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DG ISPR warns India of 'uncontrollable' consequences in case of military adventurism

Do you guys know where is Mr. Asif Gafoor, how his health now?
He is fine, he is planning to go on picnic with his family to Galyan Valley on a Chinese visa after it is completely taken from you. 60-70 KM has already been taken.
Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar on Thursday said that any military adventurism by India will be met with "uncontrollable and unintended consequences", cautioning the neighbouring nation to "not play with fire".

Iftikhar expressed these views while speaking to Geo News' Hamid Mir on the programme Capital Talk.

He began his interview by giving a rundown of the situation along the Line of Control (LoC). "This year alone, 1,229 ceasefire violations have taken place, seven civilians have been martyred and more than 90 have been injured.

"Many times, their [India's] quadcopters have intruded on our side [of the LoC] and in the past we have downed some of them, and it has been covered in the media.

"Despite this, senior Indian military leadership talks about alleged intrusion from different launchpads, which I think leaves a question-mark on their capabilities — despite such a well-guarded LoC and counter-infiltration measures, how can someone infiltrate one of the most militarised zones in the world?"

He went on to say that the artillery deployed by the Indian military during the past few days was in civilian populations so that, in case of counter-bombardment, it would target Kashmiris living in the occupied valley.

"The Pakistan Army is responding [to Indian aggression] in the same area, and with the same calibre along the LoC. But we are always trying not to harm civilians living on the other side.

"The people of occupied Kashmir are becoming targets of Indian aggression. Women and children are also included in them. Indian security forces have also not spared innocent seven year olds."

Commenting on the International Day for Innocent Children Victims of Aggression — which will be celebrated tomorrow (June 4) — DG Iftikhar said: "Looking at this through this lens, thousands of children and young people are becoming targets of Indian pellet guns in occupied Kashmir."

He said that Indian security forces, in an effort to squash dissent, were killing young Kashmiris and not handing over the dead bodies to the families.

"They have also levelled strange allegations against Pakistan. It started with, them saying that corona-infected terrorists were sent via the LoC and that is how the virus spread in occupied Kashmir."

He maintained that all of these actions were indicative of a "stage being set" for the next few months for adventurism with Pakistan.

'Our prime minister and the chief of army staff have both conveyed [...] that a false flag operation is being planned in India," he said.

Elaborating the reasons behind this, he said: "Lately, India has faced embarrassment on several fronts. The situation along the LoC between India and China [...] they are facing embarrassment over there and want to downplay it.

"On the India-Nepal border, they have faced embarrassment. Then, internally there have been many issues with their Covid-19 management; the migration of labourers — the whole world has seen how it was managed, the virus is spreading and the economy is in doldrums.

"Further, all the steps taken by India in occupied Kashmir since August 5 have backfired. You can relate this to the citizenship act introduced by India, which gave birth to a wave of Islamophobia, that was felt by the whole world.

"They are facing massive embarrassment and failure at every level."

He said that according to the current Indian leadership, the best way to divert attention from all these issues was through adventurism with Pakistan.

"Being a military spokesperson, let me say this: Indian aggression aimed towards Pakistan will be responded [to] with full might, there should be no doubt about this. We are ready, we will respond and we will respond with full might."

He said the UN Military Observers Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has access to areas within Pakistan's territory, adding that international media has also been allowed access. "Access in Pakistan has not been denied, and if this access is given — to international observers and the media — on India's side, then many things can be cleared.

"The allegations that they have levelled [against Pakistan], there is no issue of collecting empirical evidence of these. All these options are available."

He reiterated that there will be consequences in case of any military adventurism by India.

Tensions between Pakistan and India have spiked sharply since Delhi illegally annexed occupied Kashmir last August.

Lately, the Indian move to change the domicile law for occupied Kashmir, its accusations against Pakistan, threats and the high frequency of ceasefire violations along the LoC have added to the acrimony.

Further, two officials of the Pakistani High Commission in Delhi were expelled on Sunday after being accused of "espionage" — a charge, which was immediately rejected by Pakistan as false and unsubstantiated.


Please don't forget to link the source when you post an article.
behind Gen. PM ...

I was talking about Gen Raheel sitting on right (apart from Gen Musharraf).

I am not sure who the other officer is (the one you mentioned).
This is the reason IK visited ISI headquarters today.
It is secure place to conduct such meetings.

I have repeated said on this forum. We should have not let the snake off the hook on 27th Feb 2019, when we had chance.

The war is imminent, we should teach India a lesson it would not forget for decades.
We had chance in Kargil, we let them off the hook, because we had a traitor as PM of Pakistan.
We had chance on 27th Feb 2019 to shot down 9 of their locked jets, we let them go. We had chance to kill their generals. We let them go.
We had the chance to destroy 6 of their installations, we let them go.

All those who were up in arms on my comments, should wise up now.
Indian would not desist until we do the needful.
Sorry Brother! i dont think we can ever see a proper powerhouse response. Our High Brass and Political Position Holders are timid & pacifist.

This interview is for domestic consumption like iranian military claims..

I think the problem lies in the life style of the Top brass. I mean, when u reach at the high command, then you have a luxury house, cars, servants and ur children are studying in the top universities or doing business. So a war for this kind of family is a suicide to the luxurious life they are having. And all the top brass have the same life style, and unfortunately the command and control is also in the same hands. So that is the problem. They don't want to give up their life style and as a consequence they have to give up the dignity of the nation by daily begging UNO to stop India from going for a war.

Some how i feel south Asia will go to war sooner than later. Dynamics are changing very fast.

Only South Asia ??? i mean look at USA.. Europe.. middle east,.. China.. it seems every country is about to go to war.. internal or external
I think the problem lies in the life style of the Top brass. I mean, when u reach at the high command, then you have a luxury house, cars, servants and ur children are studying in the top universities or doing business. So a war for this kind of family is a suicide to the luxurious life they are having. And all the top brass have the same life style, and unfortunately the command and control is also in the same hands. So that is the problem. They don't want to give up their life style and as a consequence they have to give up the dignity of the nation by daily begging UNO to stop India from going for a war.
Changez Khan who was one of the best warrior spend his whole life in a very simple way because he probably knew that luxurious life can destroy him and his army

1. Confirms the deployment of Indian artillery among Kashmiri civilians to avoid Pakistani retaliatory strikes.

2. Confirms Indian attempt of false flag which according to Indian media was so called pulwama 2, where a car with explosives was some how recovered.

3. India is facing a lot of humiliation all across. From China to Nepal. So desperately need a diversion towards Pakistan.

4. Most importantly, @4:45 confirms China is inside 3km of Indian territory and in total occupying 60 sq kms.

5. Internal and external humiliation of India over the management of covid19 and mass migration of Indian labour as a result.

6. Indian economy is in doldrums.

7. Steps taken by India in Kashmir has backfired.

8. World has now recognised Islamophobia in India.

All in all, there is a pressure cooker situation in India and Indians establishment thinks that only option left now to do some sort of misadventure against Pakistan.

Pakistan will respond with full might, let there be no doubt about that. Let's not play with fire here.

We said that in past , we will dominate the escalation ladder.
i smell 2 front war for india .
I believe this might happen.
1. Indian deliberately open LAC to see the China reaction and mange that to see what extension that scales out. I believe with Quad, they will try to contain that front.
2. Once that front is contain, then they will go offensive in parallel with western front w/ Pakistan.

The key for Pakistan to make it work is, either negotiate hard with China to contain India heavily on LAC so that they wont have much resource to go offensive on west front. if India come with half resources on west front, then it will be fair war b/w two county, both lose or both win.

i think it heavily depends on external factor ( International now), that is why India started the LAC front first and not the west front.

If west come behind India, i think it will hard for China to contain India on LAC heavily and honestly. They will just mimic like they are helping Pakistan but in reality they wont do much containment on LAC due to fear of International/Quad engagement in south china sea.

Interesting dynamics are going to happen, lets see how these plays out. I also think, if LAC is too busy, India will never start on west front. All depends on how busy the LAC is.

Time to truly test China/Pakistan relationship.
why ISPR and foreign minister give such a defensive statements. We are Nuclear power but its seems we are begging from the UNO and other world powers to stop india from attacking Pakistan. Shameful indeed

You need to educate yourself regarding world diplomacy. There are things you say but you dont mean what you say. Pakistan and China are cooking something big here.
Do you guys know where is Mr. Asif Gafoor, how his health now?
He is now the GOC, 40 Div, Okara.. you guys missing him? :lol:

Indian members here have said so many times that Pakistan keeps talking about false flag operation and is creating war hysteria, but its now evident from DG ISPR's statement that Pulwama-2 flopped because prime minister Imran Khan tweeted about false flag operation 2 days before the drama. So these tweets or warnings are not war hysteria or political statements but are strategic and have been helpful in busting India's flase flag Terrorist operations.
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