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DF-21D Ant-Aircraft Carrie Missile officially confirmed!

Tanlixiang, are you in West Virginia? Lol, How does a Chinese guy end up there?
You do see to leave them in a twirl!
A long time ago, I gave the Chinese members here the respect I believe everyone deserve. I challenged them while staying on subject and support my arguments with credible third party sources, and I have a history of encouraging people to use keyword searches to verify whatever I say. You cannot get anymore respectful than that if you have a disagreement. That was enough to get their panties in a bunch. Then once they found out I was a Viet, the cat claws really came out...:lol:...And I have been encouraging such behavior since to expose them for what they are: racists to the core.
A long time ago, I gave the Chinese members here the respect I believe everyone deserve. I challenged them while staying on subject and support my arguments with credible third party sources, and I have a history of encouraging people to use keyword searches to verify whatever I say. You cannot get anymore respectful than that if you have a disagreement. That was enough to get their panties in a bunch. Then once they found out I was a Viet, the cat claws really came out...:lol:...And I have been encouraging such behavior since to expose them for what they are: racists to the core.

Now you got the point, because we always see you as a Viet. :argh:
A long time ago, I gave the Chinese members here the respect I believe everyone deserve. I challenged them while staying on subject and support my arguments with credible third party sources, and I have a history of encouraging people to use keyword searches to verify whatever I say. You cannot get anymore respectful than that if you have a disagreement. That was enough to get their panties in a bunch. Then once they found out I was a Viet, the cat claws really came out...:lol:...And I have been encouraging such behavior since to expose them for what they are: racists to the core.

LOL. I treated you at least decently until you decided to start calling me Chinese boy and communist when you couldn't win a argument.
Well, back to the missile (hint...hint...hint)
Bunk...The only way for China to make good on this threat is to assume that a US aircraft carrier group WILL attack China with a nuclear first strike. Else if there is a tense relationship between the two countries the US will move in as we have done in the past.[/B]

Not just a nuclear strike, in fact any strike will result in China responding with its anti carrier missiles.

The US can move into show its support but not into Chinese waters, other than that, they can do very little.
The Russians flew by with its bombers forcing both American-Japanese to ground its show boats for a day. China will simply send its fishing boats to harass if need be. I doubt anything serious will occur.

Say if things do get out of control, not even the US can do a thing about it, especially in its present crippling state. US will consider the likelihood of dragging the Russians into the conflict when it comes to taking sides and meddling with Asian affairs. Not as simple as going in there and fighting with little to worry like it did so 50 odd years ago. Both Russia and China are armed to the teeth nowadays and can economically and Geo-strategically sustain a war with the US since they will be fighting within own territory unlike the US.

Having a strong no non-sense political neighboring ally, huge submarine fleets and these DF-21D makes better sense than having 11 carriers. China and Russia ain't Iraq or Afghanistan. :azn:
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