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Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

Diaoyu Islands 釣魚島/Senkaku Islands 釣魚島 is a group consists of five uninhabited islets and three barren rocks located in East China Sea, approximately 120 nautical miles northeast of Taiwan, 200 nautical miles east of the Chinese mainland and 200 nautical miles southwest of the Japanese island of Okinawa. In ascending order of distances, the island cluster is located:

140 kilometres (76 nmi; 87 mi) east of Pengjia Islet, ROC
170 kilometres (92 nmi; 110 mi) north of Ishigaki Island, Japan
186 kilometres (100 nmi; 116 mi) northeast of Keelung, ROC
410 kilometres (220 nmi; 250 mi) west of Okinawa Island, Japan

The depth of the surrounding waters of the continental shelf is approximately 100–150 metres (328–492 ft) except for the Okinawa Trough on the south. Interpretations on the Okinawa Trough:

China: "...the Okinawa Trough proves that the continental shelves of China and Japan are not connected, that the Trough serves as the boundary between them, and that the Trough should not be ignored ...."

Japan: "...the trough is just an incidental depression in a continuous continental margin between the two countries ... [and] the trough should be ignored ...."

A location map of Diaoyu Islands/Senkaka Islands

A map of various islands

Okinawa Trough

Brief history of Diaoyu/Senkaku

Overhead views of the islands with the big island 釣魚島 in the background

A view from the big island 釣魚島

釣魚島 4.32km2

Satellite picture of the big island 釣魚島

Just to have an idea the size of the big island 釣魚島
Japan protested China Marine Surveillance plane on Daoyu Islands

Japanese official Sir Fujimura Shu announced on Dec. 13th afternoon, China Marine Surveillance plane " invaded the Senkaku Islands " on 11:6 (Beijing time ten six), Japan has protested through the diplomatic channel. Chinese aircraft is fixed wing aircraft, the Japanese air force urgently dispatched 8 F-15 fighter jets.

http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politic ... 121315050012-p1.htm

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responding to the coastguard vessel wireless warning, the chinsee patrol planes pilots say: "we are cruising in our territorial air space ".




video from Japan news

next possible step is landing, Sausage Slice backed up with power
8 F15 for what? obviously there is not only Chinese surveillance plane there.
Japan sends fighter jets after Chinese plane flies over disputed isles in East China Sea

TOKYO: Japan protested to China on Thursday after a Chinese government plane entered what Japan considers its airspace over disputed islets in the East China Sea, the Japanese foreign ministry said.

The incident prompted Japan's military to scramble eight F-15 fighter jets, the defence ministry said. Japanese officials later said the Chinese aircraft had left the area.

Sino-Japanese relations took a tumble in September after Japan bought the tiny islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from a private Japanese owner.

"Despite our repeated warnings, Chinese government ships have entered out territorial waters for three days in an row," Japanese chief Cabinet secretary Osama Fujimura told reporters.

"It is extremely regrettable that, on top of that, an intrusion into our airspace has been committed in this way," he said, adding that Japan had formally protested through diplomatic channels.

A defence ministry spokesman said as far as he knew it was the first time this year that a Chinese plane had intruded into airspace near the islands.

The incident comes just days before a Japanese election that is expected to return to power the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) with hawkish former prime minister Shinzo Abe at the helm.

Abe has vowed to take a stern stance in the dispute over the islands, which are near potentially huge maritime gas reserves, and has said that the ruling Democratic Party's mishandling of its diplomacy had emboldened China.

Abe has also promised to boost spending on defence including on the coastguard.

Smaller Asian countries such as the Philippines have also become increasingly worried about Beijing's growing military assertiveness and its claims to disputed islands in the South China Sea.

Japan sends fighter jets after Chinese plane flies over disputed isles in East China Sea - The Times of India
Step by step。。。

It‘s gonna be an arduous struggle and the Japs’d better be prepared for the long haul。

China is growing 1/5 of a Japan every year, economy-wise。

Time is on our side。:azn:
Tokyo (CNN) -- Japan scrambled fighter jets after a Chinese plane was seen Thursday near small islands in the East China Sea that are claimed by both countries.
This is the first time the dispute over the islands, which Japan calls Senkaku and China refers to as Diaoyu, has involved aircraft.
Chinese government ships have repeatedly entered the waters around the remote, rocky islands since the Japanese government announced in September it was buying several of the islands from private owners.
Japanese Coast Guard vessels have engaged in games of cat and mouse with the Chinese ships, with both sides broadcasting messages to one another insisting they have territorial sovereignty over the area.
Why is Japan feuding over islands? Anti-Japanese protests erupt in China
On Thursday morning, a Japanese Coast Guard patrol vessel spotted the Chinese government plane in airspace around the islands, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said.
Japanese Self Defense Force sent four F-15 jets and another aircraft to the area, Fujimura said, describing the Chinese plane's entry into the area as "extremely regrettable." Japan has lodged a protest with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels, he said.
The Japanese government's acquisition of the islands in September also set off several days of violent anti-Japanese protests across China and soured economic ties between the two Asian nations.
There was no immediate reaction from China about the incident.
Does China know, this provocation just increases votes of rightwing politicians in the coming election?
Does China know, this provocation just increases votes of rightwing politicians in the coming election?

A scramble of Jets won't be enough to convince the voters. We might support a further armament of Japan, but the reality is the Right Wing is still not predicted to win any time soon.
Does China know, this provocation just increases votes of rightwing politicians in the coming election?

Double good news if this incident help japan rightwing politicians win the election
The time has come when all the small nations threatened by China should stand with India shoulder by shoulder.
(Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Japan should halt entries into seas and airspace near disputed islets in the East China Sea, after Japan protested a flight over the islands by a Chinese plane.

The Chinese plane's flight, which prompted Japan's military to scramble eight F-15 fighter jets, was "completely normal" Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said during a regular news briefing.

Sino-Japanese relations have been strained since Japan bought the tiny islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from a private Japanese owner in September.

(Reporting by Terril Yue Jones,; Writing by Michael Martina)

China calls on Japan to halt entries into disputed waters | Reuters
all the neighbouring countries of china-india,japan,vietnam should unite to confront the bully china
Defiant Chinese plane intrudes over Senkakus
Kyodo Dec. 13, 2012 Japan Times


Japanese F-15

A Chinese plane intruded into Japanese airspace Thursday over the Japan-controlled, but China-claimed, Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said.

The Air Self-Defense Force scrambled F-15 jets to the area after the Chinese Oceanic Administration airplane was spotted near the islet of Uotsuri at 11:06 a.m., Fujimura told reporters.

The government immediately lodged a protest with China over the incident, Fujimura said.

He said it is "extremely deplorable" that the plane entered Japanese airspace despite repeated warnings, especially after Chinese surveillance ships intruded into Japanese waters earlier Thursday.

Vice Foreign Minister Chikao Kawai summoned a Chinese envoy to the Foreign Ministry to lodge a protest.

In Beijing, officials said the move was part of Chinese patrols in the area.
I believe this was the first time China has had any kind of aero present over Diaoyu airspace. It's a good move to set a precedent :tup: and should do it on a regular basis in the future.

The pilot must had some set of balls though when 8 intended for intimidating fighter jets hovered around him.
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