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Hundreds of japanese politicians went to yasukuni shrine to worship WWII war criminal.I wonder why you pathetic pinoys say nothing.

Because we live in the present and we concern of the evils of today and let be you go to mao shrine why are not protesting about the millions he killed? your the real pathetic people around here always since the opium wars hahahaha
I like this guy. Japan needs to be a nuclear power.

Do you truly believe that a nuclear Japan will only be a threat to China?

They possess the heavy rocket technology which can be easily converted into the solid-fuel ICBM, then it will also become a threat to the US, since those right-wing Nippons have never forgot the two bombs that US awarded to them.

Once the Pandora Box has been opened, it cannot be closed. :coffee:
Do you truly believe that a nuclear Japan will only be a threat to China?

They possess the heavy rocket technology which can be easily converted into the solid-fuel ICBM, then it will also become a threat to the US, since those right-wing Nippons have never forgot the two bombs that US awarded to them.

Once the Pandora Box has been opened, it cannot be closed. :coffee:

Nuclear japan is a threat to china than US....
Do you truly believe that a nuclear Japan will only be a threat to China?

They possess the heavy rocket technology which can be easily converted into the solid-fuel ICBM, then it will also become a threat to the US, since those right-wing Nippons have never forgot the two bombs that US awarded to them.

Once the Pandora Box has been opened, it cannot be closed. :coffee:
agree with you
Nuclear japan is a threat to china than US....

Just like a nuclear North Korea is a threat to US than China,yet some stupid america consistently insist that NK is a threat to china more than US.
after 168 Japan parliamentaries pray ghosts at 23.04 in Shrine

80 right-wing members want went to Diaoyu island at protection of 10 Japan ships, then 10 CHinese ships Maritime interdiction
What did they do to interdiction Japanese!? :coffee:
Do you truly believe that a nuclear Japan will only be a threat to China?

They possess the heavy rocket technology which can be easily converted into the solid-fuel ICBM, then it will also become a threat to the US, since those right-wing Nippons have never forgot the two bombs that US awarded to them.

Once the Pandora Box has been opened, it cannot be closed. :coffee:

Japan today is trustworthy, unlike North Korea.

A nuclear Japan as a threat to the US should bear no more consideration than British nukes being a threat to the US.
so now we can expect reaction warnings from Mr.xi jingping.

Why warn when we are patrolling the islands? It's Abe that is warning because we are patrolling islands that Japan had total control over before this dispute arose a few months ago.
Do you truly believe that a nuclear Japan will only be a threat to China?

They possess the heavy rocket technology which can be easily converted into the solid-fuel ICBM, then it will also become a threat to the US, since those right-wing Nippons have never forgot the two bombs that US awarded to them.

Once the Pandora Box has been opened, it cannot be closed. :coffee:

I doubt it. Japanese are a peace loving people. Any nukes will be for self protection.They have suffered a lot at the hands of your countrymen and your NK allies. They are completely surrounded by Han Chinese who populate the majority of East Asia. I frankly dont think they have any other alternative to ensure the survival of their distinct people.
I doubt it. Japanese are a peace loving people. Any nukes will be for self protection.They have suffered a lot at the hands of your countrymen and your NK allies. They are completely surrounded by Han Chinese who populate the majority of East Asia. I frankly dont think they have any other alternative to ensure the survival of their distinct people.

Saying Japanese are peace loving is like saying Nazis are peace loving. The Japanese killed 30 million innocent Chinese civilians.
When you are big and powerful, you can do whatever you want. It's good to be Chinese in the 21st century.

What? U should use the power to take responsibility to create the total "harmony" not like the US or former powers, british Empire etc. they slaved almost the whole world, its time for a change.
I wonder who u guys are acting agressiv as ****. Maybe some west false flagger?
hahaha the Imperials Maoist afraid of Japan have nukes than North Korea since when did Japan have an unstable leader in power? hahahahaha this jokers are just arrogantly stupid :omghaha:
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