics aka the so called bilateral talk and thirdly they express to create a alliance and even if we done all our modernization for our military it would be impossible to fight alone so naturally in case of war we need a strong alliance but the goal of both is to solve it under international law and peacefully means with fairness for all parties. Regarding your question of rebuilding Japans military i don't think they would rebuild the old Imperial military i think its just to expand the Self defense forces the Japanese are very sensitive about any military reestablishment i mean its hard enough to change the constitution let alone the defense forces but they all agree that the self defense forces should be strengthen which is good if the idea is defend yourselves and your allies because technically they can only be deploy in Japan and peace keeping only they can fight with anyone if they have allies and be deploy outside of Japan but if they manage to pull it off a new Japanese military (i don't know if they going to make the Emperor the Supreme Commander of the military hence the word Imperial but that's other issue) but it would be more a like South Korean Military can help other countries but more on defense of the Home land besides its there country.

I do Understand the anger here i know we have some horrible stories and my Grandparents fought as members of the Philippine Commonwealth Army and the Philippine Resistance (I come from a long line of soldier all the way from the Philippine Revolution) but my anger is the World War 2 Japanese and i know what you going to say that they honor A class war criminals true but one its their culture to honor dead people you chinese also do this and two even tough i hate this but since they been made kami (gods) you can't an kami them its like being a saint you once you been made a saint you can be un saint too bad it was a mistake i know but its done nothing we say will change that still the modern Japanese can choice to apologies to us (which they always every world war 2 celebration here in the Philippines) but they are not obligated to do so so means no one can force them too its a moral thing they morally obligated to but not obligated to the World War 2 Japanese Generation should not the post war. I hope that answer your questions since you ask politely and normally with no racist or arrogant tone i will not use the Normal method of answering question to your country men to show to you that only hostile to hostile not to civil people like yourself thank you and if you have other question (with hostile of course) i would be very happy to tell you to go to hell.

Only those un-nuke, small, poor country always dream to beat a nuclear power ... a Joke very bad for ur nation coz not as many as ur ppl could lose in a mad war.

U.S, Russia, China, Britain, France five nuclear powers not as stupid as u thought yet, these new nuclear powers like India, Pakistan, Israel, N.Korea(maybe) all have smart relationships with above five countries and deeply background supports.

Less countries own nuke, more Peace this world, or all of human would involved in the nuke wars. If U.S allow Japan own nuke, they could admit it 40 years ago like Israel. But the Japan is not Israel for American. Only the stupid would wish ur potential competitors to own powerful weapons as similar as in ur hands, like F-22 forbid to export only sell F-35.

Japan to own NUKE == U.S sell F-22 to Japan, Impossible~!

F22 sir is for American use only they made it clear but the F35 is being sold in fact that the reason why Japan lifts its arm export ban to join the F35 development and be part of the first countries to get the F35 you guys can attack them if you like so you can test your theory.

Only those un-nuke, small, poor country always dream to beat a nuclear power ... a Joke very bad for ur nation coz not as many as ur ppl could lose in a mad war.

U.S, Russia, China, Britain, France five nuclear powers not as stupid as u thought yet, these new nuclear powers like India, Pakistan, Israel, N.Korea(maybe) all have smart relationships with above five countries and deeply background supports.

Less countries own nuke, more Peace this world, or all of human would involved in the nuke wars. If U.S allow Japan own nuke, they could admit it 40 years ago like Israel. But the Japan is not Israel for American. Only the stupid would wish ur potential competitors to own powerful weapons as similar as in ur hands, like F-22 forbid to export only sell F-35.

Japan to own NUKE == U.S sell F-22 to Japan, Impossible~!

F22 sir is for American use only they made it clear but the F35 is being sold in fact that the reason why Japan lifts its arm export ban to join the F35 development and be part of the first countries to get the F35 you guys can attack them if you like so you can test your theory.
Japan would respond with force if any attempt is made to land on disputed islands, PM Shinzo Abe has warned.

His comments came as eight Chinese government ships sailed near East China Sea islands that both nations claim.

A flotilla of 10 fishing boats carrying Japanese activists was also reported to be in the area, as well as the Japanese coastguard.

Mr Abe was speaking in parliament hours after dozens of lawmakers visited a controversial war-linked shrine.

A total of 168 lawmakers paid their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japan's war dead, including war criminals, in a move likely to anger regional neighbours who say the shrine is a reminder of Japan's military past.
'Deal strongly'

The warning from the Japanese prime minister was the most explicit to China since Mr Abe took power in December, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.

Asked in parliament what he would do if Chinese ships tried to land on the disputed islands, Mr Abe said they would be expelled by force.

"Since it has become the Abe government, we have made sure that if there is an instance where there is an intrusion into our territory or it seems that there could be landing on the islands then we will deal will it strongly," he said.

The warning came as eight Chinese ships sailed around the islands - called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

The Japanese coast guard said it was the highest number of Chinese boats in the area since Tokyo nationalised part of the island chain in September 2012.
A Shinto priest (R) leads a group of Japanese lawmakers to offer prayers for the country's war dead at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the occasion of the shrine's spring festival, 23 April 2013 Visits to Yasukuni Shrine by lawmakers anger Japan's neighbours

China said its ships had been monitoring Japanese vessels. The State Oceanic Administration issued a statement saying three of its ships had "found" several Japanese ships around the islands and "immediately ordered another five ships in the East China Sea to meet the three ships".

Ten Japanese boats carrying around 80 activists arrived in the area early on Tuesday, Reuters news agency reported, monitored by Japanese Coast Guard vessels. Public broadcaster NHK said the boats were carrying "regional lawmakers and members of the foreign media".

Japan's top government spokesman said the "intrusion into territorial waters" was "extremely regrettable". Japan also summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest, reports said.

The territorial row has been rumbling for years but was reignited last year when Japan bought three of the islands from their private Japanese owner.

China claims the island chain, which is controlled by Japan. Taiwan also claims the islands, which offer rich fishing grounds and lie in a strategically important area.

The dispute has led to serious diplomatic tension between China and Japan, most recently in January when Japan said a Chinese frigate locked weapons-controlling radar on one of its navy ships near the islands - something China disputes.

The visit to the Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday by lawmakers marking the spring festival is also likely to hit ties between Beijing and Tokyo.

Two cabinet ministers, including Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, visited the shrine on Sunday. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did not visit but made a ritual offering.

South Korea subsequently cancelled a proposed visit by its foreign minister, while China lodged "solemn representations" in response to the ministers' visit.

"Only when Japan faces up to its aggressive past can it embrace the future and develop friendly relations with its Asian neighbours," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Monday.

But Japanese lawmaker Hidehisa Otsujji said it was "natural" for "lawmakers to worship at a shrine for people who died for the nation".

"Every nation does this. I don't understand why we get a backlash," he said.

source: BBC News - Japan PM Abe warns China of force over islands landing

Abe wants to mislead international media about what happens there. we must clarify who want to land first, they are Japanese not chinese. why doesn't he warn these Japanese people? because he is misleading and lying. Chinese media should tell the world about that.
The party who is guilty are the first to sue, Japan are good at this from the history. No need to worry, Japan's neighbor South Korea China Russia always know this and don't trust Japan

South Korea said:Japan's Drift to the Far Right Hurts Stability in Northeast Asia
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Japan's Drift to the Far Right Hurts Stability in Northeast Asia
Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se canceled a two-day trip to Japan scheduled for this Friday after Japanese Cabinet members paid their respects at a nationalist shrine in Tokyo.

Yun's visit was "aimed at laying out a big direction between the new governments of Korea and Japan," a Foreign Ministry official here said. But he added, "In this kind of atmosphere, our stance is that a productive discussion would be impossible."

Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso was among three senior Cabinet members to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors convicted war criminals among Japan's war dead.

It was the first visit to the shrine by officials in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Cabinet. Abe did not visit Yasukuni in person but sent an offering instead.

A planned trilateral summit between the leaders of Korea, China and Japan now looks likely to be scrapped since China already declined to set a date. According to a government source here, Tokyo quickly accepted a Korean proposal to hold the summit in Seoul on May 25-26 but Beijing was non-committal.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who came into office in March, apparently does not want to a meeting with Abe to be his first official summit.

President Park Geun-hye wants to visit China after her trip to the U.S. in early May, but a Cheong Wa Dae official said a visit to Japan is "not under consideration."

It is rare for countries to cancel or postpone summits and ministerial meetings, especially when they have new governments. But it seems now that Seoul and Beijing do not want even a ceremonial show of meeting the Japanese leadership. Officials here say that even if the leaders or foreign ministers of Korea and Japan agree to pursue a "future-oriented relationship," improving ties must remain a pipe dream due to Tokyo's constant missteps, be they attempts to whitewash Japan's wartime atrocities in school books, its flimsy colonial claim to Korea's Dokdo islets, or visits to the Yasukuni Shrine.

Japan got a long-awaited jolt of energy with the launch of the Abe administration late last year. Abe enjoys an approval rating of almost 80 percent. But Korea's and China's view of the rightwing Japanese government is growing dimmer by the day.

The Abe administration's attitude toward Japan's wartime past is the most regressive of any Japanese administration so far. This is causing Seoul to think twice about forging closer ties with Tokyo. And Beijing agrees.

By paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, Japan's political leaders may be seeking to drum up support for their bid to revise their country's pacifist constitution. But the more they behave this way, the more suspicious Japan's Asian neighbors will become, which will only increase Tokyo's diplomatic isolation.

That not only exacerbates Seoul's dilemma in searching for solutions to bilateral issues but makes multilateral cooperation in pursuing peace and stability in Northeast Asia ever more difficult.
Japanese is maybe fierce but more reliable. Japanese say yes means yes, say no means no. Chinese say somethings but do other things. Chinese say and listen among them. The world hear and just laugh, they focus on what Chinese will do.

Vietnames ( and Philipino ) are waiting Japanese ( and Indian ) to kick *** their greedy neighbor.

Japanese is maybe fierce but more reliable. Japanese say yes means yes, say no means no. Chinese say somethings but do other things. Chinese say and listen among them. The world hear and just laugh, they focus on what Chinese will do.

Vietnames ( and Philipino ) are waiting Japanese ( and Indian ) to kick *** their greedy neighbor.


in reality, we all see they are opposite. for example:

-last year, when Japanese nationalist group known as Ganbare Nippon committed to its government that it would not land on these islands, but they did. only stupid people trust Japanese!
-Also, last year, Noda committed japan would not allow any one land on these islands, in reality, japan coastal guard escort these nationalist to these islands. Even a Japanese PM lied, we are not stupid to trust Japanese.
-After WWII, japan committed fully to its crime but what they are doing now is to pay homage to Japanese fascist war criminals today (4/23/2013). only fascist-like people like japan.
Japan denied Japan Invaded Asian Neighbors in WII , this made South Korea and China angry
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Abe Denies Japan Invaded Asian Neighbors

South Korea:Abe Denies Japan Invaded Asian Neighbors
In a further lurch to the far right, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told lawmakers on Tuesday that he does not believe Japan's occupation of other Asian countries during World War II can be considered "invasions."

Abe claimed there are no set international or academic definitions of the word. "It depends on the point of view of individual countries," he said, referring to a statement in 1995 by then-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, which apologized to all Asian victims of Japanese aggression and from which rightwingers are scrambling to distance themselves.

Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945 and invaded China and several Southeast Asian nations during an aggressive expansion to create what was billed as the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere."

Experts here slammed Abe's remarks. Ko Sang-tu at Yonsei University said, "That is simply absurd. It's like saying Hitler's invasion of Poland wasn't really an invasion. If a German chancellor had said the same thing, he or she would have had to resign."

Abe told lawmakers on Monday that he does not feel bound by the Murayama statement. The global press was alarmed, with the New York Times saying he sought to whitewash his country's World War II atrocities, while the Economist warned that the right-leaning Japanese Cabinet is a bad sign for the region.

Abe said Japan's pacifist constitution was put together by what he called "occupying forces," referring to the victorious U.S. at the end of the war.

The constitution, which stipulates the country's desire for peace and pledges a policy of non-aggression, effectively "entrusted the lives and safety of the public to the goodwill of other countries," he claimed.

This suggests he is throwing his weight behind moves from the far right to revise the constitution so the Japanese military can launch pre-emptive strikes abroad.

Japanese lawmakers pay homage at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on Tuesday. /Reuters-Newsis

On Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and other Japanese politicians visited Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, which houses the remains of Japan's war dead including convicted war criminals. On Tuesday, 168 members of the Diet followed suit, the biggest number of lawmakers since 1989.

The Japanese media were critical of the stunt. The Asahi Shimbun urged cabinet members to exercise "restraint" in speech as well as action, while the Mainichi Shimbun warned Japan's "national interests are at risk" if such strain is put on cooperation with China and South Korea in trying to rein in North Korea.
@Zero_wing, I do not care b@llsh!t ideas and do not care ur family story. U and some Vietnamese members here wanna kiss Japanese @$s, it's ur business not mine.Go ahead~! For me, it just means only the weakness wish other stronger one to help them and hit which one they never defeat.
Yes beg more supports and equipments from Japan, now the islands sinking and pls make it more quick. (Google current Japan economy issues)

Did u know why the country still poor and weakness ? Coz local ppl hate their government,hate politicians, hate the poor, many smart ppl and genius go abroad nobody care ur country,and left ur poor ppl contiue begging supports from foreigns. Go ahead~ kiss foreigners, but pls do not confuse Chinese and urs, our attitudes completely r different.

F22 sir is for American use only they made it clear but the F35 is being sold in fact that the reason why Japan lifts its arm export ban to join the F35 development and be part of the first countries to get the F35 you guys can attack them if you like so you can test your theory.
Why not read foreign news carefully ?
Why not collect related information from the internet ??
Why not analysis foreign intelligence before getting ur conclusion ???

I found u and few ppl in this thread, just living their own dream world. U just talk about ur own ideas but the world is not as simple as u thought ... Japan had seeked for F-22, Japanese wanna F-22 as the best next gen fighter for them after F-15J (F-2 also a joint designed fighter) but U.S refuse coz they worried about sensitive information leakage including leak to Japanese.

FlightGlobal:Japan seeks foreign engines for stealth fighter prototypes
Japan had wanted to buy Lockheed Martin's F-22 to meet its future fighter requirement, but the US government has barred exports of the type and agreed to halt production for the US Air Force. Tokyo has responded by vowing to develop its own fifth-generation fighter under the ATD-X programme.

Reuters: Japan eyes Lockheed Martin's F-22 fighter jet
A 1998 law passed by Congress banned foreign sales of the Raptor to keep secret the aircraft's radar-evading "stealth" technology. Past leaks of confidential information from Japan's Defence Ministry have underscored such concerns. But the prospect that production of the F-22 may soon end, affecting jobs in many parts of the United States, has prompted a push among U.S. lawmakers to develop an export version that could be sold to Japan.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, however, has repeatedly said he wants to cap production at 187 aircraft, the last of which would roll off the production line in late 2011 or early 2012.

F-22 fighters for Japan
After 2011, the F-22’s costs will grow significantly, so Japan and its U.S. supporters have little time to nail down a deal. However, some U.S. officials have long doubted that Japan can afford to pay for the F-22, which is why the George W. Bush and Obama administrations have not seriously promoted the F-22 for Japan. Mr. Gates reportedly favors selling Tokyo the smaller, somewhat less capable and less expensive Lockheed-Martin F-35 Lighting II.

FlightGlobal: Export Ready? The F-22
Wider knowledge of the F-22's capabilities is stimulating export interest, but political and technical hurdles remain. Instead the USA has tried to steer attention towards the Lockheed Martin F-35, which shares many of the same stealth, sensor and software technologies.
"The problem is there is no provision in the F-22 for technology security," says Thompson. "The F-35 was designed from its inception to protect sensitive technology."
Thompson says Japan's particular interest is the F-22's capability against cruise missiles, with its supercruise performance and powerful radar allowing the fighter to intercept the weapons at long range.
He expects a decision will be taken to release enough information to enable Japan to decide whether it wants the Raptor.

F-22 and Nuke bombs, which is more powerful, do u get ? And IF Japan already own their nuke, im sure there must be other country which has good relationships with China or Russia will also own the same weapons.
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@Zero_wing, keep staying in U.S and tell other ppl here the China threat the PEACE of world. A true patriot, not like a crying Chihuahua.
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Japanese is maybe fierce but more reliable. Japanese say yes means yes, say no means no. Chinese say somethings but do other things. Chinese say and listen among them. The world hear and just laugh, they focus on what Chinese will do.

Vietnames ( and Philipino ) are waiting Japanese ( and Indian ) to kick *** their greedy neighbor.


Well, no need for Japan step in SCS now and near future, only ASEAN can solve problems if We stand firmly before China like now.
@Zero_wing, I do not care b@llsh!t ideas and do not care ur family story. U and some Vietnamese members here wanna kiss Japanese @$s, it's ur business not mine.Go ahead~! For me, it just means only the weakness wish other stronger one to help them and hit which one they never defeat.
Yes beg more supports and equipments from Japan, now the islands sinking and pls make it more quick. (Google current Japan economy issues)

Did u know why the country still poor and weakness ? Coz local ppl hate their government,hate politicians, hate the poor, many smart ppl and genius go abroad nobody care ur country,and left ur poor ppl contiue begging supports from foreigns. Go ahead~ kiss foreigners, but pls do not confuse Chinese and urs, our attitudes completely r different.

Why not read foreign news carefully ?
Why not collect related information from the internet ??
Why not analysis foreign intelligence before getting ur conclusion ???

I found u and few ppl in this thread, just living their own dream world. U just talk about ur own ideas but the world is not as simple as u thought ... Japan had seeked for F-22, Japanese wanna F-22 as the best next gen fighter for them after F-15J (F-2 also a joint designed fighter) but U.S refuse coz they worried about sensitive information leakage including leak to Japanese.

FlightGlobal:Japan seeks foreign engines for stealth fighter prototypes

Reuters: Japan eyes Lockheed Martin's F-22 fighter jet

F-22 fighters for Japan

FlightGlobal: Export Ready? The F-22

F-22 and Nuke bombs, which is more powerful, do u get ? And IF Japan already own their nuke, im sure there must be other country which has good relationships with China or Russia will also own the same weapons.

Well the feeling is mutual i don't care about your country at all as i said your threat to world peace

@Zero_wing, keep staying in U.S and tell other ppl here the China threat the PEACE of world. A true patriot, not like a crying Chihuahua.

Dont need to your people are going all the work for me so thank your $tupids
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hahaha the Imperials Maoist afraid of Japan have nukes than North Korea since when did Japan have an unstable leader in power? hahahahaha this jokers are just arrogantly stupid :omghaha:

Are you kidding me?

If they are allowed to have the nuclear weapons, then it will be pre-emptive strike against the four islands.
Man how stupid can one person get first they the only nation hit by nuke before chenobol tell me? why use a weapon that still continue to kill people how were there after years since it was fired? and Ever Human knows this that no body wins a nuke war i mean no body even those who fire the damn thing why do you think nobody even in the height of the Cold War fired a nuke out of anger? In fact all they need is to change their constitution they have the technology and yet they still refuse to do so? And Dont tell me American colonial thing again because if that's the best argument you have then you are brainless. See this why your $tupid illogical worn brains use your brains for once that's why your afraid to go to the UN and face us because you have mind set like this and that's why with nukes plus a high nationalist military with no common sense and humanity constitute you guys a global threat next North Korea
See how pathetic Chinese are! Always keen on bullying weaker opponents like VN and PN, never dare to challenge America, Japan nor Russia. Look how greedy their claims are, in the South and East China Sea, mostly based on hot air.

WTF, ...discovered since ancient times.
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