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It is not, as the islands are covered under 'such minor islands as we determine', and by any stretch of the word those islands were considered a minor island. China did not complain about them, not until large amounts of oil were speculated to be under them. China does not have a stronger legal claim than Japan.

We did not complain about it because: The islands are ours under historical evidence + the 2 International Declarations I mentioned + Deng Xiaoping's resolve to put the disputes temporrary aside

We have the undisputable claims to the Islands

So you agree?

Silly comback! Bagging for our mercy!

As much as I wish it was, it is not, we are only a party to the brewing tensions, but we have no control over the islands themselves, they are not our sovereign territory.

So get the f*ck out out here!

We are bound by treaty to protect Japan and areas under Japanese administration from hostile actions, these islands are included. To not follow through would be detrimental to our core interests, i'm sure you understand the importance of core interests. Only Japan and China have the power to decide this dispute, and it is only China that can end the dispute.

You are not bound by the treaty more than you are asking for returns of favour from the japanese for widening your trade imports through sales of weapons, farm produce and the TPP

Again, only China can decide to end the dispute, as China is the one that is currently messing with the status quo. Only China can choose peace or war, we can only react. Your choice.

It only takes 2 parties to dance. so get the f*** out yankies!

Your 'routine' is less than a year old, your argument is two-faced, self-serving, and lacks credibility due to this.

Our treaty with Japan is about half a century old.

Our sovereignty is many many centuries old. Our routine partolling are commissioned when we are better equipped and in response to the japanese further provocation to "buy" the islands

You know I could say the same to you, I could say 'stop warmongering, trying to f*ck the peace that the US and all others in the region have persevered so hard to build and preserve, and stop trying to kill your family in war!', but I won't because that is not how things work.

We love peace but we are not afraid of entering into a war!

Our treaty is again half a century old, it is part and parcel of our cornerstone in global relations and our position in the world. To not follow through on our word in protecting the DIAOYU from hostile attack would be detrimental to our core interests in not just the region, but globally.

None of your adopted country's business. Get the f*ck out!

Whether China misstepped or not, China has shown an overwhelming eagerness to make the mess bigger than it should be, keep the mess ongoing, and use it to push the region to war. At this point blaming Japan and Japan alone would be an act of utter dishonesty. China is also to blame for the rise in hostilities, and is more to blame for the continuance of this destabilizing dispute.

Again, China is the only one that can control whether this dispute ends or not, because China is the one that is continuously and enthusiastically deepening it. I urge you to choose the path of peace, or at least limit your dispute to the realm of international arbitration, like the Philippines has recently done.

We have no quarrel if China and Japan manage to solve the dispute without war.

Again it is your choice. Your country has not had de-facto and arguably legal sovereignty over those islands for more than a hundred years, to claim it as integral to your sovereignty is just bad faith considering that fact.

China had sovereignty over its borders 10 years ago, I think it did just fine without the fights over this.

There would be no potential for a first shot from either side if China did not deliberately escalate tensions, and the glee with which you speak of this makes it sound like you actually want war to happen, that you are a war-mongerer.

Japan is our ally and friend, we do not have control over their actions, but a treaty is a treaty, even an accidental shoot-down won't change what our duties are, because there are infinitely better options in response than no response or all out war, which seems to be what you advocate in response. An all out attack on the Senkaku's in that context would still be a hostile act.

You are drivelling all over the place flooding the most polluted holiest river and even with this massive deluge, you cant even identify the us+japanese are the provocateurs of all the debacle there!
Japanese envoy in Beijing to ease tensions

Updated: 2013-01-23 00:45 By ZHANG YUNBI in Beijing and CAI HONG in Tokyo ( China Daily)


A leading member of the Japanese government arrived in Beijing on Tuesday in a bid to ease tension over the Diaoyu Islands.

Observers welcomed the envoy's arrival, but they said that Tokyo was maintaining its hard-line approach and, as if to prove the point, Japanese ministers reiterated their government's stance over the islands.

The head of the New Komeito Party, Natsuo Yamaguchi, said he hoped his visit to Beijing would open a channel of communication.

New Komeito is a junior coalition partners of the Liberal Democratic Party. Yamaguchi confirmed that he has a written letter from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for Party chief Xi Jinping. No meeting has been confirmed.

Yamaguchi will meet with Tang Jiaxuan, former State councilor and current president of the China-Japan Friendship Association.

A difference of opinion has emerged between the New Komeito and the LDP.

Before leaving Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Tuesday, Yamaguchi said that he did not discuss "shelving" the Diaoyu Islands issue when he met Abe. On Monday, Yamaguchi had suggested that the issue should be shelved for future generations to tackle.

His remarks prompted a furious response from the LDP. Shigeru Ishiba, the party's secretary-general blasted his idea as groundless and said the Japanese government has not accepted the idea of "shelving".

Wang Xinsheng, a professor of Japanese studies at Peking University, said hard-line voices, like Ishiba, prevail but others are seeking to resolve the crisis.

In September, the Japanese government illegally "purchased" part of the Diaoyu Islands, which have belonged to China for centuries.

Yamaguchi was a "welcomed" guest of Beijing, said Wang Ping, a researcher on Japanese studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said communication was important in easing tension.

Wang said that while the New Komeito Party does have an influential role in Japan, the LDP dominates the Cabinet and has adopted a far harsher stance on the islands than New Komeito. Liu Jiangyong, a specialist on Japanese studies and the deputy dean of the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University said that the attitude of the LDP will be crucial.

Yamaguchi said he agreed with his government's stance of denying that there was any dispute over the islands.

Yoshihide Suga, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, hailed Yamaguchi for agreeing with the government's position.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida echoed Suga's viewpoint and said Yamaguchi "knows the Japanese government's stance", Japan's Nikkei Business Daily newspaper reported.

"Tokyo's recognition of the dispute is widely viewed as a precondition for talks regarding the issue," said Zang Zhijun, a professor on Japanese studies at Fudan University in Shanghai.

Wang, the academy specialist, said Abe is following a dual-track approach; acting unilaterally to appear strong at home while appearing to keep a dialogue open with Beijing. Yamaguchi is the latest in a number of prominent Japanese politicians to have visited China recently. According to Kyodo News Agency, former Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama will visit China from Jan 28 to 31.

Contact the writers at zhangyunbi@chinadaily.com.cn
Zhou Wa in Beijing contributed to this story.
We did not complain about it because: The islands are ours under historical evidence + the 2 International Declarations I mentioned + Deng Xiaoping's resolve to put the disputes temporrary aside

We have the undisputable claims to the Islands

Silly comback! Bagging for our mercy!

So get the f*ck out out here!

You are not bound by the treaty more than you are asking for returns of favour from the japanese for widening your trade imports through sales of weapons, farm produce and the TPP

It only takes 2 parties to dance. so get the f*** out yankies!

Our sovereignty is many many centuries old. Our routine partolling are commissioned when we are better equipped and in response to the japanese further provocation to "buy" the islands

We love peace but we are not afraid of entering into a war!

None of your adopted country's business. Get the f*ck out!

You are drivelling all over the place flooding the most polluted holiest river and even with this massive deluge, you cant even identify the us+japanese are the provocateurs of all the debacle there!

Woah almost got into another circular dispute and mindless name calling, I won't bother to stoop to your level, so I will again reiterate my main point.

We are bound by treaty to protect Japan from Chinese aggression. If China should try to take this territory by force, the US will have no choice but to respond.

China cannot remain at peace with the US and attempt to invade the Senkaku islands, it is China's and your decision whether peace or war is preferable, whether the suffering of your family is preferable to peace and prosperity.

You are the one that holds the trigger to your head, do you really want to pull it for a chance to see the world burn?:frown:
On July 26, the United States, Britain and China released the Potsdam Declaration announcing the terms for Japan's surrender, with the warning, "We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives. We shall brook no delay." For Japan, the terms of the declaration specified:

the elimination "for all time [of] the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest"

the occupation of "points in Japanese territory to be designated by the Allies"

"Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine." As had been announced in the Cairo Declaration in 1943.

"The Japanese military forces shall be completely disarmed"

"stern justice shall be meted out to all war criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners"

Potsdam Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The main points of the document were:

The Allies are not fighting Japan for their own territorial expansion.

The Allies are resolved to bring unrelenting military pressure against Japan until it agrees to unconditional surrender.

Japan shall be stripped of all islands she has seized or occupied in the Pacific since the beginning of World War I in 1914.
All the territories Japan has taken from China such as Manchuria (Dongbei), Formosa (Taiwan), and the Pescadores (Penghu), shall be restored to the Republic of China.

The Allies are determined that Korea shall become free and independent.

Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed.

Cairo Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taiwan, Japan ships confront near Diaoyu Islands

Updated: 2013-01-24 18:39 ( Xinhua)


TAIPEI - The fishing vessel of a group of activists from Taiwan was obstructed on Thursday by Japanese coast guard ships in the waters surrounding the Diaoyu Islands, but failed to make a landing.


An aerial view shows a Japan Coast Guard patrol ship (R) spraying water at a fishing boat (L) that is carrying Taiwan's activists on board about 32 km (20 miles) west-southwest of the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea, in this picture released by the Japan Coast Guard's 11th Regional Coast Guard headquarters January 24, 2013.[Photo/Agencies]

Named "Happy Family" and protected by four coast guard ships of Taiwan, the fishing vessel departed from Taiwan's New Taipei City early Thursday morning, Wang Chung-yi, deputy chief of Taiwan's coast guard authority, said at a press briefing Thursday afternoon.

The vessel confronted eight Japanese coast guard ships in the waters about 28 nautical miles southwest of the Diaoyu Islands at about 9:40 am (Beijing Time), according to Wang.

Japanese ships obstructed the vessel by making waves and emitting black smoke, and later spraying water toward it. Taiwan's coast guard ships responded with water spray, LED signals and used an audio amplifier warning the Japanese from obstructing the navigation of the vessel.

All the ships arrived at the waters about 17 nautical miles southwest of the Diaoyu Islands, and the fishing vessel began to return. Taiwan's coast guard authority estimated that it would arrive in New Taipei at 7 pm.

Taiwan will firmly safeguard the interests and rights of ships fishing around the waters of the Diaoyu Islands, and protect vessels no matter where they are, Wang said.

The fishing vessel has seven people onboard, including several well-known non-governmental activists, one captain and an Indonesian worker.

The activists planned to declare sovereignty over the island, and take onto it a statue of Matsu, the Chinese indigenous goddess of the sea protecting fishermen and sailors.
Finally some patriotic Taiwanese brothers taking some action again. More frequent boats heading that way and claim back the island in a peaceful strike.
U.N. to consider validity of China's claim over disputed islands

The United Nations is planning to consider later this year the scientific validity of a claim by China that a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea are part of its territory, although Japan says the world body should not be involved.

Full Text: U.N. to consider validity of China's claim over disputed islands | Reuters
Finally some patriotic Taiwanese brothers taking some action again. More frequent boats heading that way and claim back the island in a peaceful strike.

taiwan and mainland should work together. dont let japanese take advantage of taiwan-mainland rift!

You have illustrated why these documents do not support China's claim, thank you.

U.N. to consider validity of China's claim over disputed islands

The United Nations is planning to consider later this year the scientific validity of a claim by China that a group of disputed islands in the East China Sea are part of its territory, although Japan says the world body should not be involved.

Full Text: U.N. to consider validity of China's claim over disputed islands | Reuters

Sounds good, I'll be interested in learning the results.
You have illustrated why these documents do not support China's claim, thank you.

Sounds good, I'll be interested in learning the results.

We dont take opinions of indians seriously regardless of the flags. They are not part of the equation.
We dont take opinions of indians seriously regardless of the flags. They are not part of the equation.

That's unfortunate, and prejudiced, but aside from the worrying national prejudice overtones I don't see why that is related to what I'm saying. :what:

Japanese patrol boats with water cannons to attack Taiwan Diaoyu Islands boat

2013年01月24日14:23 中国新闻网



日本《朝日新闻》,北京时间10时45分,日本海上保安厅8艘巡视船对保钓船“全家福”号和护送该船的台湾 “海巡署”巡逻船展开水炮攻击。从照片上可见,台湾巡逻船也使用水炮对日本船只进行回击。

Taiwan Japan, "Asahi Shimbun", Beijing 10 45 points, 8 of the Japan Coast Guard patrol ship to Diaoyu Islands boat "family portrait" and escort the ship, "Coast Guard patrol boats to expand water cannon attack. Can see from the pictures, the Taiwan patrol boat also used water cannons to fight back the Japanese vessel.

中新网1月24日电 综合报道,日本第11管区海上保安总部(那霸)称,当地时间24日上午11点05分左右,一艘载有台湾“中 华保钓协会”成员等的渔船驶入了钓鱼岛附近海域。日本海保厅巡逻船用无线电发出警告并向渔船发射了水炮,台 湾巡逻船也使用水炮对日本船只进行了回击,目前该保钓船已返航。

  台湾中华保钓协会和世界华人保钓联盟等7人,24日凌晨驾驶一艘保钓船,从台湾北部的深澳渔港出发,前 往钓鱼岛宣示主权。台湾海岸巡防署为此派出巡防船为这艘保钓船护航。

  据日本媒体报道,当天,日本海上保安厅第11管区海上保安本部还在钓鱼岛附近连接海域发现了3艘中国海 洋监视船。

BEIJING, Jan. 24 roundup, Japan 11 Coast Guard headquarters (Naha), local time at 11:05 on the 24th or so, a boat carrying members of the Taiwan Association of Chinese Diaoyu Islands "fishing vesselrolled into the waters near the Diaoyu Islands. Sea of ​​Japan Paul Hall patrol boat radio warning and fishing boats fired water cannons, Taiwan patrol boat also use water cannon on the Japanese ship has fought back, the Diaoyu Islands vessel has already returning.

The Taiwan and China of the Diaoyutai Association and the World Chinese Diaoyu Islands Union 7, 24 am driving a Diaoyu Islands boat from Taiwan the northern shenao fishing port of departure to the Diaoyu Islands to proclaim sovereignty. Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration sent a patrol boat for escort ship Diaoyu Islands boat.

According to Japanese media reports, the day, the Japan Coast Guard District 11 Coast Guard Headquarters connected still near the Diaoyu Islands waters found that the three Chinese marine surveillance ship.

Google translation


Previous attack by the japanese coast guards on Taiwanese ships in Diaoyu Islands waters

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I have to admit, the PRC submitting the Diaoyu claim to the U.N. comes as a surprise, considering some of their other territorial disputes (though that's a story for another topic). The U.N. is planning to consider the case in the summer (around 6 months from now).

You have illustrated why these documents do not support China's claim, thank you.

Why not? Please elaborate. In all fairness I am interested in hearing you out.

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