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which antiship missile is going to be a real threat in future wars ?

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the Chinese wouldn't use the ASBM on some cruiser/frigate/destroyer etc it would be a waste. this missile is tailor made for large aircraft carriers like the supercarriers of the USN.
Well thats why its called AC killer...
DF-21D is real. Brahmos 2 is not real.

We are already getting ready for the second generation of ASBM -- submarine launched from our Qing class submarine.

DF-21D is real. Brahmos 2 is not real.

We are already getting ready for the second generation of ASBM -- submarine launched from our Qing class submarine.


DF-21D is not fully operational according to US reports BM2 design has been completed now we just wait and see when the integration and testing will be done probably less than 2 years is there any proof you have that a DF-21D can be launched from submarines? it is a road mobile missile not air or sea launch capable like BM2 will be.
DF-21D is real. Brahmos 2 is not real.

We are already getting ready for the second generation of ASBM -- submarine launched from our Qing class submarine.



don't need to happy......................at present indian interception can't completely intercept Df 21d ASBM.

although....brahmos 2 is not ready yet.....

but we have enough Brahmos(mach 3-4) and shuarya hypersonic(mach 7.5) to destroy enemy ships.....

China was unable to intercept any on of them........
u so destroy our ships..........and in return ur ships also gonna destroyed........
i love Shuarya. 7.5 mac speed.... Thats deadly speed. India really made fastest progress in missile department.... Am eagerly waiting for brahmos 2 and agni-5 and agni-6.... By the way i have seen brahmos videos.... i love the way it launches and turns and then hit the target bulls eye.... i salute indian and russian scientists but i do believe that shuarya is more deadly than brahmos....
C-805 is a better candidate for comparison. It is a hypersonic cruise missile in the similar class
The DF-21D will be (or is? Only the Chinese know if it's operational) more effective but also more expensive. So it's comparing apples and oranges.
The DF-21D will be (or is? Only the Chinese know if it's operational) more effective but also more expensive. So it's comparing apples and oranges.

Dear Birbal, please explain why do you think DF21D will be more effective?
another wonderful thread by Dr.Somanath, you deserve to be a researcher buddy :cheers: you really good at searching :Dinformation and posting such informative and exciting threads, keep them coming buddy.
DF-21D is real. Brahmos 2 is not real.

We are already getting ready for the second generation of ASBM -- submarine launched from our Qing class submarine.

why brahmos 2 is not real just becoz it is in testing phase ,well son once it became real it would be make all ship based missile defence unreal.:fie:
well link please for 2nd one :what:

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

C-805 is a better candidate for comparison. It is a hypersonic cruise missile in the similar class
what !!! C 805 a hypersonic cruise missile

I really didnt knew that plz kind post the link if it is true
I see the accuracy of DF-21 is estimated at 50 meters or less....

don't be put off by it... 50m would be for the near maximum ranges and if a ASBM where to hit even <50m from a target ship or even carrier, it would knock it out quite easily.

as ever..... thanks for the info Dr saab!
well mate circular error probable (CEP)of a BM or CM ,the lesser it is more accurate it is .Now compare the dimensions of aircraft carrier US has now it is well within it's CEP so it can target A/C but it also need acurate terminal guidance against a moving target moving at a speed of 30 knots .U would also have to keep this thing in mind
Dear Birbal, please explain why do you think DF21D will be more effective?

I'll answer: because it can be launched from places the enemy cannot touch, while Brahmos needs to get up close and personal at a relatively close 300 km which is well within strike range of carrier based ships.

Let me put it another way: China can sink a US carrier at dock in Japan, from a missile launched in Heilongjiang. The Brahmos, however, to sink a US carrier in Japan, actually has to fly close to Japan, or wait for the carrier to move if that's not possible.

Due to this huge range difference, they are not comparable. They're used in different ways. Staggered DF-21 can create a very, very deadly, one sided shooting field in a 2000 km radius around Chinese shores where no one can fire back against DF-21 mobile launchers, but DF-21s can just keep shooting. Brahmos has to be carried into battle face to face, where it is not one sided.
^^ that's why we are working on LRCM

---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

and nirbhay
I'll answer: because it can be launched from places the enemy cannot touch, while Brahmos needs to get up close and personal at a relatively close 300 km which is well within strike range of carrier based ships.

Let me put it another way: China can sink a US carrier at dock in Japan, from a missile launched in Heilongjiang. The Brahmos, however, to sink a US carrier in Japan, actually has to fly close to Japan, or wait for the carrier to move if that's not possible.

Due to this huge range difference, they are not comparable. They're used in different ways. Staggered DF-21 can create a very, very deadly, one sided shooting field in a 2000 km radius around Chinese shores where no one can fire back against DF-21 mobile launchers, but DF-21s can just keep shooting. Brahmos has to be carried into battle face to face, where it is not one sided.

well mate i would like to tell u that brahmos 2 range can be increased with ease ,but due to mtcr it is restricted to 290 km ,but it could easily have 700-800 km range & i hope india would be doing it in case of war .

while brahmos 2 has flexibilty of launch platforms

u r only pointing out stealth ,ok i would explain all ur points
1 .Subs : see todays AIP enabled SSk & nuke subs are very quite & deadly & Sub launched ASCM is the deadliest threat to any ship ask any proffesional they would also say the same thing .

2.Ships : these are also becoming stealthy but i assume their role would be for destroying surface warships but not carriers.But todays ships also have advanced air defences

3.Fighters : same thing 5th gen fighters are stealthy ,so out many fighters assign to destroy a carrier 1 can surely penetrate any layered defence of carrier group for sure

About range of DF 21d see more the range it also has advantages & disadvantages .
Adv : it can destroy it's target from long range .
Disadv :1.u must have accurate guidance for BM ,cep value must be less than 25 i assume to hit a big carrier also the target is not static it is
2.it can also give more reaction time for enemy ship to deploy it's air defences.& also it has more chances of being detected .

Also i had posted it's counter weapons in 1st page of this thread kindly read it .Most probably it can be intercepted though SM3, but it can be effective if they deploy MIRVS or overwhelm the enemy's airdefences by firing atleast 20-30 ASBM at single time for a single aircraft carrier but it would be costly

Well it can only target AC while it cannot target small warships like FAST attack vessels ,while Brahmos 2 can target anything at such short range with pinpointed accuracy

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