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DHKP-C Suicide Bomb Attack in Istanbul

From dhkpc activities ,just an important milestones without lots of suicides , smugglings, barricades , extortions...

-16 Haziran 2012'de Gaziosmanpaşa'da Zekeriya Yurdakul isimli polis memuru Hasan Gönen ve Sultan Işıklı isimli DHKP-C'liler tarafından vurularak öldürüldü.
-21 Temmuz 2012'de İstanbul Sultangazi 75.yıl mahallesinde kimlik kontrolü yapan polislere bir taksinin içinden ateş açılması üzerine bir polis yaralandı.Polislerin karşılık vermesi üzerine çatışma çıktı.Çıkan çatışmada DHKP-C üyesi Hasan Gönen ve Sultan Işıklı yaralandı.Hasan Gönen kaldırıldığı hastanede hayatını kaybetti.
-11 Eylül 2012'de İstanbul Sultangazi 75. Yıl Polis Merkezi'ne DHKP-C üyesi İbrahim Çuhadar tarafından canlı bomba saldırısı düzenlendi. Saldırıda canlı bombanın dışında polis memuru Bülent Özkan hayatını kaybetti. 7 kişi yaralandı.[59]
-9 Aralık 2012'de İstanbul'da Bahçelievler İlçe Emniyet Müdürlüğü Yenibosna 75'inci Yıl Polis Merkezi DHKP-C tarafından saldırı düzenlendi. Saldırıda Nebiha Aracı yakalandı. Saldırı Yürüyüş dergisi satarken polis tarafından vurularak felç bırakılan Ferhat Gerçek için yapıldığı açıklandı.[60]
-11 Aralık 2012'de İstanbul'da 9 Aralık'ta Yenibosna karakoluna yapılan saldırıda yakalanan Nebiha Aracı'ya işkence yapıldığı gerekçesiyle Gaziosmanpaşa'da Mücahit Daştan isimli polis öldürüldü.[61]
-1 Şubat 2013'de Ankara'da ABD Büyükelçiliğine Ecevit Şanlı adlı canlı bombanın kendini patlatması sonucu büyükelçilikte çalışan güvenlik görevlisi Mustafa Akarsu öldu Didem Tuncay adlı gazeteci ağır yaralandı.[62]
-19 Mart 2013'de Ankara Kızılay meydanında bulunan Adalet Bakanlığı ve AK Parti Ankara Genel Merkezine 15 dakika ara ile saldırı düzenledi. Bir kişi hafif yaralandı. [63]
-21 Eylül 2013'de Ankara Dikmen'de Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü ve ek binalarına DHKP-C'li iki eylemci tarafından roketli saldırı düzenlendi. Saldırıda 3 roketten 2'si binalara isabet ederken, daha sonrasında polis ve eylemcilerin arasında çıkan silahlı çatışmada eylemcilerden Muharrem Karataş ölü, Serdar Polat da yaralı olarak ele geçirildi. [64]
-12 Mart 2014'de Berkin Elvan'ın cenazesinin defnedildiği akşam Okmeydanın'da DHKP-C 'liler ile karşıt görüşlüler arasında kavga çıktı.Çıkan kavgada Burak Karamanoğlu isimli bir genç DHKP-C 'lilerce vurularak öldürüldü. [65]
-30 Temmuz 2014'de Nurtepe'de Cumhurbaşkanı adayı Selahattin Demirtaş stantı açmak isteyen HDP Komisyonuna izin vermeyen DHKP-C'lilerle HDP'liler arasında olaylar çıktı.Okmeydanı, Sultangazi ve Sancaktepe'ye sıçrayan olaylar esnasında silahlı çatışma çıktı.Çıkan çatışmada 16 yaşındaki İbrahim Öksüz öldü..[66]
-14 Ağustos 2014'de Hasan Ferit Gedik'in davasında yaşanan hukuksuzluklara ve zanlıların salonda bulunanlara saldırmasına tepki göstermek isteyen DHKP-C Kartal Adliyesi'ne uzun namlulu silahlarla saldırdı.Saldırıda bir güvenlik görevlisi yaralandı.[67]
-14 Ağustos 2014'de Ataşehir-Yenisahra'da bir polis aracı DHKP-C militanları tarafından uzun namlulu silahlarla tarandı.Polis aracında maddi hasar oluştu.Eylemin Hasan Ferit Gedik davasında yaşananları protesto etmek için yapıldığı açıklandı.
-1 Ocak 2015'te Dolmabahçe'ye Ferhat Özçelik adlı DHKP-C militanı saldırdı. Atmış olduğu 2 el bombası patlamadı.[68]
6 Ocak 2015'te Sultanahmet Meydanı'ndaki turizm polislerinin bulunduğu merkezde Elif Sultan Kalsen adlı DHKP-C militanı bombalı eylem yaptı. Elif Sultan Kalsen ve 1 polis hayatını kaybetti.[69]

Also , little(14y.o.) Berkin Elvan was died for resistance of Cephe(dhkpc)
Sinless childrens , childless parents . Sinless police , fatherless 2 month old baby.

What a pity!
Turkish Armed Forces/National Police | CASUALTY REPORT UPDATE | Page 2


Branch: Turkish National Police

Name/Surname: Kenan KUMAŞ

Class/Rank: General Service/Police Officer

Unit: İstanbul Provincial Directorate of Security

Years of Service: 2009-2015

Place of Death: Haseki Training and Research Hospital, İSTANBUL Province.

Date of Death: 6th January 2015

Date of Birth: 1983 (Aged 32)

Hometown: Tonya/TRABZON

Place of Burial: TRABZON

Cause of Death: Suicide Bomb [Died of Wounds Taken]

Officer Kenan has been killed by a suicide bomber. He was guarding a security checkpoint at the entrance of a police station in Sultanahmet district. A female suicide bomber approached the gate. She wanted to get in. Suddenly the x-ray detector alerted and she blow herself at the check point. DHKP-C, a Marxist terrorist organization have claimed the attack. One officer's also been injured. Just after his arrival to hospital, unfortunately he died. He was a Physics Teacher before his career as a police officer. Officer Kenan has left a wife and a 40-days old daughter behind to us.

When he was being transferred to hospital:



Sultanahmet right after the attack:




His Funeral:

@Hakan Bro kindly fix the title of the thread.
(...) Confusion over the identity of the bomber is increasing, however, after the parents of Elif Sultan Kalsen, who was said by social media sites close to the organization to have performed the operation, said the body at the morgue did not belong to their daughter, while adding that they had not had any contact with her for many years.

The People’s Front (Halk Cephesi), an organization close to the DHKP/C, also canceled until further notice a rally outside the morgue in honor of Kalsen, amid the apparent confusion.

Police have started to examine the cell phone found on the body of the niqab-clad female suicide bomber who targeted the building of the tourism police unit near Sultanahmet Square on Jan. 6. Two hand grenades were found unexploded in the pockets of the attacker, and police are reportedly focusing on the possibility that she was foreign based on the connections in her phone.

Meanwhile, a taxi driver who drove her to the spot without knowledge of the attack told the police that she was speaking Russian.

Based on information gathered so far, police believe the woman might be a Chechen.

Istanbul police put on alert after Sultanahmet suicide attack - LOCAL

I saw an aftermath picture showing her corpse and thought it wasn't look like her. Turns out I was right, it wasn't her.
Confusion over identity of Istanbul suicide bomber | Zee News

: Friday, January 9, 2015 - 00:34

Istanbul: Uncertainty grew on on Thursday over the identity of a female suicide bomber who attacked the heart of Istanbul's tourist district, after reports she was a Russian national from the Caucasus contradicted a previous claim of responsibility.

Banned far-left Turkish militant group DHKP-C initially claimed the Tuesday attack that killed the bomber and one policeman in Istanbul's Sultanahmet district. It also named the bomber as Elif Sultan Kalsen.

However doubts were raised when Elif Sultan Kalsen's mother Sirin was taken to identify the corpse and said it was not her daughter, Turkish media said.

Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala then announced early today that the "identity (of the bomber) had been determined" and that the investigation had made great progress.

But he said if would not be "correct" at this stage to give further details, declining to give the identity of the bomber, the official Anatolia news agency reported.

Turkish private news agency DHA, without giving its sources, said the bomber had been named as Russian citizen Diana Ramazova from the Russian region of Dagestan.

The conclusion was based on evidence found on a mobile phone at the scene, DHA said. It said an autopsy had also determined that she was pregnant.

She was now being investigated for any links to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) militant group, it said. She had entered Turkey as a tourist seven months ago.
The attack was carried by a Russian citizen, most probably Chechen.

Read more at: Russian citizen revealed to be suicide bomber who attacked Istanbul police - CRIME

@Hakan thread title needs a change.

Than the question arises, why did they claim it in the first place ?

HurriyetDaily said:
Although the DHKP/C had initially claimed the Sultanahmet attack, the family of the alleged bomber, Elif Sultan Kalsen, said the body at the morgue did not belong to their daughter.
Than the question arises, why did they claim it in the first place ?
DHKP/C took the responsibility at the beginning as far as i know but i have no clue why, but on the other hand it isnt the first time that a terrorist organisation claims responsibility for an attack they have nothing to do with.
DHKP/C took the responsibility at the beginning as far as i know but i have no clue why, but on the other hand it isnt the first time that a terrorist organisation claims responsibility for an attack they have nothing to do with.

I am gonna wait and hope for the investigation to make everything clear.
I am gonna wait and hope for the investigation to make everything clear.
Well the identity is clear already, its a very small possibility that a Chechen would work for a communist terrorist group.
Well the identity is clear already, its a very small possibility that a Chechen would work for a communist terrorist group.

Unfortunately just having the race of someone and know that this person has connections to a nefarious group doesn't bring the full image of the entire situation.
Unfortunately just having the race of someone and know that this person has connections to a nefarious group doesn't always bring the full image of the entire situation.
A Russian woman with Chechen origin wearig Niqab is 99,99999% not a member of a communist terrorist group.

What exactly are you expecting from radical islamists, why cant you just believe these people are terrorists whose only goal is to terrorize people?
A Russian woman with Chechen origin wearig Niqab is 99,99999% not a member of a communist terrorist group.

What exactly are you expecting from radical islamists, why cant you just believe these people are terrorists whose only goal is to terrorize people?

There is a high change like you said that this person cannot be affiliated with a communist terrorist party, but I would like to see the police doing their job and fully investigate it. There is no code that prevents terrorist organizations with parallel goals from working together for a mutual objective.

And since DHKP/C claimed it, they should be included in the entire investigation to get the entire image.

Terrorist Organization are just grinders on which their real leaders just profits from. They can hold whatever ideology it wants in the end they are grinders which consumes humans and produces money.
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