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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

"..may have fleed.."

Waiting for NATO respond. After France start these disaster in Libya, they should help Turkey to solve this problem. @Vergennes

Libyans and their tribal mentalities have only themselves to blame,nobody knew in 2011 Libya would become such a mess my dear German neighbor. I agree though we shouldn't have intervened there.
Libyans and their tribal mentalities have only themselves to blame,nobody knew in 2011 Libya would become such a mess my dear German neighbor. I agree though we shouldn't have intervened there.
What I don't understand is why France isn't supporting the GNA recognized by UN. Democratically elected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_National_Accord

It's very easy to just say. It's because of oil, money flow to France etc. but surely there must be a better excuse than that.

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What I don't understand is why France isn't supporting the GNA recognized by UN. Democratically elected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_National_Accord

It's very easy to just say. It's because of oil, money flow to France etc. but surely there must be a better excuse than that.


Here's an interesting article from Jeune-Afrique.

France-Libye : le maréchal Haftar, l’ami controversé de l’Élysée


Luckily,I was able to find an english translation ;

France-Libya: Marshal Haftar, the controversial friend of the Élysée

Pauvre Macron, we kicked him out of Syria , we almost kicked him out of iraq and now we are kicking him out of Libya :D:D. , ce n'est pas gentil du tout Turquie
Haftar asked Israel for military support to fight Turkey and Sarraj
By Editorial Team on June 11, 2020
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TRIPOLI, (BM) – The representative of the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Khalifa Haftar, Abdul Salam al-Badri turned to Israel for support. This was reported on June 11 by the Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon daily, learned BulgarianMilitary.com.

Read more: 24/7 BulgarianMilitary.com – All about Libyan civil war

“We never had and never will have enemies in Tel Aviv. We hope that you will support us,” al-Badri said in a commentary to the publication.

The official called on the Israeli government to join the negotiations on a maritime agreement. The discussion was initiated by the authorities of Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Lebanon.


The capture of Sirte seems more complicated than expected. The LNA is currently slowing GNA's advance. The LNA might keep fighting to force GNA to accept a ceasefire.
The capture of Sirte seems more complicated than expected. The LNA is currently slowing GNA's advance. The LNA might keep fighting to force GNA to accept a ceasefire.
Sirte appears to be the next logical and easy city to take but there is a lot of heat internationally. So the best area to work towards in Juffra. It is away from populated areas and strategically it will cut the road from east to west libya. Also if Jufra airbase is taken first, it will ease the capture of Sirte.
So you will see some dancing around sirte, but the main focus, preparations are being conducted elsewhere.
Turks are also waiting for the international pressure for ceasefire to die down, at the same time reinforcements are being shipped daily.
The gains over the last few weeks have also been incredible and these areas need to be managed and cleared of mines etc.
So slow advance will work to GNA's advantage for now.
after the massacres and mass graves discovered by GNA in Tarhuna, I expect more Libyans will unite against Haftar, the Libyans of the west now could never allow a retreat from say Misrata or some other place under GNA control now for they know that would mean another LNA massacre . Also Sarraj must give an example of good governance in the west and keep order because the Libyans are not going to allow him if chaos continues, he's basically tasked with establishing a new state in addition to fighting Hafter .
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The capture of Sirte seems more complicated than expected. The LNA is currently slowing GNA's advance. The LNA might keep fighting to force GNA to accept a ceasefire.
Tripoli airport took a week at least, even it was smaller compared to Sirte, following tripoli airport, Bani walid-Tarhuna was taken within a few days.
LNA will hold on Sirte-Jufra line as long as it is possible to keep upper hand in politics in favour of division. Next stop would be ajdabiya to hold, and i dont think GNA would proceed beyond ajdabiya as well but LNA will loose majority of oilfields and access to majority of Libya (Southwestern parts) if they have lost Sirte and Jufra. And once they have lost those places, they will not be able to bargain for division.
Sirte is a junction, once LNA has lost these places they would have to retreat all the way back to benghazi and will attend to meetings as defeated side, not on equal terms.
Haftar is a person who can not tolerate loosing, he even has renamed entire of the loss as "strategic withdrawal".
I am rather curious when France and Egypt will realize they should get rid of this man to get better results, he soon will be found responsible for massacres in Tarhuna/Benghazi, there are mass graves-unidentified dead bodies around, his image is being ruined day by day, he has let weapons to be captured, retreated unorganized and created a mess to be cleaned by his supporters.
The worst of all, he doesn't trust Libyan people, tribes ,his own generals any more. He trusts paid militias and other countries' armies more than he trusts on his own, especially after the mess in Tripoli; He is afraid of being overthrown.

As of now GNA has the upper hand, LNA is at no place to force for ceasefire. His super strategical withdrawal was a mess, the way he and his allies rushed for a de facto ceasefire was proof of how big is the mess and how badly Haftar is loosing.
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Libyans and their tribal mentalities have only themselves to blame,nobody knew in 2011 Libya would become such a mess my dear German neighbor. I agree though we shouldn't have intervened there.

Realy? After Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt..you really have had no idea which disaster could bring an illegal war in Libya? Now, after you helped to destroy the country, you blame Libyans? Maybe your thouhts is embossed from the believe, your "mission" in Africa has a missionary and civilizing character, which you has underpin by a law. UNBELIEVABLE.
Realy? After Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt..you really have had no idea which disaster could bring an illegal war in Libya? Now, after you helped to destroy the country, you blame Libyans? Maybe your thouhts is embossed from the believe, your "mission" in Africa has a missionary and civilizing character, which you has underpin by a law. UNBELIEVABLE.
Damned if you do,damned if you don't. I still remember people accusing Western powers for not stepping in to remove Assad decisively....not that it helped the situation in Syria in the end as it's still embroiled in a quagmire.
If you support a dictator just to have stability (take Egypt as an example) you're evil and an active oppressor of Muslims, if you help the people topple the insane dictator (and Ghaddafi sure fits that description.) ,you're an evil destroyer of Muslim countries

Realy? After Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt..you really have had no idea which disaster could bring an illegal war in Libya? Now, after you helped to destroy the country, you blame Libyans? Maybe your thouhts is embossed from the believe, your "mission" in Africa has a missionary and civilizing character, which you has underpin by a law. UNBELIEVABLE.
Bro I'm wondering honestly are u a German Turk?

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