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I believe this was the first time China has had any kind of aero present over Diaoyu airspace. It's a good move to set a precedent :tup: and should do it on a regular basis in the future.

The pilot must had some set of balls though when 8 intended for intimidating fighter jets hovered around him.

generally the pilots was protected by Chinese fight jets just as the chinese surveillance ships near the Diaoyu Islands protected by Chinese fleet in the first time or sometimes that why Japanese sent 8 f15 and 1 e2.

if you are familiary with military game between China and Japan or China and US, you will never say the pilot triped into the Lion's den.

of course , every pilot are brave, do you remember the Hainan Island incident

this is one of the games which is not over and will more thrill.

pay my respects to brave pilots

in the picture photoed by US plane showing pilot Wangwei using hand ask US plane to leave
It aren't no joke man. It's geo-diplomacy and I think China's finally get dividends for her spending a vast sum on educating the younger generations in the past few decades. As you can see every move by China is calculated to the T and all she needs now is a few good 'big mouths' that can give big talks in the international arenas.

It is a dangerous game that China plays currently. Are you sure, Chinese leaders calculate every move carefully?

What happens if Japan fighter jets unintentionally crush down the civil spy plan? That could trigger an event, that noboby is able to stop afterwards.
generally the pilots was protected by Chinese fight jets just as the chinese surveillance ships near the Diaoyu Islands protected by Chinese fleet in the first time or sometimes that why Japanese sent 8 f15 and 1 e2.

if you are familiary with military game between China and Japan or China and US, you will never say the pilot triped into the Lion's den.

of course , every pilot are brave, do you remember the Hainan Island incident

this is one of the games which is not over and will more thrill.

pay my respects to brave pilots

in the picture photoed by US plane showing pilot Wangwei using hand ask US plane to leave

I think the pilot is stupid. The Chinese pilot paid the price of his stupidity with his life.


The American government claimed that the Chinese jet bumped the wing of the larger, slower, and less maneuverable EP-3. After returning to U.S. soil, the pilot of the EP-3, Lt. Shane Osborn, was allowed to make a brief statement in which he said that the EP-3 was on autopilot and in straight-and-level flight at the time of the collision. He stated that he was just "guarding the autopilot" in his interview with Frontline.[17] The U.S. released video footage from previous missions which revealed that American reconnaissance crews had previously been intercepted by Lt. Cdr. Wang. During one such incident, he was shown approaching so close that his e-mail address could be read from a sign that he was holding up.

Hainan Island incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is a dangerous game that China plays currently. Are you sure, Chinese leaders calculate every move carefully?

What happens if Japan fighter jets unintentionally crush down the civil spy plan? That could trigger an event, that noboby is able to stop afterwards.

I don't think that would be unintentional...unless they collide. I think Japan is just wasting its resources in scrambling fighter jets to intercept a lone unarmed Chinese plane...plain overkill. Besides, what can the Chinese ships and planes can do...the Japanese already showed the international community that, when they arrested and deported the Chinese intruders, the islands are being effectively administered by Japan.

Japan should just let the Chinese waste their resources.
Japan scrambles fighter jets after Chinese plane seen near disputed islands - CNN.com

Tokyo (CNN) -- Japan scrambled fighter jets after a Chinese plane was seen Thursday near small islands in the East China Sea that are claimed by both countries.

This is the first time that the dispute over the islands -- which Japan calls Senkaku and China refers to as Diaoyu -- has involved aircraft, introducing a new sphere of risky encounters for the two Asian neighbors.

Chinese government ships have repeatedly entered the waters around the remote, rocky islands since the Japanese government announced in September it was buying several of the islands from private owners.

Why Asia is arguing over its islands

Japanese Coast Guard vessels have engaged in games of cat and mouse with the Chinese ships, with both sides broadcasting messages to one another insisting they have territorial sovereignty over the area.

Analysts say that by sending its own patrols into the area, China is challenging Japan's de facto control of the islands, which has been the status quo for the past 40 years.

On Thursday morning, a Japanese Coast Guard patrol vessel spotted the Chinese government plane in airspace around the islands, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said.

As a result, the Japanese Self Defense Force sent eight F-15 jets and an early warning E2C plane to the area, the government said, revising up the number of planes it initially said it had deployed.

By the time the Japanese jets arrived, there was no sign of the Chinese plane, which had not shown up on military radar, the Japanese Self Defense Force said.

South China Sea risks becoming 'Asia's Palestine'

China's State Oceanic Administration said a B-3837 patrol plane had arrived in the islands' airspace Thursday morning in order to carry out a joint air-sea patrol with ships in the area. The patrol teams announced China's territorial claim and told the Japanese ships to leave the area, it said.

Fujimura said that the Chinese plane's entry into the area was "extremely regrettable" and that Japan has lodged a protest with the Chinese government through diplomatic channels.

The Japanese government's acquisition of the islands in September also set off several days of violent anti-Japanese protests across China and soured economic ties between the two Asian nations.

The United States has said it doesn't take sides in territorial disputes and urged the two sides to resolve the situation peacefully. Nonetheless, U.S. officials have admitted that the islands fall under the scope of a mutual defense treaty between Washington and Tokyo.
Why did Japan sent 8 F15 to meet one small Chinese Y12 surveillance plane?

I believe this was the first time China has had any kind of aero present over Diaoyu airspace. It's a good move to set a precedent :tup: and should do it on a regular basis in the future.

The pilot must had some set of balls though when 8 intended for intimidating fighter jets hovered around him.

8 F-15s?:cheesy:

I hope the chinese pilot was supplied adult diapers before the flight!
JASDF have been sent F-2 to interception and escort China Y-8 MPA leave japanese's airspace
Maybe they play that game many time before and now it turn over those islands :rolleyes:
the best joke of the day :lol:
Just normal trick from china, again. :D
I don't think that would be unintentional...unless they collide. I think Japan is just wasting its resources in scrambling fighter jets to intercept a lone unarmed Chinese plane...plain overkill. Besides, what can the Chinese ships and planes can do...the Japanese already showed the international community that, when they arrested and deported the Chinese intruders, the islands are being effectively administered by Japan.

Japan should just let the Chinese waste their resources.

Japan reaction are meaning that action from China is serious threat for both side. Japan want to warning about that.
this is one of the games which is not over and will more thrill.

pay my respects to brave pilots

This wasn't the case of a brave pilot, but a poorly trained pilot who couldn't fly straight.

That pilot, or Chinese fighter pilots in general, are so poorly trained that they can't even fly straight, and that fighter jet collided with the US spyplane while flying along as per the normal interception protocall. It's not just the Americans who complain about the poor quality of Chinese pilots, but the Japanese ASDF pilots who routinely intercept Chinese planes complaining about the same thing; the Chinese pilots can't fly straight!

Pakistan could repay some of its debt to China by offering to train Chinese combat pilots.
It is a dangerous game that China plays currently. Are you sure, Chinese leaders calculate every move carefully?

What happens if Japan fighter jets unintentionally crush down the civil spy plan? That could trigger an event, that noboby is able to stop afterwards.

As I said, everything is calculated to a T by China including, perhaps, the missile launch by North Korea to influence the elections of Japan and Korea. China wants to make sure the hawks will win and if they do win Japan will call for constitution changes and the alliance of the US, Japan and Korea will be in danger of breaking up. A re-militarized Japan will further put a dagger on the relationship of the trio because Korea has an innate fear of a strong Japan. Which ever side the US chooses, probably Japan, their marriage is not going to be the same anymore.
As I said, everything is calculated to a T by China including, perhaps, the missile launch by North Korea to influence the elections of Japan and Korea. China wants to make sure the hawks will win and if they do win Japan will call for constitution changes and the alliance of the US, Japan and Korea will be in danger of breaking up.

It will actually strengthen. The Liancourt Rocks was never a priority issue for Japan's LDP and rightwinger politicians. Abe didn't raise the Liancourt Rocks issue during his last term as PM, and Hashimoto Toru's talking about "co-managing" the sea around Liancourt Rocks as Japan's eventual goal, not reclaiming it from Korea. The fact that US's pressuring Japan not to raise the Liancourt Rocks issue, and Japanese rightwinger's desire to deepen the alliance with the US would ensure that the Liancourt Rocks issue will submerge during the LDP's power.

A re-militarized Japan will further put a dagger on the relationship of the trio because Korea has an innate fear of a strong Japan.
Korea has no innate fear of a strong Japan.
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592
The war left significant legacies in all three countries. In the context of Japanese imperialism, the invasions are seen as the first Japanese attempt to become a global power.[20] This partial occupation of Korea developed the Japanese concept that Korea had always been part of Japan,[216] and the Japanese leaders of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries further used the Korean invasions to justify their 19th century occupation of Korea.[217]

In China the war was used to inspire nationalistic resistance against Japanese imperialism during the 20th century.[20] In Chinese academia, historians list the war as one of the Wanli Emperor's "Three Great Punitive Campaigns".[20] Contemporary Chinese historians often use the campaigns as an example of the friendship the two nations shared.

In Korea, the war is a historic foundation of Korean nationalism, and like in China, was used to inspire nationalistic resistance against Japanese imperialism during the 20th century. Korea gained several national heroes during the conflict, such as Admiral Yi.,[20] who continue to be studied. Even today, anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea can be partly traced back to the Japanese invasions in 1592, which continue to be used as a historical reference for Korean opposition to Japan.

Korea under Japanese rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It will actually strengthen. The Liancourt Rocks was never a priority issue for Japan's LDP and rightwinger politicians. Abe didn't raise the Liancourt Rocks issue during his last term as PM, and Hashimoto Toru's talking about "co-managing" the sea around Liancourt Rocks as Japan's eventual goal, not reclaiming it from Korea. The fact that US's pressuring Japan not to raise the Liancourt Rocks issue, and Japanese rightwinger's desire to deepen the alliance with the US would ensure that the Liancourt Rocks issue will submerge during the LDP's power.

Korea has no innate fear of a strong Japan.

So according to you my friend, writing from a basement apartment in Jackson Height, Korea welcomes a re-militarized Japan and even if there's a breakout in their relationship Uncle Sam would be on Korean side.
if there's a breakout in their relationship Uncle Sam would be on Korean side.
Yes, even if the US doesn't want to get involved.

Just like how the US has a legal obligation to defend the Diaoyudai from China, the US has the same legal obligation to defend the Liancourt Rocks from japan. This is why the US is pressuring Japan to not raise conflict over this issue.
Yes, even if the US doesn't want to get involved.

Just like how the US has a legal obligation to defend the Diaoyudai from China, the US has the same legal obligation to defend the Liancourt Rocks from japan. This is why the US is pressuring Japan to not raise conflict over this issue.

Interesting. Do you have any link to your claim that the US will defend Korea claim on Dokdo (I like the sound better) because all I can find is:

Washington has no position on sovereignty of 'Liancourt Rocks'

U.S. must sit on fence amid Japan-South Korea isle row | The Japan Times Online
Japan protests over Chinese airspace 'intrusion'

Japanese military scrambles eight F-15 fighter jets after Chinese government plane enters airspace over Senkaku Islands.Japan's chief cabinet secretary says their military scrambled eight F-15 fighter jets after a Chinese government plane entered what Japan considers its airspac Link to this video
Japan has protested to China after a Chinese government plane entered what Japan considers its airspace over disputed islands in the East China Sea, the Japanese foreign ministry said.

The incident prompted Japan's military to scramble eight F-15 fighter jets, the defence ministry said. Japanese officials later said the Chinese aircraft had left the area.

Sino-Japanese relations took a tumble in September after Japan bought the tiny islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from a private Japanese owner.

"Despite our repeated warnings, Chinese government ships have entered our territorial waters for three days in an row," Japan's chief cabinet secretary, Osama Fujimura, told reporters.

"It is extremely regrettable that, on top of that, an intrusion into our airspace has been committed in this way," he said, adding that Japan had formally protested through diplomatic channels.

A defence ministry spokesman said as far as he knew it was the first time this year that a Chinese plane had intruded into airspace near the islands.

Japan protests about Chinese airspace 'intrusion' over disputed islands | World news | guardian.co.uk
Interesting. Do you have any link to your claim that the US will defend Korea claim on Dokdo
It's exactly the same legal obligation that forces the US to defend Diaoyudai; the US has a legal obligation to defend all territories administered by the ROK, including the Liancourt Rocks administered by the ROK.
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