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Please stick to the topic both Jhungary and Shuttler. Shuttler enough with the name calling this is your warning.
Taiwan made a bad agreement with Japan. It should settle for no less than absolute fishing rights within 200km from the island. Including right to the islands themselves.
Taiwan made a bad agreement with Japan. It should settle for no less than absolute fishing rights within 200km from the island. Including right to the islands themselves.

LOL, that would be the perfect case senario

Problem is, it may take ages to sort out the dispute and i don't think we are going to see any conflict regarding the islands chain anytime soon. Despite what some Chinese member here think. Even a war happen between the 2. There will not be any territories changes

It's a perfectly sane position Taiwanese took, it's sort of like the one in SCS. Where Malaysia(?) nego a fishing right with China .
Taiwan made a bad agreement with Japan. It should settle for no less than absolute fishing rights within 200km from the island. Including right to the islands themselves.

actually, it is not bad at all. At first glance, everyone thought Japanese was trapping Taiwan and mainland into a war game. It is not hard to realize what Japanese is playing. As long as mainland considers its enemy is still japan and patrolling around the Diaoyu islands, there will be nothing happen or change between china and Taiwan. Therefore, the loser is japan because it has to loose what it has claimed its territory to Taiwan, neither Taiwan nor mainland was trapped, mainland china is still there, what can Japanese do?
A brilliant diplomacy by Japan. I always believe China should have done the same thing with the Philippines and Vietnam.
China opposes unilateral action over Diaoyu Islands


China has come out strongly against Japan’s unilateral action of signing a fishing agreement with Taiwan for fishing activity around the Diaoyu Islands. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Friday that Japan should avoid unilateral action on the islands as this goes against a previous agreement signed with China.

Japan and Taiwan signed a fishing rights accord for waters near the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea on Wednesday. Under the agreement, Taiwan trawlers will be permitted to fish in waters near the Diaoyu Islands.

Hong said, "The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets are the inherent territory of China. China and Japan signed a fishing pact in 1997. We demand that the Japanese side properly handle Taiwan-related issues according to the principles and spirit set in the China-Japan Joint Statement."
PLA Naval fleet patrols Diaoyu Islands waters

BEIJING, April 17 (Xinhua) -- A fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy on Wednesday morning patrolled the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands.

The fleet comprises ships from the Nanhai Fleet of the PLA Navy.


A fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy on Wednesday morning patrolled the
waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands.


Taiwan-Japan fishery pact good example of dispute resolution: expert
2013/04/17 17:14:19


Washington, April 16 (CNA) An agreement reached recently between Taiwan and Japan on fishing rights in waters surrounding the disputed Diaoyutai Islands serves as a good example for resolving similar regional disputes, an American expert on East Asian affairs said Tuesday.

Douglas Paal, former director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), said that waters surrounding the Diaoyutai are traditional fishing grounds for Taiwanese fishermen.

The area is too far away from Okinawa and is not a good location for Japanese fishermen because of wind and current directions there, Paal said during a discussion held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Historically, Chinese fishermen did not operate there, either, he said.

By signing the agreement, Taiwan and Japan demonstrated their respect for history and recognition that the interests of the fishermen are the real underlying issues in the Diaoyutais dispute, he said.

Taipei and Japan set a good example for resolving disputes when they skillfully put aside their territorial claims in the negotiations, Paal said.

(By Tony Liao and Y.F. Low)

Taiwan-Japan fishery pact good example of dispute resolution: expert | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS



Well... seem like "bla bla bla are China" .... :omghaha: sorry, it's just so funny ...
Taiwan-Japan fishery pact good example of dispute resolution: expert
2013/04/17 17:14:19


Washington, April 16 (CNA) An agreement reached recently between Taiwan and Japan on fishing rights in waters surrounding the disputed Diaoyutai Islands serves as a good example for resolving similar regional disputes, an American expert on East Asian affairs said Tuesday.

Douglas Paal, former director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), said that waters surrounding the Diaoyutai are traditional fishing grounds for Taiwanese fishermen.

The area is too far away from Okinawa and is not a good location for Japanese fishermen because of wind and current directions there, Paal said during a discussion held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Historically, Chinese fishermen did not operate there, either, he said.

By signing the agreement, Taiwan and Japan demonstrated their respect for history and recognition that the interests of the fishermen are the real underlying issues in the Diaoyutais dispute, he said.

Taipei and Japan set a good example for resolving disputes when they skillfully put aside their territorial claims in the negotiations, Paal said.

(By Tony Liao and Y.F. Low)

Taiwan-Japan fishery pact good example of dispute resolution: expert | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

Actually, this is not the best solution, it is the ONLY solution to solve the conflict.

There are no way China can control Senkaku in any circumstance except 2

1.) Japan themselves withdraw from Senkaku and let China occupy it

2.) China took Senkaku by force.

While solution 1 is nearly impossible, Japan is not normal joker that China can run over easy. Whatever China threaten Japan, Japan can take it.

Solution 2 involve a serious damage of Chinese economy capability. War with Japan burn money. This day and age, Japan and China are actual neighbour, either one of them can deal a damaging blow to the other economy. While Japan's economy is more or less dead in the water, Chinese economy is on the rise, will China want to trade the rise of their economy for some Island?? It is the key question to answer.

Do remember, no war cost nothing, every war cost, you need to pay for it.
Actually, this is not the best solution, it is the ONLY solution to solve the conflict.

There are no way China can control Senkaku in any circumstance except 2

1.) Japan themselves withdraw from Senkaku and let China occupy it

2.) China took Senkaku by force.

While solution 1 is nearly impossible, Japan is not normal joker that China can run over easy. Whatever China threaten Japan, Japan can take it.

Solution 2 involve a serious damage of Chinese economy capability. War with Japan burn money. This day and age, Japan and China are actual neighbour, either one of them can deal a damaging blow to the other economy. While Japan's economy is more or less dead in the water, Chinese economy is on the rise, will China want to trade the rise of their economy for some Island?? It is the key question to answer.

Do remember, no war cost nothing, every war cost, you need to pay for it.

Well, Many chinese believe they can take and stand with it, and Japan can't...
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