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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya


When you're top-heavy and your weak legs can't hold you up.
Turkish Air Forces Drill in the Mediterranean Draws Attention


According to the statement made by the Ministry of National Defense (MND), Turkish Air Forces conducted a highly important drill over Mediterranean on Friday, April 17, 2020.

Some of the units joining the drill were surveilled via civil air traffic control sites. A certain part of flight routes of 3 KC-135R aerial refueling aircrafts, 1 E7T Peace Eagle airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft and C-130 transport aircraft was surveilled over civil air traffic control sites. Whereas E7T Peace Eagle occasionally surveilles over the region, 3 aerial refueling aircrafts has drawn attention, due to the rarity of them in such missions. A number of either F-16 or F-4 fighter planes are estimated to have joined the drill.

More details at:
Make an example out of this haftar guy so no general would ever think of spreading ftina in Libya for his foreign masters. Go turkey go. The people needs stability.

Massive progress in South Tripoli front!

Reports of more than 150 Haftar militias captured in total. Devastating numbers.

Our prayers are with the good Libyians and the Turkic ordu
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Beware of tactical retreat move orderly and clear every segment, dont fall into a trap
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