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Stop being delusional. USA is still the only superpower in this planet. Yes you can hit USA with a few missiles but USA will invade your country and take it from you. It's the truth. And ya remember, don't compare yourselves to the cold-war USSR; you haven't reached that level yet son.

If both engange into war it would end like Fallout3 in both countries...
True China has not even reached the projection capability of the Soviets, who also had a space station btw.

Keep in mind the Soviets were half the US econimic size. Similar to where China is today.
I have no doubts as to Chinese belief in their own claims, just as I have no doubt in Japanese belief in their own claims, but i'm making sure you have no doubts the US is going to get involved in a big and forceful way should this come to blows.

The ownership of the islands are spelt out in Potsdam Declaration and the Cairo declaration that we hvae the undisputed rights to Diaoyu Islands

War with the US will not have a good ending for China, just keep that in mind, i'm under no illusions that a China we can work with would be infinitely of more benefit than a China that we are at war with and vice-versa for China, but our hands are tied, it is your country's choice, your decision for war or peace.

War is not good to all 3 parties.

It is US' choice: Peace or War!

Again, it is your decision for war or peace, if you choose war then we will fight.

Again. The ball is in the US court. Patrolling the area is our routine.

If you believe the US is a paper tiger, I urge to you to reassess your thoughts, because you wager the future of your country, your community, your family, and yourself on that assumption.

We do not want war, but neither will we accept a tyrannical peace.

Then get the f*ck out of the mess created by the japanese

Our countries have more to offer each other through trade, prosperity, and shared scientific pursuits than bombs and missiles, and shared pain and destruction, but it is ultimately your choice which path we take.

not on the pretext of giving up our sovereighnty

China cannot attempt to take the DIAOYU Islands by force and remain at peace with the United States, it is your decision and your call, that is all.

Let's see who fires the first shot. USA have warned their dog not to fire tracer bullets nor any warning shots in the air over the islands. Keep the USA's hard rein on the imperial dog!

True China has not even reached the projection capability of the Soviets, who also had a space station btw.

Keep in mind the Soviets were half the US econimic size. Similar to where China is today.

Did the USSR engaged in a war with the US? How did the USSR break up?

Comparing the USSR with China Today is meangingless.

Stop being delusional. USA is still the only superpower in this planet. Yes you can hit USA with a few missiles but USA will invade your country and take it from you. It's the truth. And ya remember, don't compare yourselves to the cold-war USSR; you haven't reached that level yet son.

stop you drivels and mind your own business. You and many indians on board are not up to the level yet!
China stresses normal exchanges amid Japanese leader's visit


BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Tuesday said China has conducted normal exchanges with Japanese parties hours after a Japanese political leader arrived in Beijing.

"China has long maintained normal communication and exchanges with Japan's ruling and opposition parties, as well as its non-governmental organizations," spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing.

Hong's comments came hours after Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of the New Komeito party, the smaller of Japan's two ruling parties, arrived in Beijing.

Yamaguchi is the first senior member of the Japanese ruling bloc to travel to Beijing since the Japanese government announced that it would "purchase" part of the Diaoyu Islands in September, a move that contributed to the disintegration of bilateral relations.

When asked about China's expectations for his visit, Hong said the exchanges between China and Japan can "enhance bilateral communication, properly promote solutions for related issues and boost the development of bilateral relations."

Hong said the China-Japan Friendship Association is arranging Yamaguchi's visit.
Then get the f*ck out of the mess created by the japanese
not on the pretext of giving up our sovereighnty

Let's see who fires the first shot. USA have warned their dog not to fire tracer bullets nor any warning shots in the air over the islands. Keep the USA's hard rein on the imperial dog!
:disagree: :P 10:50

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the best position for vietcongs or indian false flagging cheerleaders to eyewitness the fireworks upon the explosions of japanese fighter-jets is to sit inside of the cockpits of the plane and wait a few sec for our Luoyang PL-ASR's greetings!:flame:

Please accept our R.I.P. to you guys and the japanese pilots in the cockpits :angel:
Your insult words and foul language show nothing but your arrogant and idiot, :disagree:.
You say nothing but your mental orgasm and thought aggression to others, that why I had show you the truth that JASDF did it in past. They maybe do it at now if China pass the limit. Both side know it, kid, understand!? :)
the best position for vietcongs or indian false flagging cheerleaders to eyewitness the fireworks upon the explosions of japanese fighter-jets is to sit inside of the cockpits of the plane and wait a few sec for our Luoyang PL-ASR's greetings!:flame:

Please accept our R.I.P. to you guys and the japanese pilots in the cockpits :angel:
The ownership of the islands are spelt out in Potsdam Declaration and the Cairo declaration that we hvae the undisputed rights to Diaoyu Islands
It is not, as the islands are covered under 'such minor islands as we determine', and by any stretch of the word those islands were considered a minor island. China did not complain about them, not until large amounts of oil were speculated to be under them. China does not have a stronger legal claim than Japan.

War is not good to all 3 parties.
So you agree?

It is US' choice: Peace or War!
As much as I wish it was, it is not, we are only a party to the brewing tensions, but we have no control over the islands themselves, they are not our sovereign territory.

We are bound by treaty to protect Japan and areas under Japanese administration from hostile actions, these islands are included. To not follow through would be detrimental to our core interests, i'm sure you understand the importance of core interests. Only Japan and China have the power to decide this dispute, and it is only China that can end the dispute.

Again, only China can decide to end the dispute, as China is the one that is currently messing with the status quo. Only China can choose peace or war, we can only react.

Your choice.

Again. The ball is in the US court. Patrolling the area is our routine.

Your 'routine' is less than a year old, your argument is two-faced, self-serving, and lacks credibility due to this.

Our treaty with Japan is about half a century old.

Then get the f*ck out of the mess created by the japanese

You know I could say the same to you, I could say 'stop warmongering, trying to f*ck the peace that the US and all others in the region have persevered so hard to build and preserve, and stop trying to kill your family in war!', but I won't because that is not how things work.

Our treaty is again half a century old, it is part and parcel of our cornerstone in global relations and our position in the world. To not follow through on our word in protecting the Senkaku from hostile attack would be detrimental to our core interests in not just the region, but globally.

Whether China misstepped or not, China has shown an overwhelming eagerness to make the mess bigger than it should be, keep the mess ongoing, and use it to push the region to war. At this point blaming Japan and Japan alone would be an act of utter dishonesty. China is also to blame for the rise in hostilities, and is more to blame for the continuance of this destabilizing dispute.

Again, China is the only one that can control whether this dispute ends or not, because China is the one that is continuously and enthusiastically deepening it. I urge you to choose the path of peace, or at least limit your dispute to the realm of international arbitration, like the Philippines has recently done.

We have no quarrel if China and Japan manage to solve the dispute without war.

not on the pretext of giving up our sovereignty

Again it is your choice. Your country has not had de-facto and arguably legal sovereignty over those islands for more than a hundred years, to claim it as integral to your sovereignty is just bad faith considering that fact.

China had sovereignty over its borders 10 years ago, I think it did just fine without the fights over this.

Let's see who fires the first shot. USA have warned their dog not to fire tracer bullets nor any warning shots in the air over the islands. Keep the USA's hard rein on the imperial dog!
There would be no potential for a first shot from either side if China did not deliberately escalate tensions, and the glee with which you speak of this makes it sound like you actually want war to happen, that you are a war-mongerer.

Japan is our ally and friend, we do not have control over their actions, but a treaty is a treaty, even an accidental shoot-down won't change what our duties are, because there are infinitely better options in response than no response or all out war, which seems to be what you advocate in response. An all out attack on the Senkaku's in that context would still be a hostile act.
It is not, as the islands are covered under 'such minor islands as we determine', and by any stretch of the word those islands were considered a minor island. China did not complain about them, not until large amounts of oil were speculated to be under them. China does not have a stronger legal claim than Japan.

In fact it was claimed. In the allied Cairo Declaration, all the islands taken by Japan are return to china:
All the territories Japan has taken from China such as Manchuria (Dongbei), Formosa (Taiwan), and the Pescadores (Penghu), shall be restored to the Republic of China.
source:Cairo Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

later in Potsdam Declaration, items had been announced in the Cairo Declaration were included and Japan accepted Potsdam declaration.
source:Potsdam Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but later US took charge of Penghu and return it to japan in 1979. Diaoyu island is not a subsidiary island of Penghu, both china and japan accept this.
We are bound by treaty to protect Japan and areas under Japanese administration from hostile actions, these islands are included. To not follow through would be detrimental to our core interests, i'm sure you understand the importance of core interests. Only Japan and China have the power to decide this dispute, and it is only China that can end the dispute.

Right...Bound by treaty :lol:, soon or later U.S will have answer itself how important it want to be on this world? sure there is potential contender to be the next global domination power, if any thing happens be sure U.S will never claim to be on the podium again.

...and infact It's not a bad thing that U.S to mess up with this Island issue, this will polish PLA brains to find counter-measures, otherwise their brains will get rusties and useless.
Foreign Ministry vows Taiwan won't back down on Diaoyutais


Foreign Minister David Lin speaks to reporters a Foreign Ministry press conference in Taipei, yesterday. Lin said the government “will not back down on any sovereignty issue.” ...

TAIPEI -- Foreign Minister David Lin said yesterday that the Diaoyutai Islands in the East China Sea are inherent territory of the Republic of China and added that the government “will not back down on any sovereignty issue.”

Lin's remarks came after tensions in the region escalated after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talked about Washington's policy toward the island group in a Jan. 18 news conference.

Clinton said the U.S. does not have a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the islands, but acknowledges that they are under the administration of Japan and opposes “any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration.”

Lin made clear that sovereignty is different from the administrative control over a territory.

He added that Clinton also said that the U.S. wants to see “China and Japan resolve this matter peacefully through dialogue,” indicating that the U.S. acknowledges the existence of the disputes over the island group and that it wishes for regional peace and stability, which is in line with the wishes of Taiwan.

As for Japan's administrative control over the Diaoyutais, Lin said Taiwan wishes to conduct negotiations with Japan over fishing rights in the disputed area. He added that the Foreign Ministry is still working on having a second round of preparatory fishery talks with Japan.

Lin made the remarks on the sidelines of the swearing-in ceremony for Taiwan's newly appointed representative to Bahrain, Paul Y.F. Hsu.

On the much-anticipated resumption of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement talks between the U.S. and Taiwan, Lin said the talks will be resumed soon, and that his ministry will announce the timeline once it reaches a consensus with the U.S.

Foreign Ministry vows Taiwan won't back down on Diaoyutais - The China Post

It's about time for Taiwan to get into the fray and that'll put a stink on Hilary face. :coffee:
In fact it was claimed. In the allied Cairo Declaration, all the islands taken by Japan are return to china:
All the territories Japan has taken from China such as Manchuria (Dongbei), Formosa (Taiwan), and the Pescadores (Penghu), shall be restored to the Republic of China.
source:Cairo Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

later in Potsdam Declaration, items had been announced in the Cairo Declaration were included and Japan accepted Potsdam declaration.
source:Potsdam Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but later US took charge of Penghu and return it to japan in 1979. Diaoyu island is not a subsidiary island of Penghu, both china and japan accept this.

Those were what was taken during and after WW1, not before.
Right...Bound by treaty :lol:,
Yes, bound by treaty, it isn't a laughing matter. Just because you and your country doesn't place value in treaties doesn't mean we don't place importance in treaties, especially when it is with a longstanding ally and friendly democratic nation.

soon or later U.S will have answer itself how important it want to be on this world? sure there is potential contender to be the next global domination power, if any thing happens be sure U.S will never claim to be on the podium again.

The answer is of course the US is an important and integral country to the global economy.

...and infact It's not a bad thing that U.S to mess up with this Island issue, this will polish PLA brains to find counter-measures, otherwise their brains will get rusties and useless.

It is in the end China's decision on whether war or peace will prevail, and by logical extension the blame for war will be China's to bear, along with all the suffering that will occur.

Rest assured the least of China's worries by the end will be the sovereignty of these tiny islands.

U mean Diaoyu Island had been taken before WWI?

Yes, they have been claimed prior to WW1

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