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Japan coast guard says detains Chinese fishing boat near Okinawa - Yahoo! News

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Japan's coast guard
detained a Chinese fishing boat near the southern
Japanese island of Okinawa on Saturday and
arrested the captain for collecting coral illegally, a
coast guard official said. The vessel was detained off Miyako Island, some
150 km (95 miles) from islands in the East China
Sea at the centre of a territorial dispute between
the two countries, and about 400 km (250 miles)
east of Taipei. A long-simmering row over the East China Sea
islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan and the
Diaoyu in China, has in recent months escalated to
the point where both sides have scrambled
fighter jets while patrol ships shadow each other
in nearby seas. In September 2010, the arrest of a Chinese
trawler captain by the Japanese coast guard near
the disputed islands triggered a barrage of strong
words from Beijing and protests in front of
Japanese diplomatic missions. The Japanese coast guard official said on Saturday
the captain of the boat was arrested for alleged
violation of Japanese law to protect the country's
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from unauthorized
fishing. The vessel was found collecting coral inside the
EEZ, 46 km east-northeast of Miyako island, east of
Ishigaki, the official said. The boat and crew of 12 people were being
taken to Miyako island. China's official Xinhua news agency, quoting the
Chinese Consulate General in the city of Fukuoka,
said the vessel had been detained for "alleged
unauthorized coral fishing".
"The consulate has urged the Japanese side to
ensure the safety of the Chinese sailors and will
visit the captain when he arrives at Miyako,"
Xinhua reported.

Is it legally allowed in China the harvesting of corals by Chinese fishermen??? Do you not have any law banning the harvesting and destruction of corals???
Ewan ko sayo kung away mo magsabi ng totoo hinidi ko na problema yun!

Yes, it's not your problem, but I'm Filipino like you but I have different perception of China. I see them as a neighbor with some foreign relation problems.
BBC News - Japan protest over China ship's radar action

A Chinese vessel has locked its weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese ship, Tokyo says, amid mounting tensions over a territorial row.

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said the incident happened on 30 January near islands claimed by both nations in the East China Sea.

He said this prompted Tokyo to lodge a formal protest with Beijing on Tuesday.

The row, over islands known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, has escalated in recent months.

'Dangerous situation'

"On 30 January, something like fire-control radar was directed at a Japan Self-Defence Maritime escort ship in the East China Sea," Mr Onodera told reporters on Tuesday.

The minister added that a Japanese military helicopter was also targeted with a similar radar a few days earlier.

"Directing such radar is very abnormal. We recognise it would create a very dangerous situation if a single misstep occurred," he said.

The dispute over their ownership of the islands has been rumbling for years, but it reignited in 2012 when the Japanese government purchased three of the islands from their private, Japanese owner.

The eight uninhabited islands and rocks lie close to strategically important shipping lanes, offer rich fishing grounds and are thought to contain oil deposits.

Also on Tuesday, the Chinese ambassador to Japan rebuffed an earlier protest over continuing Chinese patrols off the disputed islands, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

Ambassador Cheng Yonghua stressed that the islands were China's inherent territory as well as the surrounding waters.
Chinese Marine Surveillance Ships VS Japanese warship
Chinese vessel has locked its weapon-targeting radar on Japanese ship and ready to fire high-pressure water cannon

Its just a scarring tactics, kind of psychological subterfuge to show China is aggressive and can do it if the need be.

But, just by illuminating enemy targets and not pressing the hot button (shooting them) is akin to barking dogs who dont bite......

Japan has a trillion dollar investment in China!
Its no peanuts.
Chinese Marine Surveillance Ships VS Japanese warship
Chinese vessel has locked its weapon-targeting radar on Japanese ship and ready to fire high-pressure water cannon

The article says: "A Chinese navy frigate has locked its weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese Maritime escort ship". It is comparable like someone points the gun toward you.
Its just a scarring tactics, kind of psychological subterfuge to show China is aggressive and can do it if the need be.

But, just by illuminating enemy targets and not pressing the hot button (shooting them) is akin to barking dogs who dont bite......

Japan has a trillion dollar investment in China!
Its no peanuts.

I think it's a strategy be planned to take the diaoyudao step by step.
You can see the situation is getting warmer and warmer in the latset year by a stable process.
I think it's a strategy be planned to take the diaoyudao step by step.

Japan has been under nuclear umbrella protection by US who has its strategy too to work with this situation step by step.....

There is a crime, there is a Police!
Japan has been under nuclear umbrella protection by US who has its strategy too to work with this situation step by step.....

There is a crime, there is a Police!
yeah, but your US papa aren't almighty god.We have taken sevaral islands near philippine in the latest years,and what have your yankee papa done to us?Nothing.We have taken your aksai chin in 1960s,and what did they do in helping you?
yeah, but your US papa aren't almighty god.We have taken sevaral islands near philippine in the latest years,and what have your yankee papa done to us?Nothing.We have taken your aksai chin in 1960s,and what did they do in helping you?

Philiipines is not under US nuclear umbrella first of all. And Aksai Chin was given to you by Pakistan in a quid pro quo fashion.

And please stop this false bravado because despite all the loose talk of wrestling Taiwan back to its mainland has NEVER materialised so far despite how many decades?

You are boxing in the air comrade....
Philiipines is not under US nuclear umbrella first of all. And Aksai Chin was given to you by Pakistan in a quid pro quo fashion.

And please stop this false bravado because despite all the loose talk of wrestling Taiwan back to its mainland has NEVER materialised so far despite how many decades?

You are boxing in the air comrade....

hehe,nuclear or not,nobody is going to nuke anybody.how stupid you are.
The article says: "A Chinese navy frigate has locked its weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese Maritime escort ship". It is comparable like someone points the gun toward you.
the left one ----112 夕立 displacement : 5100 tons
hehe,nuclear or not,nobody is going to nuke anybody.how stupid you are.

Its a deterence that Phillipine did not have.......
BTW if no one is going to nuke no one, then why you are building more of them?
And you never replied about the following:

And please stop this false bravado because despite all the loose talk of wrestling Taiwan back to its mainland has NEVER materialised so far despite how many decades?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/233342-china-locks-radar-jap-ship-2.html#ixzz2K2aNKYP9
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