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which antiship missile is going to be a real threat in future wars ?

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Sep 1, 2011
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An anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) is a military quasiballistic missile system currently in developement, of medium or intermediate range, designed to hit a warship at sea. Because of speeds typically reaching Mach 10 there are currently no ship-board defense mechanisms that could counter an ASBM in the terminal phase.

ASBM are equipped with a conventional warhead large enough, together with the kinetic energy, that a single hit has the potential to cripple or outright destroy a supercarrier, but unlike nuclear weapons have to hit the target precisely to be effective. Thus, and unlike a typical ballistic missile, which follows a ballistic flightpath after the relatively brief initial powered phase of flight, an ASBM would require a precise and high-performance terminal guidance system.

China has developed and reached initial operating capability of a conventionally-armed high hypersonic land-based anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) based on the DF-21. This would be the world's first ASBM and the world's first weapons system capable of targeting a moving aircraft carrier strike group from long-range, land-based mobile launchers.

A hypersonic cruise missile is a cruise missile that would travel at least 6-7 times the speed of sound (MACH 6-7) & is powered by scramjet engine.BrahMos II is a stealth hypersonic cruise missile that is being currently under development that can fly at Mach 7. But brahmos2 may be hydrocarbon based dualmode ramjet & scramjet powered platform or hydrogen powered
single mode scramjet powered vehicle .


China has reportedly developed and tested the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile called DF-21D, with a maximum range of around 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi), in 2005, according to the US Department of Defense.
Anti-ship ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looking beyond a regional maritime strike capability,China’s defense industry has been evaluating the feasibility of a global conventional strike capability as an incremental follow-on to the successful deploymentofan ASBM.Based on a broad survey of available literature,this paper post its that the PRC has a phased approach for development of a conventional global precision strike capability by 2025.The process can be divided into four key phases:
•The initial phase seeks to have a rudimentary 1,500 to 2,000 km range ASBM capability available to the PLA by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan in 2010.
•A second phase would seek to extend these capabilities out to a range of3,000km by the conclusion of the 12th Five Year Plan in 2015.China’s aerospace industry has been analyzing alternatives to extend the range of the ASBM while maintaining precision.Among the options include a more advanced solid motor and a“boost-glide”trajectory that would complicate mid-course missile defenses.
•A third phase would focus on extending conventional precision strike capability out to 8,000km before the end of the 13th Five Year Plan in 2020.
•A final phase would involve a global precision strike capability by the conclusion of the 14th Five Year Plan in 2025.
Such a plan would not be setin stone.A number of events could result in cancellation or acceleration of the phases,including a change in threat perception;accelerationor cancellation of similar efforts in other countries,such as the U.S.Prompt Global Strike (PGS) program;a satisfactory conventional arms control program;a severe economic downturn or domestic political crisis and key technological breakthroughs or insurmountable obstacles.

It was agreed to limit the range of BRAHMOS 2 missile to 290 km in order to conform to stipulations of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) of which Russia is a signatory. The regime forbids export of any missile with a range in excess of 300 km.
Brahmos-2 - a knol by Vijainder K Thakur
But it's range can be easily increased ,so it is just for papers i think ,well definitely in real time situation it would be used to it's full capability range

So DF 21D has much more long range than Brahmos 2 ,as MTCR restricts it's range so advantage to DF 21d in terms of range


To strike any target with an ASBM, China would have first to form an accurate idea of its recent location.Detecting the carrier at great distances would depend on early-warning systems,such as sky-wave, over-the-horizon (OTH) radar,or electronic signals intelligence,that would give a general idea of the target’s geographic coordinates.There is substantial evidence that China has at least one over-the- horizon back scatter(OTH-B) system up and running. It could be used to identify targets at long range,Once the carrier is identifi ed, its position needs to be pinpointed. Long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could gather such information.

another reliable targeting system to support the ASBM, is space-based reconnaissance & targetting system.In the task of fi nding a U.S. carrier at sea, China’s satellites would vary in their usefulness according to sensor type and resolution.
Of the sensors deployed on China’s satellites, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is the most useful for hunting maritime targets,as it can sweep a relatively wide swath at a resolution good enough to image fairly small targets.SAR can produce imagery regardless of weather or sunlight. Instead of merely looking for a carrier group itself, SAR can capture ship wakes
trailing over large stretches of ocean, making it particularly useful for fi nding moving targets.

Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors can also be very effective. For instance, they could spot algae and other phosphorescent material churned up by ships. Infrared and regular visible-light images could also be useful,but they would have relatively narrow foci and could not scan vast stretches of ocean.According to open sources,only four of China’s satellites in low earth orbit, all in the military Yaogan series,are equipped with SAR.

So for mid course flight of the missile ,guidance would be provided by millimeter-wave radar or Synthetic aperture Radar(SAR),while for terminal phase of missile ,guidance would be provided by millimeter-wave radar or (IIR) passive imaging infra red seeker. The Second Artillery has also completed at least one technical requirements assessment on a CO2 guidance coherent laserimaging radar for ballistic missile terminal guidance.


Mid-course guidance is through Inertial Navigation System (INS) & while it's terminal phase may have active/passive homing seeker.A Global Positioning System (GPS) has also been made to complement the navigational data computed by INS. GPS is based on an array of low-earth NAVSTAR (NAVigation Satellite Targeting & Ranging) satellites. Computers onboard the missile, communicate with the satellites to accurately determine their instantaneous location.However the US monopoly over NAVSTAR satellites means signals can be "degraded for other users" by United States at their will. India would involve itself in future with the rapidly expanding Russian GLONASS GPS project or other suitable alternatives in terms of scientific collaboration or financial resource sharing.


So Brahmos2 guidance system looks far more Simple & effective in such a short range as compare to DF 21D AsBM's guidance sytem which looks far more complicated & prone to misintepretation of target accusation at such long range


It can carry both conventional & tactical nuclear warheads ,but use of tactical nukes may not be done due to fear of inciting nuclear war .DF 21D ASBM are equipped with a conventional warhead which is a Manoeuvrable Re-Entry Vehicle (MaRV) large enough, together with the kinetic energy, that a single hit has the potential to cripple or outright destroy a supercarrier, but unlike nuclear weapons have to hit the target precisely to be effective.The missile would also be carrying decoys & other ABM counter measures with it. It may also include Manuvering independently targeted Re entry vvehicle (MIRV)warheads in future missiles .China’s military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday. Richard Fisher, a China military analyst, said EMP warheads are likely to be an option for China’s new DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile for the purpose of attacking large U.S. Navy ships without inflicting immediate massive casualties.
DF-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PLA Ballistic Missiles
China’s Anti-Access Missile | Flashpoints
Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers (Article)
Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

The ship-launched and Sub based missiles can carry a 200 kg warhead, whereas the aircraft-launched variant can carry a 300 kg HE conventional warhead. The high speed (mach 6-7) version of BRAHMOS 2 missile provides better target-penetration capabilities than the supersonic brahmos I cruise missile due to higher kinetic energy than it's predesscor

Brahmos Supersonic Cruise missile
BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile - Army Technology
Brahmos Missile - a knol by Vijainder K Thakur

So in terms of warhead DF 21D ASBM is far more powerful & devastating than Brahmos 2 .So a single DF 21D ASBM is capable of sinking a supercarrier while 2 or 3 brahmos II HYPERSONIC ANTI SHIP CRUISE MISSILEs would be required for sinking a supercarrier.


The DF-21 can hit it's targets in terminal phase at speeds of Mach 10- 11, which is high hypersonic missile.so Thermal control becomes a dominant design consideration. Structure must either be designed to operate hot, or be protected by special silicate tiles or similar.
DF-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypersonic speed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BRAHMOS 2 would have a maximum speed of (MACH 6-7) i.e 6-7 times the speed of sound.For this new materials to withstand high temperature and vibrations are being developed.
India, Russia work on hypersonic stealth cruise missile - Home » Other Sections » Breaking News

So DF 21dAsBM has much higher speed than Brahmos 2 at it's terminal stage giving it higher destructive power & more difficult
to intercept due to high speeds than brahmos 2

The latest variant of the DF 21 SERIES MRBM is the 1,750 km range DF-21C,which technical writings indicate is modeled
after the terminally-guided U.S.Pershing II ballistic missile and is reported to have a circular error probable (CEP) VALUE of 50 meters or better.However,given its flight characteristics,it is not easy to modify a ballistic missile to go aftermoving targets at sea.

Nonetheless, the majority of studies indicate that the technical obstacles are well within China’s ability to resolve.
For example, controlling the speed of the missile after reentry is diffi cult but possible.A number of authors suggest a
“pulling up” maneuver at an altitude of between twenty-fi ve and fi fty kilometers to level off the ballistic trajectory,
positioning the warhead to search for its target.The change in trajectory would also act as a defense-penetration aid.
As for guiding the missile to its target, a number of studies argue that the speed and maneuverability of an aircraft carrier are probably too limited to evade an MRBM in the terminal phase.
As in fi gure , adapted from a Chinese study, illustrates,the “kill radius” (the distance the target could deviate from initial position and still be struck) of a terminally guided ASBM missile that has reduced its speed to allow for active homing to seek its target is approximately twenty kilometers This assumes the missile has accurate prelaunch target coordinates and that the missile’s fl ight time (also, the time the carrier has to maneuver) is limited to roughly fi fteen minutes.Using guidance in both the midcourse (for instance,millimeter-wave radar) and terminal (radar or infrared) phases could increase the attack radius to forty kilometers, according to one study

Brahmos I missile which has a high level of accuracy, which has been established by recent test flights as close to 1 m CEP.
MissileThreat :: BrahMos PJ-10
so we can also assume Brahmos 2 should also have a CEP value approximately 2-4 m (approx) OK let me be more strict 10 m (approx) ,then also it would be far more accurate than DF 21 d Missile & that too at such short range compare to DF 21 d.

So Brahmos 2 is far more accurate than DF 21d at such short range against a moving target,while For DF 21d to have such accuracy at such long range against a moving target is very difficult but not impossible.


The DF-21D ASBM appears to be integrating a new solid rocket motor.In August 2009,the Hohhot city government announced
the CASIC Sixth Academy’s Honggang Factory (also known as the 359 Factory) completed a construction project for manufacturing of DF-21D solid rocket motors.Much of the Chinese technical literature on solid motors focuses on glycidylazide polymer (GAP),XLDP,CL-20,andother advanced solid propellants.With reducing the effectiveness of U.S.Space Based Infrared
Satellite (SBIRS) systems as a key driver,GAP and other propellants may offer a faster burn rate and lower signature than
traditional propellants,such as HTPB.
A hybrid upper stage could support some type of post-boost vehicle.CASIC Sixth Academy began R & D on a hybrid solid-liquid
engine for attitude control in 2004 and successfully tested a prototype (yangji;[??]) in July 2007. While the primary
application was said to be for propulsion of small satellites,such a capability could have applications for flight vehicles
as well.

Brahmos2 may be hydrocarbon (liquid kerosene) based dualmode ramjet & scramjet powered platform or hydrogen powered
single mode scramjet powered vehicle .


It can be launched from chinese mainland through Mobile launcher .These missiles can be transferred to any location in china
through roads only.

It can be launched from all the platforms air ,ship & submarines,but not in land for Ascms only.

So brahmos 2 has more flexible & variety of launching platforms ,which gives a very important edge agaisnt DF 21d as it is
only road mobile which can be easily detected through UAvs ,awacs & C4SIR systems & can be destroyed .But submarine launched Brahmos2 is very difficult to detect as usually sub launched cruise missiles are very difficult to detect.


The DF 21D ASBM's warhead is a conventional warhead which is a Manoeuvrable Re-Entry Vehicle (MaRV),which is capable of shifting trajectory in flight with ziz zag manuveaurs to evade active defenses on the way to their targets. A warhead that could alter its trajectory would present a much harder target for a missile defense system to hit than a warhead that followed a predictable path.

But each mechanism for changing the warhead’s trajectory will require its own target tracking system. Ideally, you want to make changes in trajectory as early as possible since the longer you have to accelerate to the new trajectory, the lower the magnitude of the required trajectory (and, among other things, the more control you have over the final result).
If the DF-21D warhead uses infrared sensors—putting aside the question of whether or not China has the required technology for a moment—then it will have to use them during the coast phase of its trajectory. Otherwise, the heat of reentry will blind the sensor if it tries to use them after it reenters the atmosphere, say something like 50 km altitude to pick a round number.

At these altitudes, the warhead cannot use aerodynamic surfaces to change its direction. So it will need thrusters—little rocket engines—to change its direction. Of course, China does has plenty of experience with fine tuning trajectories with small thrusters from its satellite insertion operations. The most likely method China might use for such a platform is a “bus” that holds the warhead while little thrusters change its position.
Geoffrey Forden • DF-21 Delta: Some Early Thoughts

Definitely all cruise missiles in the world have one distinct advantage to Ballistic missiles that is manuverabilty ,ie they can change their course easily .Brahmos I ASCM has demonstrated it's supersonic mauverabilty in recent tests,making it
one of the few manuverable Supersonic cruise missile in the world.
'Maneuverable' Missile Test A Success, India Says - Defense News
Varieties of flight trajectories of brahmos I including sea-skimming or terminal pop-up followed by a deadly supersonic dive, complicate the task of the target ship's defences.Well since late 2004, the Brahmos I missile has undergone several tests from variety of platforms including a land based test from the Pokhran range in the desert, in which the 'S' maneuver at Mach 2.8 was demonstrated for the Indian Army and a launch in which the land attack capability from sea was demonstrated.

So can Brahmos 2 Hypersonic cruise missile replicate that ????? ,that well we can only assume & nothing else ,but one thing i want to ask is scramjet vehicle going to be manuverable ?
The answer is YES it can be manuverable & it is confirmed by NASA through their tests in X 43A prototype .
So if Brahmos 2 going to be powered by scramjet + ramjet engine Or itself be a scramjet vehicle then it is going to be manuverable,but can it replicate brahmos I manuveurabilty ? it can only be confirm by tests only .

So overall brahmos 2 hypersonic cruise missile is more manuverable to a ballistic missile DF 21d as it is a cruise missile .But DF 21d Marv's warhead is also capable of amazing manuverabilty.


As usual Ballistic missile dont rely on stealth ,but TEL launchers are prone to be detected by Awacs ,Enemy's C4SIR systems.
so Chinese may have to camouflage it's launchers or shift it's location frequently in order to avoid being detected.
well Df 21 D missiles once launched can be detected by enemies C4SIR ,But the stage that is most important is it's terminal stage ,as usual a reentry vehicle would be subjected to very high temperature when it reenters the atmosphere at such High hypersonic speeds MACH 10-11 which could make it prone to be detectable by forward looking infra red FLIR sensors of Enemy warships & FLIR is also used in working of enemy's Ballistic missile interceptors.
SM-3 Interceptor
Also they have to reduce the RCS of DF 21D MaRV so that they reflect less amount of electromagnetic energy back to the radar of target ship.A relatively sharp nose cone would reduce the radar cross section substantially, compared with the large, blunt-nosed reentry vehicles of the prior era (which actually needed a blunt nose to slow their descent through the atmosphere to minimize heating). Moreover, a sharp cone-shaped missile would maintain a high velocity all the way to the ground, making it more difficult to intercept.
Moreover DF21d would be carrying it with Decoys & Abm countermeasures with it to confuse it's target's air defences.

brahmos II is going to be a stealthy cruise missile as said by Brahmos chief Pillai & is going to be smaller than brahmos I so defintely smaller RCS than it's predecessor .Also a submarine launched cruise missile from an AIP enabled classical SSK or
nuclear sub is the stealthiest way of firing any Anti ship cruise missile ,so it would further indirectly enhance the stealth profile of Brahmos II , flying low as much as possible towards it's target & by the time the target ship detects
it,the target ship would have very less reaction time to destroy it.

But the fact is hypersonic cruise missile are subject to enormous heat flying low in dense atmosphere produces a huge amount of heat by friction and it would be easily visible by all IR sensors in target warships.So Scramjet or hybrid ramjet propulsion would be required for an air-breathing weapon, with advanced materials technology, possibly including active cooling, needed to deal with the temperatures generated at such speeds. NPO Mashinostroenia already has a track record in working on passive and active low observable technology in the radio frequency spectrum for high altitude cruise weapons.
Well many high temperature resistant materials are indeed under development including Endothermic fuel .Well brahmos 2 would
incoporate heavy paint coating like on BrahMosI which may be a radar and/or IR-absorbent coating.But would it work at such
high temperature needs to be seen .
Australia By The Indian Ocean: Hypersonic "BrahMos-2" - Name Misleading

So brahmos2 hypersonic cruise missile is definitely better to DF 21d in terms of stealth as it can fly low like a cruise missile to evade radar & early warning radars


Well both the weapons are in developmental stage but both the weapons are surely weapons of future & key weapon for them to maintain their edge over their adversary.While DF 21d ASBM maintains a clear edge over Brahmos 2 in range ,warhead & speed
where Brahmos 2 maintains a clear edge over DF 21d in accuracy ,flexibity in launch platforms,manuverabilty & stealth.
It would take only 1 hit from DF 21d to sink a supercarrier ,while it may require atleast 2-3 brahmos 2 to do that.
So which one is better that's upto you to decide.

Well i personally want to request that i tried my level best to give as accurate data & information as possible but by chance
if i made some mistakes plz free to correct me ,i would really appreciate that .
I hope u guys would appreciate my hard work. .THANK YOU


(1)AEGIS SM3 interceptor
(2)Air borne laser missile defence to shoot it down in boost phase
(3)Ship based LAser missile defence system.
(4)To destroy it's launcher through precision attack like emp armed cruise missile,Precision giuded bombs & mk105 sensor fuze cluster weapons or kamakaze drones .

(1)destroy it's launch platforms which is another headache as it has many launch platfrms & that too they all are going to be stealthy.
(2)Firestorm WEapon for Close in weapon defences of warship
(3)Sea ram or latest point missile defence system with high manuverabilty & high speed mach 9-10
any defence system which can detect IR signaturs / EM signatures of brahmos 2 as early & precisly as possible would have increased chances of interception of that missile
(4)ship based Laser missile defence system
Great job buddy but from what i am hearing Brahmos 2 has a range of 600 km. Also forget about rumors, Brahmos 2 will not be binded by MTCR as its technically and legally an Indian missile and whatever Russia has to give has been given to us in Brahmos 1 and now we are building a whole new missile.
Great job buddy but from what i am hearing Brahmos 2 has a range of 600 km. Also forget about rumors, Brahmos 2 will not be binded by MTCR as its technically and legally an Indian missile and whatever Russia has to give has been given to us in Brahmos 1 and now we are building a whole new missile.
well thats why i posted a pic

may be it is the 2nd one & this may be a scramjet vehicle which is a reusable missile as stated by KALAM
it seems that FIRST STAGE AND MID COURSE STAGE r weak points of DF-21D ASBM...

We just need to focus on BMD.........

DOES interception of DF-21D ASBM is possible with present BMD????????????????
it seems that FIRST STAGE AND MID COURSE STAGE r weak points of DF-21D ASBM...

We just need to focus on BMD.........

DOES interception of DF-21D ASBM is possible with present BMD????????????????
yes why not but it is going to be difficult in terminal phase ,& that too they are planning to develop Mirv (multiple warheads ) that is going to be more difficult plz look my post #4
well thats why i posted a pic
Sorry i didnt get what you mean...

may be it is the 2nd one & this may be a scramjet vehicle which is a reusable missile as stated by KALAM
The first pic is of Brahmos 1 and not Brahmos 2. Second pic might be brahmos 2 but that pic is old and the design for Brahmos 2 is fixed a few months back so most likely the second pic is also fake and lastly the 3rd pic is actually of HSTDV (yes the one stated by Dr. Kalam).
The first pic is of Brahmos 1 and not Brahmos 2. Second pic might be brahmos 2 but that pic is old and the design for Brahmos 2 is fixed a few months back so most likely the second pic is also fake and lastly the 3rd pic is actually of HSTDV (yes the one stated by Dr. Kalam).
of course that is photo shopped how can u expect a real pics on a missile that is under development
Actually every private company post the pic as soon as the design finalized but i like secrecy on critical projects and this one is special. I hope nothing gets out in public about this project. I always think there are some things which should be kept from public.
the BrahMos Cruise missile is designed to be a littoral warfare weapon for India to replace the older Sea Hawk missiles we had from the 80's BM2 range is 600km i believe the range can be increased to however long we want it to be. BM2 can potentially sink a supercarrier at sea if it has a thermobaric (fuel-air) warhead rather than the conventional HE warhead

the Chinese wouldn't use the ASBM on some cruiser/frigate/destroyer etc it would be a waste. this missile is tailor made for large aircraft carriers like the supercarriers of the USN. BM2 is designed for littoral warfare it can be launched from air land or sea which increases its kill capability at sea.
I see the accuracy of DF-21 is estimated at 50 meters or less....

don't be put off by it... 50m would be for the near maximum ranges and if a ASBM where to hit even <50m from a target ship or even carrier, it would knock it out quite easily.

as ever..... thanks for the info Dr saab!
I see the accuracy of DF-21 is estimated at 50 meters or less....

don't be put off by it... 50m would be for the near maximum ranges and if a ASBM where to hit even <50m from a target ship or even carrier, it would knock it out quite easily.

as ever..... thanks for the info Dr saab!

50m a supercarrier is much much longer than that as well. which is why the missile would be ideal for a aircraft carrier rather than a smaller destroyer or frigate

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