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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Turks have certainly hit a jackpot and hopefully lybian people will witness an end to this blood shed. @Hakikat ve Hikmet you guys owe us a cake :welcome:
Libya isn’t just the name of a random country for the Turkish folks!! Even Kemal Pasha had had his first real life combat experience in Libya...
The two shotdowns today have been verified..

But true, they are claiming 2-3 downings everyday
Turkey(bayraktar makina) is producing 46 TB2s a year but since the government investment of about 100/200 milion dollars signed last September the production capacity will be doubled to 92 TB2s a year as long as GNA/Qatar are wiling to pay turks will deliver these cheap yet effective drones forever some sources say that there will be large scale air operations by F-16s soon so it’s not a problem if 2 TB2s are downed

Turkey(bayraktar makina) is producing 46 TB2s a year but since the government investment of about 100/200 milion dollars signed last September the production capacity will be doubled to 92 TB2s a year as long as GNA/Qatar are wiling to pay turks will deliver these cheap yet effective drones forever some sources say that there will be large scale air operations by F-16s soon so it’s not a problem if 2 TB2s are downed

Qatar and GNA's willingness to pay will decrease if TB2 drones get shot down every other day. Also, Bayraktar will soon start producing Akinci which will require considerable resources, hence the production rate of TB2 will fall tremendously.
Qatar and GNA's willingness to pay will decrease if TB2 drones get shot down every other day. Also, Bayraktar will soon start producing Akinci which will require considerable resources, hence the production rate of TB2 will fall tremendously.
If you count all the shot down TB2's in Libya, you will come to an amount thats bigger than what Turkey has ever produced regarding drones. It reminds me like our Afrin campaign, when the PKK claimed to have shot down numerous f16 and even some submarines etc. Take it with a grain of salt
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GNA has lost its 2nd TB2 drone today. Haftar's air defence seems somewhat effective when Turkey is unable to use EW.

Either Turkey deploys Koral to the conflict or F-16 raids target Haftar's air defences. Otherwise, the situation is not sustainable as at least 10 TB2s have been shot down the past 6 months.
Do yourself a favor and lower your expectations.
No one gives rats *** if 2-3 daily or weekly TB2 shot down. At the end of the days they are just drones
But if F16 gets shot down leading to death or capture of downed pilot it will be political embarrassment for Turkey. That’s why Russians, Egyptians don’t fly their jets. And so do the turks. let’s stick to the reality on the ground

Akdeniz tatbikatına böyle çıktılar | Tolga Özbek





Qatar and GNA's willingness to pay will decrease if TB2 drones get shot down every other day. Also, Bayraktar will soon start producing Akinci which will require considerable resources, hence the production rate of TB2 will fall tremendously.
As i said one thing is the capacity to produce 92 another thing is how much they will produce that will depend on orders
Those claims about downed TB2 are mostly fake
I think so far 7 TB2 are confirmed to be downed even though if you see pictures TB2 is intact which means some of them are jammed
TB2 is effective and very cheap solution believe me it will continue to be produced in big numbers even when Akinci arrives
Akinci is game changer which will perform jet style air to ground operations but TB2 will be critical serving complementary role for example reconnaissance/intelligence gathering-sharing with Akinci/F-16(if deployed in Libya) already used in this way in Syria during all operations
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