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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

are you a 5 yr old kid ... read history..
again i am requesting you talk /write sensibly about any nation
then dont blame
i follow gnadhi then savarkar .. bose .. shivaji will take over
please put your point with facts and logic

I don´t care for your people. Is that clear enough? I feel nothing for them, i wish them nothing good nor bad. They are completly irrelevant for me. I don´t think "Oh so good those poor people now can be saved because they steal our science!" I´m annoyed that they are a brick at our foot holding us back. They minimize profit and with that research and i see that as annoying.

I was teached to be always honest. And i try the best to follow that. I would lie if i say the life of your people matters for me or their wellbeing.

You can´t force me to show any sympathy. I hope youcan accept that. Its not meant in a bad way.

It may be shocking for you, but thats simply the reality. You believe i should be happy that our science saves your peoples life.

I´m not happy, because your people don´t participate in our research and just suck from it like leaches.

I believe thats one of the mayor problems of poor countries like india and african nations. You see our standard and want have it too. But you are unwilling to work for it.

You have two ways, your pharma corporations could invest in their own products and sell it to the price they want.

Or you simply steal. Your government chosed the 2nd path. And because of that it will never be able to be a global player.
I live in El Paso, TX. When I need expensive drugs I go to Mexico. I don't deny that the cost of development is huge...but most who need the meds can't afford it. A way must be found to cover development cost while providing affordable health care to those who need it.
Do you need a prescription to buy drugs in Mexico??
Well for all the free loaders here. In germany we have mandatory healthcare. Evryone must be part of health insurance. You pay with it automatic with your salary. With that you get evry treatment you need no matter how expensive and no matter how much your income was.

Thats how civilized nations do it. Just a hint. Maybe try that before you steal others property?
I don´t care for your people. Is that clear enough? I feel nothing for them, i wish them nothing good nor bad. They are completly irrelevant for me. I don´t think "Oh so good those poor people now can be saved because they steal our science!" I´m annoyed that they are a brick at our foot holding us back. They minimize profit and with that research and i see that as annoying.

I was teached to be always honest. And i try the best to follow that. I would lie if i say the life of your people matters for me or their wellbeing.

You can´t force me to show any sympathy. I hope youcan accept that. Its not meant in a bad way.

It may be shocking for you, but thats simply the reality. You believe i should be happy that our science saves your peoples life.

I´m not happy, because your people don´t participate in our research and just suck from it like leaches.

I believe thats one of the mayor problems of poor countries like india and african nations. You see our standard and want have it too. But you are unwilling to work for it.

You have two ways, your pharma corporations could invest in their own products and sell it to the price they want.

Or you simply steal. Your government chosed the 2nd path. And because of that it will never be able to be a global player.
1. you dont care.
Fine . now insult india and see how you get your own medicine,,,ple do and see the result..
your science.. pleae prove its your science then talk.
in that case ZERO invented by india so any calculation should be paid to india.. its ours .. pay royalty or dont use ..
3. Life of peole
please . we dont need your guidance..
4. Sympathy
thakns but no thanks.
5. research
dear NASA , US doctor, engineers i next micrsoft chief please search who contribute the most
You know any idea of WTO, TRIPS, ?

Well for all the free loaders here. In germany we have mandatory healthcare. Evryone must be part of health insurance. You pay with it automatic with your salary. With that you get evry treatment you need no matter how expensive and no matter how much your income was.

Thats how civilized nations do it. Just a hint. Maybe try that before you steal others property?
Germany civilized yes ..you know how.. shall i explain

you the BAYER.. feared that india may sell chip medicine to pak and bangladesh under compulsory licence
it feared it will loose profit .. india feared we loose life
who is more civilized ?
life saving national policy or profit hungry corporation
1. you dont care.
Fine . now insult india and see how you get your own medicine,,,ple do and see the result..
your science.. pleae prove its your science then talk.
in that case ZERO invented by india so any calculation should be paid to india.. its ours .. pay royalty or dont use ..
3. Life of peole
please . we dont need your guidance..
4. Sympathy
thakns but no thanks.
5. research
dear NASA , US doctor, engineers i next micrsoft chief please search who contribute the most
You know any idea of WTO, TRIPS, ?

Germany civilized yes ..you know how.. shall i explain

you the BAYER.. feared that india may sell chip medicine to pak and bangladesh under compulsory licence
it feared it will loose profit .. india feared we loose life
who is more civilized ?
life saving national policy or profit hungry corporation

You will lose much more life because that. Because investment in those drugs will be cut. Maybe you don´t understand this, but research costs money. Your people are not able to invent themself, so they steal. Thats kinda sad on its own. In the end they only live because they steal...So basicly, they exist because we allow it and would end if we demand it.
Sunita Williams is the Deputy Chief of the Astronaut Office at NASA
Meyya Meyyappan is the Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA
Kamlesh is the chief scientist for Earth observation in the Human Exploration Science Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston.
Bhattacharya is the Chief Scientist for Astrobionics at NASA Ames Research Center who is the head of the Biomodel Performance and Behavior laboratory as well.
these are just names..
ever our village boy goes there
Haryana village boy rockets to NASA, gets selected for three-year astronaut training programme : North, News - India Today
You will lose much more life because that. Because investment in those drugs will be cut. Maybe you don´t understand this, but research costs money. Your people are not able to invent themself, so they steal.

The Indian drugs are not going in the stated market of this big companies. As the CEO said, the developed countries. Indian patent ruling remains valid in India, not else where. Even the stealing comment is not valid, as after the expiry of patent (Yes, the patent on the drug expired) the formula is in public domain.
NASA was built by Germans, lol, the engineering argument i'd also throw out the window, what with all those articles about people obtaining engineer titles in India but couldn't solve basic math problems.

India's engineering graduates cannot solve simple mathematical problems : North, News - India Today
36% of scientists at NASA are Indians: Govt survey - Times Of India
think ... those engineer cant solve simple maths still get tops jobs
if they can solve 2+ 2 = 5 then.. i cant also solve

The Indian drugs are not going in the stated market of this big companies. As the CEO said, the developed countries. Indian patent ruling remains valid in India, not else where. Even the stealing comment is not valid, as after the expiry of patent (Yes, the patent on the drug expired) the formula is in public domain.
you are right .. i said they are feared ...GOI do as per regulation ..and international norms
but other nation will get learning from india on CL
Sunita Williams is the Deputy Chief of the Astronaut Office at NASA
Meyya Meyyappan is the Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA
Kamlesh is the chief scientist for Earth observation in the Human Exploration Science Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston.
Bhattacharya is the Chief Scientist for Astrobionics at NASA Ames Research Center who is the head of the Biomodel Performance and Behavior laboratory as well.
these are just names..
ever our village boy goes there
Haryana village boy rockets to NASA, gets selected for three-year astronaut training programme : North, News - India Today

Stop posting off topic crap. Just because a few Indians reach up there doesn't means NASA or some other research institutes can't run without them. Indians go there because the infra in country is nil. If the Indians don't go, someone else would do the job. Do you know how many village boys from China or some other country are there?
Stop posting off topic crap. Just because a few Indians reach up there doesn't means NASA or some other research institutes can't run without them. Indians go there because the infra in country is nil. If the Indians don't go, someone else would do the job. Do you know how many village boys from China or some other country are there?
36% of scientists at NASA are Indians: Govt survey - Times Of India
Yes.. if they are not there some other will come..
but why they are there
1-2 % may be exception 36 % again that too with top position in not joke
give credit where its due...
NASA is taking them because they deserve..

Stop posting off topic crap. Just because a few Indians reach up there doesn't means NASA or some other research institutes can't run without them. Indians go there because the infra in country is nil. If the Indians don't go, someone else would do the job. Do you know how many village boys from China or some other country are there?
Village boy was just a comment .. i know it exception
I had posted this thread too... BIG Pharma says it out aloud!
Guess they weren't merged!
Mods please help @Oscar

Thats how civilized nations do it. Just a hint. Maybe try that before you steal others property?

Please read some more on how Big Pharma exploits....before you mention stealing.
Its the non-OECD way of dealing with the perverted product mod patent regime
If I were an American citizen where healthcare is completely unlike European states (that is not socialist universal) then I would feel cheated like hell.

Source: I have worked in the cushy Pharma sector (though not in the business generating functions).

36% of scientists at NASA are Indians: Govt survey - Times Of India
Yes.. if they are not there some other will come..
but why they are there
1-2 % may be exception 36 % again that too with top position in not joke
give credit where its due...
NASA is taking them because they deserve..

Village boy was just a comment .. i know it exception

It is because the US is a meritocratic system.
Indians and Chinese origin people will hog their entire system :enjoy:
And what exactly have the Slovenians of the world given humanity barring beautiful women & some good food ? :azn:

I must say, i do like your casual flame baiting on the account of my Slavic half. But there will come a time when i wont be in the mood and then you'll hear stuff about Pakistan that you won't be able to respond to in any other way then to call for the mods. I'll get an infraction or even possibly a ban, but you'll be the one feeling more sour among the two of us.

As for your question, they gave half of me, and considering i'm smarter then you, the Indian and the German in this thread i'd say that's plenty.
Also, there's a name of a Slovenian engineer hurtling around space on the Voyager 1 space probe, but that would be over the top......

Uh and perhaps something a little more closer to you, Tomo Cesen. The man who climbed what no Pakistani could.
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