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DGISPR rejects India's claim on destruction of Noushera Posts

So what does this mean?

What is the date today?

another one happened on 20th and 21st, video is awaited.
another one happened on 20th and 21st, video is awaited.

Awaited from CGI Studios.

That means you still dont believe east pakistan separated?????
It means you still don't believe that Pakistanis ripped apart India 70 years back and tore out PAKISTAN out of it's belly. A force one-seventh the size of India carved out Pakistan for themselves 7 decades ago.
What else is new:coffee:....indians lie through their teeth. its part of their culture to lie
After weeks of tall claims of retaliation and revenge and all that, all the mighty Indian could do was showing a video of destroying some random military posts and bunkers, something that both army do 365 days of the year at LOC.

Fitta muh on this mighty army and its tall claims.
You expected him say the truth... Funny guy.
Pakistanis believe their ISPR. The above posted video cannot prove that is was a Pakistani post and that too, across LOC.
Hey but a simple picture with few lines on ISPR is all it takes keyboard warriors to launch an offensive with out of the world MIRV tech!

Sheeps always follow. We ask questions and demand answers. The press conference shows transparency which you can just hope for from your armed forces. Now i know you will come up with arguments of national security and a security state bla bla bla... But those are just farce..
That means you still dont believe east pakistan separated?????

Because thats what your ispr was telling u days after surrender :)
Mods check his troll posts every single thread he is posting nonscence comments trying to get a reaction
Waisay, come to think of it, this isn't the good'ol "SIR JEE KAL STRIKE".

This is the brand new "SIR JEE OLD STRIKE" woh bhi 2 weeks old.

jokes aside. you got to hand to to our eastern neighbors. this is a win win situation for India.

If i dissect this neutrally it will be all positives for India:

1) Jobs for those who are facing racism in America, the beloved IT/Software industry
2) Political fodder for the current government
3) Interestingly enough one can pass TTP activities and present them to be Indian for consumption

Interesting indeed on how long this will be allowed to go on. I guess options on both sides are wearing thin and one must find a better working relations with each other before some Dodo on any side sparks an international crisis.

Peace is the only viable long term option for both the countries.
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